How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

: This day of the year (seven)

Immediately after

"Boom!" A magic burst from her!

"Void white !!!"

She said nothing, and started magic to pull out of the rippled air-chopped the dark long knife towards the white!

"Are you sick?" Xu Bai clutched the towel in her chest with one hand and jumped back-jumped away from her.

"I think you are more suitable to be the dean of the psychiatric hospital than the principal of the School of Magic, Amelia."

"What did you do to Mayfair ??? She--she's just a child !!’

Wow! I think she must have misunderstood something ...

Xu Bai sneered provocatively: "What do you say? I know Mayfair better than you, including her body ..."

"Hello, one!" I protest! Although she refers to the "body" as a boy, I'm afraid Sister Aegelya may not think so.

"... My sister was obviously irritated by this sentence. While the eye without the blindfold was burning with silver magic power, the tangled magic power gradually changed from purple to silver. Realm of people!

"I want to die with you!"

"Oh, wait till I get dressed and stay with you to the end."

I didn't know which of my muscles was wrong. In a critical moment, I opened my arms and stood in front of the vanity.

Sister Aegelia looked at me erratically, perhaps incredible to her.

"Mayfair, what do you mean ... why are you protecting her?

"I'm sorry-.. you listen to me explain, in fact-

My sister smiled bitterly and shook her head, "No need to explain ... Mayfair, in fact, you are not as hateless as you think.

I pondered her words, but in a blink of an eye, my sister and her sadness turned into wind. I was anxious and quickly explained-in fact-

-The champagne was accidentally spilled on the vain body before she took a shower! And the reason why she appeared in my house is because-

I watched my sister disappear without a trace and silently finished: "Because she has nowhere to go ..." ..

Naruto.-I sadden my sister again!

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