How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

Vol 2 Chapter 39: Zombie Siege School (3) [Part1 / 2]

Remember in one second. ↘ finished ^ this. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘. Mobile phone users enter the address:


"Unfortunately, you are still wearing the uniform of the School of Magic, but you are doing robbers. Then don't blame me!"

I greeted those people with a hammer, hum, watch me clean the portal for sister Ai Jie Lia! 咚, 咚, 咚, 咚, ... I smashed all these people into the soil like a mole. went!

"Mayfair, I sometimes think you're violent.

"Ah? Nothing." I concealed the hammer behind my back in a guilty conscience.

Is it because the blood of a boy has been inspired? I do n’t know anyway ~

"It's not too late, let's go to the school doctor quickly?"

Lian Qi nodded, we crossed the anti-bone sculpted with "--a radish and a pit", and Lian Qi glanced back at them and said sternly, "Forgot to ask who they were directed.

"No way, I was killed by a second." I said lightly (I feel like I'm pretty cool?) "But it seemed to me that they spontaneously organized to rob the principal's room.

I have an ominous premonition that even the principal's office dared to grab it. Doesn't it mean that the college has become disorderly?



Ten minutes later

"Is this the infirmary?" Lian Qi muttered.

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"Um." I nodded, this way-the only thing I felt on the way to describe one-gloomy. From time to time, traces of fighting were seen in the corridor, but none of the students saw it. Many magic crystal lamps burst, and Lian Qi and I could only go dark by the light of the red moon.

Finally came to the door of the infirmary, but was startled by the blood fingerprints on the door, "Wow!"

"You, you scared me!" Lian Qi complained nervously. "Don't be nervous, maybe it's someone else's prank.

Even if Lian Qi said so, I was still trembling. Just that moment-I was even more disoriented than Lien Qi as a girl, and I was really ashamed.

However, if the subject is Lian Qi, let me rely on it?

Lian Qi twisted the doorknob a few times and frowned, "No, it won't open, the door is locked from the inside.

"Anti-lock? \" =

"It's not only locked, you see, the door has been strengthened by enchantment magic."

"It seems like you don't want others to break in?" I knocked on the door: "School doctor, are you inside?

No one answered.

I knocked again, "Someone is injured and needs your help. Can you open the door?"

There was a trembling voice behind the door-"... are you and them in a group, don't you expect me to open the door!"

Lian Qi and I looked at each other, "They? Who are they?"

"He ... they are the ones who practice magic and go into the devil! It was only seven people before! But now ... he wept a few times, and his emotions were on the verge of collapse," Whimper ... Students in the whole school All crazy!

Lian Qi reluctantly exchanged a look with me, "I think he is a bit mentally abnormal.

I had to knock on the door again, "Please be assured that the black hands behind the scenes that have caused the students to go crazy have been brought to justice. You can come out.

"Don't want to lie to me out of the infirmary! I obviously just heard them clicking, ticking as they passed the corridor!"

He said this sentence as if he was telling a ghost story-like, I and Lian Qi looked at each other x2, "Did he confuse the rebellious civilian students with the crazy students?"

This time I changed the company Qi to knock on the door. The attitude is definitely not as good as mine. "Hey, those students are not crazy at all, but they are instigated by the rebels lurking in the school. Do n’t scare yourself ?\'

"Nonsense! Those people are just confused by magic! In short, it is safest for me to stay here. Anyone of you is trying to lie to me for medical treatment.

"Abominable, I thought the black hand was over after I was out. Why did this happen?" Lian Qi's hand dropped from the door and said anxiously.

"Lian Qi, you let go."

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I made a quick decision, raised my hammer and smashed into the infirmary door!

Boom! The door fell to the ground, and I saw the school doctor curled up under his desk, shaking his head and shaking. Sister Ai Jie Lia was driven away, and Teacher Mei Lin was threatened with life threatening, and seeing this scene made me feel cold.

Lian Qi looked annoyed and forcibly dragged him out from under his desk!

"A bit boned, okay? You're an adult!"

"Lian Qi is right. You are still our teacher. If you can't hide under the table, what should we do?

He said with a trembling voice: "I'm not a teacher! I'm just a pharmacist! I just want to get paid and I don't want E!"

"No one will want you to die!

"Even the principal Aegelia is gone, and the students are all driven crazy by magic! What do you want me to do? What can I do?" He

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