How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?

Vol 2 Chapter 42: Zombie Siege School (Six) [Part1 / 2]

Remember in one second. ↘ finished ^ this. God ^ station. First ^ hair ↘. Mobile phone users enter the address:

"Take down the girls' dormitory! Let noble women conceive our children!

The male students outside the door were flexing their muscles, and the female students inside the door were sobbing helplessly.

Alas, I was thinking about it!

I turned around and said to everyone, "We will never sit back and wait! Who are the classmates of the enchanting department?"

Several students, including Lian Qi, raised their hands one after another.

"Come, reinforce the gate with magic!"

"They're here!" Jiuyin exclaimed, looking out the window.

"Others hurry up and move all the beds in the dormitory against the door!"

As soon as I spoke, I only heard the sound of "咚", the door was shaken by people outside, and a layer of ash fell down. The surnames screamed, but there were brave girls who rushed against the door.

I saw them desperately holding the door] while strengthening them with magic power, and it was practical-some, my words were still heard at the critical moment, now it is necessary to work together to get through the difficult moment, I am afraid it is a piece of sand, no organization .

Immediately after Qi Feng dragged a bunk bed with a golden chain and came back, some girls saw that she took the lead to do the same and followed the iJ now being strengthened by magic stronger than iron sheet, and then used the top of the bed frame Don't worry about the door being opened for the time being, right?

I breathed a sigh of relief for a while, and only heard a "wow,"-a window was smashed! The man reached in half of his body and opened his teeth and danced to the girls, and I was smashed out with a hammer.

"Qi Feng! Seal this window with your chain. Close!

Wow! Wow! Wow! Some windows have been smashed! I looked around, people outside went forward and wanted to get in-some timid girls were scared when they saw their hands reaching in, and didn't dare to rely on them Previously, I used to play the characteristics of moles for many years, and rushed back and forth between the windows and shoved the outcropping students.

Soon, the girls who were originally responsible for holding the door freed up to join me. They waved the tables and chairs strengthened with magic to slam the students who tried to get in through the windows. Some students were also enchanted. Resistant to fight, often it takes five or seven to hit the pain to retract. Qi Feng closed one window after another with chains.

I smashed a student out with a hammer and turned my head and said to Charlotte, "We need more manpower. You need to mobilize the girls who are hiding in the dormitory. If you don't want to wait for death, come down and help. ! "

"I see!". Charlotte was led away, and the battle was still going on. I saw Qi Feng had just closed a window with chains in a horizontal and vertical direction, and there were many arms from the chains. The gap came in! She scared her back a few steps, clutching her chest.

Huh, how dare to scare my family Qi Feng! I rushed forward with a hammer, and smashed a hammer to retract these infiltrating hands.

At this time, Jiuyin, who has night vision ability and is responsible for detecting the enemy ’s situation, stood at the window and exclaimed one-sound-one. "They carried a big tree and ran into it.

"Want to use the big tree as a siege hammer to smash the door?" Then, I ordered everyone to "Qi Feng and I are temporarily on the side of the window. Keep it up! Enchanting classmates will go against the door one-"

The sound of huge shocks overwhelmed my voice, and the door was suddenly deformed, and the bed against the door was dumped. If it were not reinforced by magic, it would have been knocked open just then.

"Please continue to strengthen the gate with magic! Not only that, but also the walls near Dai]!" I ordered and walked towards Qi Feng with a hammer after I ordered it. She was blocking the last-a window with a chain, and I quickly stopped her.

"Don't seal it first, let me go out first," I said to her.

She looked at me in horror, "What are you doing, Mayer?"

I didn't have time to explain. Although it was dangerous, I had to do it, so I jumped out of the window.

The rebellious students outside probably thought that our weak women would just blindly defend, and would n’t even think that I would “counterattack”? I stood on the dark grass and looked away-the group of people are holding-a large tree strengthened with magic Tree, shouting "one, two, three" slogans hit the door.

You must stop them from gaining time for the people inside! I went to the meeting with a single hammer, rushed over with the hammer, and hammered the students with slogans-hammered to the ground! Then gave the hammer a flame-burned the tree !

"Fair! It's okay! Come back soon!" Qi Feng shouted at me through the window.

I understood it, as I slammed into my students-backing down, they rushed to me in succession, and stretched out my dense hands, shivering, so horrible! I turned back into the window, Qi Feng quickly took the opportunity to use the chain The windows were closed, and the hands and tails followed as I reached in, and almost came across my skirt, and I repaired it with my hands--there was no hammer.

Finally. It's finally time to breathe. I was tired and out of breath holding my hammer in both hands, and then looked up-look, Lian Qizheng-glaring at me reproachfully, "Are you okay? Do such a dangerous thing when I didn't notice!

"Hey." I whispered to her and added "Why not call me?" Gave her a weak smile ~

"I, I'm back ...."

Then I heard Charlotte's voice

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