Success, do you really want to join me in my world? ’

Mayer put her hands behind her back and thoughtfully looked at the ceiling, turning around in place. Are you not hesitating, afraid you are not holding back?

"Yes, although I'm a maiden, it doesn't matter if I don't care, even if I'm gone."

Xu Bai smiled comfortably, "That's good.

"Just ... when you get bullied in a world where you can't see your relatives, what if you take Qi Feng?" Maye thought with her fingertips against her lips.

"Well, yes, as long as you are happy.

"In short, you just rest and wait until I finish cleaning.

Phil said as she pushed the white to the bedroom, accidentally stepped on a pile of small steel **** just across the boundary of the bedroom, her feet slipped, "Ah-fell forward.

Mouth SE2

"???" Xu Bai collided with her without any precaution, and fell out of balance on the bed.

When Phil was back to God, she found that ... she found that she was sitting in a duck sitting position on Xu Bai.

"I'm sorry!"

Her first reaction was not to get down from Xu Bai's body, but to cover the little secret under her skirt. She thought guilty, Xu Bai shouldn't feel anything strange, right?

"Are you stupid, can this all fall?

"Maybe you have something so slippery on the floor?" Phil said coquettishly.

"When do you want to sit and not get up from me? I'm crushed."

"Nonsense, I weighed it in the morning-it's not heavy!"

Patronizing and refuting or forgot to come down from Xubai ...

After some toss

"I--I'll help you do the laundry, just as compensation for accidentally hitting you.

With a sloppy look on her face, she picked up the clothes that had been thrown on the ground and carried them out of the bedroom.

Obviously a maiden, but it is suitable for being a maid?

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