How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars

Chapter 300: Special mission, go to Baiying

Entering the Taihe Hotel, Li Jing quickly took the elevator to the top floor.

At this time, the forensic department has arrived.

The vigil of the special action team last night was gathered, and several members of the six serious crime teams were taking notes one by one.

This is standard procedure.

The six White Eagles died silently. Before the suspects were truly identified, it was not a simple matter of saying that the source came from White Eagle's native land. Anyone present would be suspicious.

And it is very likely that the people present have encountered some abnormality but did not pay attention to it, and the detailed record should be done.

Li Jing didn't run around when he got upstairs, but stood in the corridor and waited.

Someone has already made the transcript, so he is not needed.

Investigating the first scene of the murder is the work of the forensic department. Unless he is invited by Yang Qiuci like yesterday, he cannot rashly intervene.

Some died on the sofa, some beside the wine cooler, and some died on the bed.

The death toll of the six is ​​the same as that of Augustus yesterday.

There was no obvious trauma or signs of fighting, and there was a scene of depletion of spiritual energy in the body.

After waiting for a long time, Dai Hong arrived.

At his request, Li Jing walked with him to the scene of the incident.

The six White Eagles died in their respective rooms, with different locations.

On the interior walls of the hotel, there are dark red handprints printed on the exterior walls everywhere.

Tell the truth.

There are so many dark red handprints, which is quite creepy.

Judging from the calm expression of the corpse and the state of death, they did not feel any pain before they died, and they walked very "peacefully" without even realizing that death was coming.

The forensic staff inferred that all six people died around midnight last night.

Li Jing took a look at the scene with his heavenly eyes.

Li Jing nodded and said.

"Who exactly are our six major crime teams going to?"

"Chen Yihuan brought a few people and waited for the designated commissioner to go to the official channel to get in touch with the people on Baiying's official face to understand the situation."

After walking around the scene, Dai Hong went out and gave instructions from the relevant personnel of the serious crime team, and walked into the elevator with Li Jing.

The elevator door closed, and he let out a heavy breath.

"You also met the director when he came over just now. Bai Ying has to come earlier this time."

At the same time, the three are also highly used figures in the six groups of serious crimes.

In Dai Hong's arrangement, there were only three people who went through unconventional channels, and Li Jing was not surprised.

Too many people, easy to make mistakes.

Dai Hong narrated, said.

"You, Li Qidao, and Mu Baichen are going through unconventional channels."

Chen Yihuan, Li Qidao, and Mu Baichen were all old acquaintances of Li Jing.

"If it is not necessary, it is not recommended to start with the family members of the deceased. There must be something wrong with the seven white eagles who died, and they will not be cursed and killed in one breath. They were also killed in Longyu. Doubt, it cannot be ruled out that the top executives of Baiying are involved. If the matter is related to Baiying, their family members must have been monitored or 'protected'. The three of you don't need to worry about the family members, let Chen Yihuan's group fight for it Opportunities to engage with family members…”

While speaking, the elevator door opened with a "ding" sound.

Seeing the bottom floor, Dai Hongdao.

Especially those with public positions are equivalent to sneaking into Bai Ying. Once discovered, Bai Ying thinks that they are spies Long Yu and it is hard to say anything.

"The director will arrange another identity for you and Li Qidao. When Bai Ying and you are acting separately, you will judge by yourself which direction to start."

Dai Hong continued talking and said.

Back at the Beicheng Inspection Branch, Li Jing and Dai Hong walked into the conference room.

When the two arrived, Li Qidao and others were already there waiting.

"Where to start, the three of you discuss it by yourself, and when Bai Ying judges the situation, you can make changes. I won't point fingers here. I have already notified the people who are going to Bai Ying to gather in the bureau, and the director will open for a while. For a short meeting, let's go first. If you have any needs or suggestions, please put them up at the meeting."


Li Jing responded.

When they went to Baiying, they were no longer representing the Beicheng Inspection Branch, but Long Yu.

In this regard, it cannot be neglected.

Chen Yihuan himself and his entourage also felt a lot of pressure, and consulted Chen Jing on many issues that needed attention during the short meeting.

After a while, Chen Jing arrived at the scene.

The short session will start immediately.

Chen Jing made a lot of instructions for the long-distance white eagle, but it was mainly for Chen Yihuan and his party who went in an official capacity.

When the others left, Li Jing spoke up.

"Uncle, do you want to instruct me alone?"

"You are now in the sixth realm. In terms of self-protection ability, it is far from Li Qidao and Mu Baichen's ability to compare. The able ones work harder, this trip will trouble you a little."

In the end, all of them are doing inspections, and they don't know much about external relations.

Even with the special commissioner directly designated by Longyu's senior management, they have no idea in their hearts.

The short meeting lasted about 20 minutes. Chen Jing let everyone disperse to make preparations, leaving Li Jing alone.

Seeing this, Li Jing subconsciously reached out and took the tablet, then frowned.

On the tablet, there are nine coordinates.

"This is…?"

Chen Jing nodded and said.

"Compared with the deaths of these seven white eagle people, we need to confirm what killed them. You are a sensible person. I don't need to explain the nature of the white eagle. You should do an undercover investigation and don't use it as such. The seven White Eagles are the main ones, just let Li Qidao and Mu Baichen do this, I need you to focus on investigating a few places."

Saying that, he took out the tablet and operated it for a while, then handed it over.

"Ah this..."

Li Jing was a little embarrassed.

Nothing else.

"So far, there is reliable information about the location of the biological and biochemical laboratory in Baiying. I hope you can find a way to get in."

Chen Jing said, said.

"I have seen the exploration files of the Administration Bureau's last exploration of the Great Secret Realm, and I know that you have learned Liu Shi's ability as a mad woman. You should be careful about this. There should be no problem. Your main task here is to confirm. What are these biological and biochemical laboratories doing? If there is information about the experiments related to the Scarlet Blood Race, that would be the best. If not, bring back what you can bring back."

"The death of the six white eagle people in the morning has been reported to the white eagle. They are jumping happily over there, and we need a means of countermeasures."

Chen Jing said something and sighed.

"I'm under a lot of pressure here, you should help me."

He has a silent phantom who has mastered Liu Shi, and if Chen Jing knows it, he knows it.

This uncle took good care of him.

The key point is that Chen Jing's order is not to let him investigate the case at all, but to engage in espionage?

Seeing that Li Jingying had undertaken this arduous task, Chen Jing nodded in satisfaction and said.

"It's changing too fast, and it's hard for me to deal with it. Now, I can't count on others to count on you. I believe in your ability. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly after it's done."

"Sorry, uncle, don't say that, who are we with whom?"

Hearing those words, Li Jing nodded silently.

With this kind of trouble in Beicheng, Chen Jing's pressure will never be small.

Not to mention that this mess will affect the relationship between Long Yu and Bai Ying at every turn. There is already a group of villains who do not deal with him at the top of the country.

he thinks.

Possibly said something unnecessary?

"Whether it will happen, I can't guarantee it, but I will try my best."

Li Jing smiled.

This sentence "Who are we and who?" made Chen Jing, who was under heavy pressure, show a gratifying smile since he met him at the Taihe Hotel.

This smile made Li Jing's heart tremble.

Chen Jing said with a serious tone.

"But don't do things like blow up a city to the sky. I can't carry this kind of pot, and everything else is fine."


Boldly said something, Li Jing took out his mobile phone and sent the nine coordinates he got to Xiao Yan and asked.

"Uncle, do you have any other orders?"

"It doesn't matter if you act boldly, I'll take care of anything."

Be reasonable.

If he really blows up, maybe he won't come back.

But don't say it.

Li Jing.

Blast a city to the sky?

Is this what he would do?

With Chen Jing's backing, it's another matter.

Chen Jing also said that as long as a certain city is not bombed into the sky, there is no problem.

"I have nothing else to say."

With Chen Jing clearly saying that he can help with the blame, Li Jingxin relaxes a lot.

When he went to Bai Ying, what he was most worried about was that he would make trouble.

He is not a big man, and his energy is limited, and a little bit of mischief may lead to a catastrophe.

After some communication, Li Jing left the Beicheng Inspection Branch.

It takes time for Chen Jing to arrange another identity.

Li Jing didn't run around and went to Longyu's best equipment market to buy a top-of-the-line anti-shielding wireless headset worth millions.

Chen Jing opened his mouth and said.

"The sooner things can have results, the better. You don't have to care so much, you just let it go."

Chen Jing asked him to let it go. Of course, he was more respectful than obedient.

For a long time, Li Jing has strictly restricted the small obstacles.

Now, it is time to let go of the restrictions.

Then, he went home and removed Xiao Ying's body from the supercomputer bracket and stuffed it into the storage space.

This time, he didn't plan to take Xiao Han with him.

With Chen Jing's "guarantee", he changed his mind.

Chen Jing's arrangement is in place.

Li Jing, Li Qidao, and Mu Baichen took different flights to Baiying.

The plane ticket to him is directly half an hour later.

Bringing a small obstacle, Li Jing found Liu Sisi and explained it to him, and waited for Chen Jing's news.

About just after noon, Chen Jing came with news.

Li Jing did not delay, and went straight to the Beicheng Inspection Branch to get his identity, passport, and air ticket to Baiying in Chen Jing's hands.

After getting off the plane and walking out of the airport, Li Jing took Xiao Yan out of the storage space and brought the top wireless earphones he just bought.

So that Xiao Yan established a link with the wireless headset, and Li Jing turned on the Silent Phantom.

"Small obstacle, simulate a virtual signal to connect to the white eagle's network to hide yourself, and then connect the monitoring and air defense radar gateway of Wisbaer City, be careful not to be watched by others."

After getting the things, Li Jing came to Shangcheng International Airport non-stop and boarded a super-high-speed international flight.

Not long after, the flight took off.

After a nearly four-hour flight, Li Jing's flight landed in Wisbaer, the transportation hub city of Baiying.


Li Jing smacked his lips and said.

"Be quick, don't ink."


Xiao Yan made a sound, and then "Huh?" Confirmed.

"Master, say it again, I just didn't hear it."

Poisonous tongue, fear that the world will not be in chaos, etc., are all "virtues" she was born with.

However, because she was restricted by Li Jing, she had to reluctantly restrain herself.

Now that Li Jing has released herself, how can she not get excited?

"Oh! Give me 10 seconds!"

The little obstacle responded, and the voice in the wireless earphones seemed strangely excited.

Xiao Ying is an artificial intelligence that has begun to take shape, and his personality problems are not small.

Just thinking about it is exciting!

10 seconds are fleeting.

"Master, it's alright. The monitoring won't recover for a while, and the anti-aircraft mine penalty net just flashes off, and it will recover within 30 seconds."

Li Jing's speech just now was undoubtedly the most daring instruction she had ever received so far.

Turn off the monitor, it's nothing.

The air defense radar gateway of Baiying, a transportation hub city, is…

The nine coordinates given by Chen Jing had been confirmed by Xiao Yan in advance.

Two of the coordinates are near Kegar.

One is directly in the city of Kegal, hidden under a biotechnology company called Dex.

"To understanding."

Li Jing responded, and turned into a thunderbolt and shot out, heading in the direction of Kegal.

His destination has not changed.

Leaving Wisbaer City, Li Jing looked back.

The alarm in Wisbaer City did not sound.

Confirming this situation, Li Jing commanded aloud while maintaining a high speed in the sky.

The other is in an underground fortress deep in the Kegal Desert.

With the tyrannical cultivation of the Seven Realms, Li Jing left Wisbaer City in a blink of an eye, and it took only ten seconds on the way.

Baiying is vast and sparsely populated, and the city is not very big.

In the wireless earphone, Xiao Ying's soft voice almost trembled, and his troubled soul was burning.

With some minor obstacles, Li Jing's journey was not going well.

"Calculate my current speed and altitude until I reach Kegar City, and the radar network along the way is closed all the way."


Xiao Yan responded immediately.

This is not a small obstacle, but the radar network itself is overlapped with each other to achieve perfect coverage.

To ensure that her master, Yukong, is not caught, she just has to shut down.

The journey from Wisbaer City to Kegal is not too far.

The White Eagle Sky Shield Bureau, which has the same intelligence as Longyu Bureau, was directly bombed.

Li Jing's instruction to Xiao Yi was to temporarily shut down the radar network along the way.

Small obstacles actually do it, and the closure is a big one.

The radar network was interrupted, and it recovered naturally in less than 30 seconds.

During this period, there was no trouble.

But as long as anyone with a brain knows, it is not normal for the radar network to flash like this...

However, this small obstacle, the radar network that was shut down along the way almost affected the small half of the white eagle.

How can the Sky Shield not explode?


In just a few minutes, the Sky Shield Bureau responded quickly and discovered the fact that its own radar network had been attacked by an unknown person, and the attack continued.

The technicians in the relevant areas immediately organized manpower to investigate under the strict order of the top of the Sky Shield Bureau.

Just about to start, the supercomputers with various protection mechanisms on hand of the technicians either crashed, or the computer room was powered off, and some small movies on the technicians' hard drives were taken out and played at high volume.

The radar network that covers the entire territory of Baiying is itself a cross-establishment.

One piece was hung, and another was covered, so there was no reason for them to become completely blind within 30 seconds.

This is obviously wrong!

How much useless data does it take to directly shut down a highly modern supercomputer supported by several computer rooms?

Each of their supercomputer rooms has at least ten spare circuits.

This guy is completely destroyed!

This directly made the technicians of the Sky Shield Bureau unable to rectify.

Downtime, power outages.

This shouldn't be what happens with supercomputers at all...

other side…

Where is it sacred?

While the technicians were shocked, they were spat out by the top of the Sky Shield Bureau.

The most excessive is.

The little movies hidden by the technicians can actually be turned out...

Who dares to hide a small movie in the supercomputer, which one is not hollowed out to hide it in a position that others can't notice?

If it weren't for the fact that this group of technicians was already the elite of the elite, and they couldn't find a better one, some of the grumpy high-level officials of the Sky Shield Bureau would have liked to kill a technician on the spot to sacrifice to the sky.

Li Jing asked Xiaoyi to temporarily shut down the air defense radar network along the way, so that he could travel unimpeded.

For Baiying, the air defense radar network is the foundation of defending Baiying!

Paying sky-high prices for such a group of people, they are helpless in the face of the status quo...

Don't talk about tracing, now you can't even resist!

What do you want them for?

But this is a huge shame for superpowers!

When the news spreads, the next day Bai Ying can become the laughing stock of the whole world...


As soon as the radar network stopped, they couldn't find out that there were missiles coming in. This is a snake skin?


Since Bai Ying stood up to today, no one has dared to attack Bai Ying directly.

The air defense radar network that can paralyze the white eagle can be downplayed, this Tm…


must be absorbed!

Be sure to find out who did it!

The top of the White Shield Bureau's eyes were red, and the technicians under his hands were sprayed to perfection, and his mind moved quickly.

The technical power of Baiying is undoubtedly the top in the world.

It makes sense that he has never bought wireless headphones.

Under his constraints, Xiao Han was very restrained.

The stench of the poisonous tongue was twisted by him.

Li Jing didn't know what happened in the Sky Shield Bureau, and he didn't care about it.

All he knew was that Xiao Yan was having a good time, and he kept laughing in the wireless earphones.

The "game" between Xiao Ying and the Sky Shield has begun, and she has to continue to play.

If there is any operation, there will inevitably be traces.

For those who know it, these traces are permanent and cannot be erased.

However, there is only one thing that Li Jing is powerless to do.

Xiao Ying is born with a temperament that can't stand loneliness, and is quite talkative...

Arriving at Kegal smoothly, Li Jing landed in a hidden position and told Xiao Yan not to make too much noise and raised his hand to temporarily turn off the wireless earphones.

But being caught by surveillance cameras was unavoidable, and he couldn't let Xiao Yan turn off all surveillance in the entire city of Kegal until he left.

After entering the country, fake identities and shields are useless.

It's relatively easy to change your appearance.

Xiao Yan needs time to cover up the traces he left, so that the Sky Shield Bureau cannot trace it back.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the navigation to check the location of the Kegal Adventure Guild. Li Jing found that it was not far away. He took out a transforming talisman and changed his appearance. He lifted the silent phantom and stopped a taxi on the street.

Under the action of the Silent Phantom, it is very convenient for no one to notice their own world.

Kegar City is a first-tier city in Baiying, and it is indeed very rich.

But compared with Jiang Hai, it is indeed a lot worse.

Compared with the highly modernized city of Jianghai, Kegal is more punk.

Dex Biotechnology Company, Li Jing intends to put it away first, and go to the Adventure Guild to take a look.

Taking a taxi, Li Jing observed the street scene.

During all kinds of times, there is an air of "freedom".

There are people from everywhere in the streets of Kjal, all kinds of people.

Even in some dark corners, you can see monsters with blood strips on their heads blatantly revealing the characteristics of monsters, showcasing flowery arms and smoking cigarettes, laughing and cursing with people.

At first glance, it was very fresh.

A closer look at the past, but it seems very confusing.

All kinds of wonderful buildings that can be called illegal buildings in Longyu stand on the streets, and there are "artistic" graffiti murals in many places.

And those who are being bullied...

Bai Ying's native land is not as good as the outside world promotes, Li Jing naturally knows.

But seeing it with my own eyes is truly amazing.

The smoky sense of sight came immediately.

On the way to the Adventure Guild in the past, Li Jing saw many homeless figures.

Some are begging, some are picking up bottles and jars.

There is a huge LCD screen hanging on the building, displaying the Kegal Adventure Guild in white eagle language.

There are many people coming in and out of the lobby on the ground floor, which can be called an endless stream.

Many people unabashedly displayed their own tyrannical aura, which made Li Jing sincerely admire.

Arriving at the Kegal Adventure Guild, Li Jing got out of the car and raised his eyes.

It is a highly modern building in line with the background of first-tier cities.

The building is about 30 stories high, which is quite grand.

Whether you intend to or not, releasing an overly tyrannical aura will have an impact on others, and the lives of ordinary people in the One Realm will be seriously disturbed.

Here, it doesn't matter at all.

At the main entrance of the Kegal Adventure Guild, Li Jing clearly saw that all passersby avoided the streets near the Adventure Guild so as not to be oppressed by the strong breath.

One is that the realm of this group of people is really high, generally above the third realm, and there are not a few people in the fourth realm and the fifth realm.

The other is that they show their own breath, and the taste of "freedom" is really strong.

In Longyu, it is strictly forbidden to release one's own breath.

That's right.


The ground floor of a modern office building is supposed to be the reception hall and a bar...

Shaking his head secretly, Li Jing walked into the Adventure Guild.

Enter the door.

The first thing that caught my eye was a huge bar.

At a glance, there are still many windows.

There are more than ten.

Behind every window sat a beautiful, well-dressed young woman who was quite busy.

Adventurers of all shapes and sizes sat around the bar, drinking and making noise, and there were many monsters among them.

Raising his hand and rubbing his brows, Li Jing silently told himself that he should follow the local customs, and looked around.

In addition to the bar on the ground floor, there is indeed a reception window.

This rough man is a rare master on the first floor who does not reveal his own aura.

Sensing that someone was coming to line up behind him, the rough man looked back.

Li Jing, who is 1.8 meters tall and relatively thin for himself, smiled friendly and spoke in a common language.

There were long queues in front of each window.

Li Jing looked around and found a team at random.

In front of him was a rough looking bald man with a rough face.


The rough man frowned and said.

"Brother, you look like someone from Longyu, how can rice and people be as easy-going as you? At least in Kegal, I've seen rice and people looking at people through their nostrils. Those from TND who didn't know it thought it wasn't a white eagle but a white eagle. Rice and."

"Brother, are you very handsome? I haven't seen you before, and have you just come to Kegal recently?"

Meeting the relatively friendly conversation, Li Jing was slightly stunned, then smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I just came to Ke'gar today, Inowa."

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