How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars

Chapter 460: Shen Min's request, all kinds of abnormalities


Well done, what is Shenwen doing behind the door?

Sneak attack?

It seems impossible.

Not to mention that people are now living in the ghost clan and accepting asylum.

Even if she knew that the two of them would come and hide behind the door in advance, such a trick would not be effective after the door was opened.

The more Li Jing thought about it, the weirder his expression became.

After simple scrutiny, it was concluded that Shen Wen was not hiding behind the door for them.

There is only one possibility.

She was looking for a chance to catch the gap between the two "guards" outside the door and sneak away...

Coincidentally, they were bumped into by two people.

Had no choice but to hide behind the door.

What Li Jing thought of, Quan Chang naturally thought of it too.

For a moment, she didn't know what expression she should make.

Once upon a time, the mighty high priest of the god-human race was reduced to such a point, and to be honest, it was a bit of a thing.

The two of them had weird looks on the front, and Shen Wen came out behind the door with a tight face knowing that she couldn't hide it, and looked at the two of them separately.

"What are you two doing here?"

It may be due to a guilty conscience, but Shen Min is quite caring.

In order to communicate with Li Jing and Quan Chang at the same time, she did not use the voice of consciousness that could only be aimed at one person, but spoke directly.


Quan Chang and Li Jing greeted her voice, looked at each other silently, tacitly did not expose her to avoid embarrassment, the former spoke.

"I'm here to find you on business. I'm waiting for the remnants of the ancient gods to collect the fine nectar to enshrine the spirit and the holy spirit. It's in the hands of the gods and humans. I hope you can give it to me."

"Precious nectar and jade liquid?"

Shen Min was slightly stunned, and then said with a vigilant expression.

"What do you want Qiongyeyuye for?"

Before Quan Chang could speak, she said coldly.

"After the fall of the mother **** and the destruction of the jade wall, the jade liquid has long since disappeared. You should be aware of this. There are only so many things, and they are prepared for the consecration of the holy spirit. I can't just hand them over to you. Although I am now like someone else, But you, Quan Chang, are no longer the high priest of the ghost clan, so I don't need to listen..."

Before he finished speaking, Quan Chang spoke indifferently.

"What if I told you that the Holy Spirit is by Li Jing's side now?"

Shen Min's complexion changed slightly when she heard the words, and then she frowned in doubt.

"Li Jing?"

It was obvious that Shen Min didn't know someone's name, and Quan Chang turned his head to signal.

Seeing this, Shen Min stared, then looked at someone twice, and said.

"Call out the Holy Spirit and prove it to me."

Li Jing blinked, waved Lingling out of the small universe.

It should be said that Lingling, who is the incarnation of the "sleeping god" every day, after learning that there is fine nectar and jade liquid to drink, was left in the small universe without falling asleep, but waited with anticipation.

Suddenly being touched out of the Small Universe, she quickly looked around, and then looked back puzzled because she didn't see what she wanted to see with a dull expression.

the other side.

Seeing Lingling standing in Li Jing's palm, Shen Min's eyes widened in astonishment, and she knelt down with a "plop".

"Shen Wen, the high priest of the god-human race, has seen the consonant holy spirit."

While speaking, she did not hesitate at all, and waved her hand to take out three water tank-shaped containers from the storage space.

The container had just been released, and Lingling's eyes lit up immediately.

Li Jing's attention was also attracted.

The container shaped like a water tank has not been sealed. When the thing is taken out, it can be seen immediately that it contains a milky white viscous solution, which reveals an amazing aura.

Feeling such aura, Li Jing can conclude without using the eyes of true seeing that these solutions, like Daoyuanguo, are rare treasures beyond the level of heaven, material and earth treasures, and peerless treasures.

Just about to use the eyes of true sight to see the specific function of this thing, Lingling couldn't wait to fly over and landed on one of the containers. She picked up a drop and stuffed it into her mouth, then squinted her big eyes with enjoyment , Looking at Shen Wendao.

"Can you give me all these?"

"Of course, these were originally offerings to the Holy Spirit."

Shen Min spoke respectfully, then hesitated, and said.

"Holy Spirit, I have a request."

Before the words finished, Quan Chang frowned.

"Shen Wen, don't be presumptuous. The blessings that the Holy Spirit has given us to the remnants of the ancient gods are beyond imagination. It is our volition to worship the Holy Spirit for generations, and it is also the will of the mother goddess who is still alive. You should understand that we should not ask for it. "

Meeting Quan Chang's voice, Shen Min looked over blankly.

"It's been a while since you came back, don't you know what kind of predicament we and the remnants of the ancient gods are facing now?"

Quan Chang hesitated when he heard the words, shook his head and said.

"You are just rushing to the doctor in a hurry, and the matter cannot be solved by the Holy Spirit."

"You haven't asked or asked, how do you know that the Holy Spirit can't solve it?"

Shen Min asked back.

Looking at the two of you, looking at you, saying something to me, and looking as if she was about to quarrel immediately, Lingling was completely confused.

She didn't know what was going on in Chongyuan Saint Realm.

But there are three big tanks of fine nectar and jade liquid in front of her eyes, she can't just let go.

This thing.

Compared with gnawing on the godhead, the effect is much inferior, but it is better to drink, and the aftertaste is endless.

more importantly.

This stuff is high and addictive.

To receive things from people, it is natural to listen to people's requests.

In this regard, Lingling can be considered an "veteran".

In the distant past, she was often enshrined by the creatures in the Supreme God Realm, and gave them some small help.

It's just that now, the Supreme God Realm is dedicated to the Supreme Protoss.

Since she didn't know what was going on, Quan Chang concluded that the matter could not be solved by herself, Lingling thought about it and wanted to babble.

"What I can't solve, maybe Li Jing can solve it."

? ? ?

Li Jing.

This wave of laying guns caught him off guard.

He thought about it.

How much does Lingling think highly of herself?

Even she can't solve the problem, what can I do with him?

Shen Min over there was also slightly astonished when she heard the words, and then looked over in surprise.

If someone else spoke, she might not take it seriously.

But what Lingling said, she believed.

And since Lingling was taken out by someone, she no longer regarded him as an ordinary human being.

Don't talk about anything else.

The closeness of the Holy Spirit is not something ordinary people can have.

In order to please Lingling and let her stay in the Chongyuan Holy Land, the Father God and Mother God of the Remnants of the Ancient Gods exhausted all their thoughts but failed to do so.

Li Jing was able to keep Lingling by his side, there must be something good about it.

Quan Chang on the side was slightly dazed when he heard Lingling speak, and then thought of something, fixed his eyes on someone, looked at Shen Min with a half-smile, and said.

"If it's him, it's really not a problem."


Li Jing.

Inexplicably, Quan Chang made such a remark, which made him a little confused about the situation.

Being speechless, Quan Changwang yelled at Shenwen a few times in the language of the remnants of the ancient gods.

I don't know what she said, Shen Min first looked over with shock and then hope.

Lingling could clearly understand the screams of the survivors of the ancient gods, and roughly grasped the appeals of Quan Chang and Shen Wen, and came back and landed on someone's shoulder begging to speak out.

"Li Jing, can you help them?"

Seeing the pleading face of the little guy, Li Jing was quite helpless.

Due to the symbiotic contract, he is not so close to Lingling.

Instinctively, he wanted to pet Lingling.

Although he was already very fond of him, being driven by instinct was really irresistible.

The little goblin is the most annoying, and it is truly reflected at this moment.

Secretly smiled wryly, Li Jing looked at Shen Min.

"If your request is to solve the hidden danger that the Chongyuan Holy Land may encounter another invasion by the devil, I can try my best. If it is something else, I may..."

Before he finished speaking, Quan Chang made a sound.

"What she is asking for is not about the invasion of the devil, but for the remnants of the ancient gods to have a safe enough environment to live in. Your Small Universe is just right."


Li Jing.

Quan Chang's words...

What do you mean?

You fell in love with his Small Universe, and you want the remnants of the ancient gods to move in?

Before he could recall, Quan Chang said.

"The rebellion of the gods and humans wanted to monopolize the power of the remnants. The original purpose was to try to take the initiative to migrate to the big world as a whole, and fight to lay down a habitat that belonged to the remnants of the ancient gods."

"You don't need to think about it, but you know it's not feasible. The Great World has rules that limit the cultivation of creatures outside the territory. When we go to the Great World, we and the remnants of the ancient gods have to suppress their cultivation. Not to mention that most tribes are unwilling to fight and invade the Great World. Even if you go to the world, you may not be able to compete for a place, and this is the difference between the gods and other ancient gods, including our ghosts."

"Essentially, there is nothing wrong with the concerns and migration ideas of the gods and humans. After losing all the gods, including the father and mother gods, some changes have taken place in the holy land of Chongyuan. root cause."

After saying three words in succession, Chang Quan continued.

"This world is no longer suitable for the survivors of our ancient gods. No one knows when the next catastrophe will come. No one knows how long we need to be silent next time to continue to cultivate, or forever Disappeared in this world."


Li Jing.

Quan Chang's words were a bit out of line for him.

To be honest, he wasn't interested in what was going on in Chongyuan Holy Land.

The key is to tell him to take in the remnants of the ancient gods...

If there are several tribes, that's fine.

Anyway, his small universe is big enough now, and he will further develop it in the future, and he really lacks some vitality at the moment.

But such a huge population of the remnants of the ancient gods...

Just thinking about how to refuse, Quan Chang spoke.

"You don't need to refuse in a hurry. I don't want you to take in all the remnants of the ancient gods. I just beg you to take away some pure-blooded people of all races, so that they can have a safe enough place to cultivate and continue the remnants. blood."


Li Jing hesitated, then said.

"If it's just some pure-blooded survivors of the ancient gods, I can accept it, but I can only accept those with a normal body size above the seventh realm."

Shen Min was overjoyed when she heard the words, and said decisively.

"no problem."

Quan Chang also showed a wishful expression, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Since that's the case, the matter has been decided. When the ancestor returns from the robbery, we will formally put this matter on the agenda, and she will decide to confirm the migration candidates of various ethnic groups."

After all, she continued.

"Don't worry, if you agree to this matter, we ancient **** survivors will never treat you badly. Although you may not be able to appreciate what our ancient **** survivors can show you, but we will definitely show it. enough pay."

"The reward will be waived."

Li Jing waved his hand and said.

"My Small Universe was originally born from the seed of Lingxi, and you have given Lingling so many exquisite nectars and jade liquids, there is no need to give me more rewards..."

Before she finished speaking, Shen Min coughed.

"Well, since we are no longer enemies, I apologize to you for the behavior that made things difficult for you. Mother God's Divine Soldier, can you..."

Also before Shen Min finished speaking, Li Jing changed his words abruptly.

"I've changed my mind, your mother god's magic soldier will be the reward."

Shen Min's face collapsed when she heard the words, she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable, but she couldn't do anything about it.

When she saw Li Jing in the Central Temple earlier, she had the idea of ​​getting the Taoist artifact back.

It's just that the god-human race is in a worrying situation now, and even she herself is dependent on others, and there is nothing she can do.

This wave can be said to be an opportunity.

Although it is unlikely that she can get it back, she is willing to give it a try.

It turns out.

Her thoughts were too naive.

Now if Li Jing doesn't pay back, what can she do?

Chang Quan had told her just now.

Li Jing is now a strong man in the Nine Realms, and the ancestors of the gods can't even resist a look in front of her. If she has a hot head and grabs her, it will be no different from Baige.

Not to mention that someone is sitting on a world now.

It can provide a comfortable enough world for the survivors of the ancient gods to recuperate.

As a last resort, Shen Min could only pin her hopes on Chang Chang, hoping that she would be able to speak a few words.

Quan Chang met his gaze and pretended not to see it.

The Wuming Dao Artifact was in Li Jing's hands, and when she knew about it, she never thought of returning it.

It's not that I don't want to, but I don't want to offend him because of it.

At that time, Li Jing had already shown all kinds of unusual things.

Now the facts have proved that her decision was correct.

Now that Li Jing has grown to such an extent, how could she open her mouth for a tattered Taoist artifact?

Ignoring Shen Min's request for help, Quan Chang said.

"Since the matter has been negotiated, let's stop here for the time being. There is no point in discussing more. I am no longer the high priest of the ghost clan, and Shen Wen is not much better. I don't have much right to speak. Things have to wait for the ancestors to pass the catastrophe smoothly. There is room for negotiation."

As she spoke, she looked over.

"Before I entered the small universe, I didn't have a chance to look around the inner environment. Can you let me go in with Shenwen?"


Li Jing nodded, stretched out his hand to pull Quan Changdang to send her into the world of Xiao Qian Kun, and then stretched out a hand to Shen Min.

Seeing this, Shen Min hesitated a little, and stretched out her hand.

With a thought, Li Jing sent her in as well.

Then, he looked at Lingling who was thinking about something on his shoulder, and pointed to the three vats of fine wine that remained in place.

"I agreed to Shen Wen's request for you. In exchange, I want half of this fine nectar."


Lingling raised her eyes, her face was full of reluctance, and she pursed her lips.

"Half is half, you just take it."

As she spoke, she hummed.

"Can I give it to you if you want it?"

Li Jing laughed when he heard this.

The role of the symbiotic contract is two-way.

He wants to act coquettishly with Lingling, it's impossible for the little guy to give him everything, she can't resist.


He is a dignified seven-foot man who disdains such tricks that look like bedside wind.

If you want it, then say it bluntly.

Going forward to send the three cylinders of fine nectar and jade liquid to the attic on the top of Hidden Dragon Mountain protected by the seven-star array, so as not to be spoiled by Ya'er or other creatures in the small universe, Li Jing turned around and prepared to walk out of the central hall.

Quan Chang and Shen Min went into the Small Universe Realm, and he couldn't follow along for the time being.

No matter how bad it is, I have to explain to the two guards outside.

Otherwise, when the two wake up and find that Shen Min, who shoulders such an important task of inheriting the blood of the gods, has disappeared, the ghost knows how anxious they will be.

Lingling, who hadn't waited for Li Jing to move around and was sent back to the Small Universe, opened his mouth.

"Wait, I have something to tell you."


Li Jing stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"I just heard what Quan Chang said, and I have a little idea."

Lingling opened her mouth and said.

"If there is no accident, the way of heaven in Chongyuan Saint Realm should have been stolen by the bullies."

? ? ?

Li Jing.

"The sky will destroy the world, and all living beings will perish. This kind of thing can only happen when all living beings affect the normal operation of the Dao. The disaster of destroying the world will not come easily."

Lingling told, said.

"According to what Quan Chang said before, the disaster of annihilation began to come after the fall of the father and mother gods and a group of gods of the ancient gods, and it didn't sound like it happened once. This situation is very unusual and extremely It may be that the will of heaven has been seriously threatened, and they want to try to exterminate all living beings to solve the bully who is stealing the sky."

With that, she continued.

"On the surface, the method is much more intense than the Dao of Heaven in the Secret Realm of Stars. But if the bully who is stealing the sky is very likely to be one of the gods who fell in the first place, everything makes sense. Innate gods represent the evolution of creatures Strictly speaking, all the living beings in the corresponding world are their descendants, and the living beings in the Chongyuan Sacred Realm, including the remnants of the ancient gods, have been angered to a certain extent."


Li Jing was silent.

Lingling is well-informed and lives a long life.

With him, not to mention nonsense.

She said that there are things, and most of them are.


There is a high probability that the situation in Chongyuan Saint Realm is as she said...

It's only been half a year, and he just ran into another thief?

Raising his hand and rubbing the center of his eyebrows, Li Jing said.

"I'm afraid I can't intervene in this matter. Besides, the time has passed so long, and even the bully has forced the will of heaven to destroy the world several times, and the other party may have succeeded."

"If you want to say that, there is indeed a reason for you."

Lingling responded and said.

"However, you can try to search for it like you did in the secret realm of stars. The bully may not necessarily succeed. As long as he fails, saving one side of Heaven will not be without your benefits."

Li Jing shook his head upon hearing this.

"I was lucky last time, but I may not be so lucky this time."

As he spoke, he thought for a while, and said.

"Compared to this, there is a situation I want to ask you."

While speaking, he told about the incident of Chongyuan Holy Realm being invaded by outside demons.

After hearing this, Lingling looked strange.

"The space channel can only be opened and closed, and it usually does not offset the situation of linking other spaces. But put it on the head of the big world, unexpected situations will still happen."

As she spoke, she smacked her small mouth and continued.

"You should know that Blue Star is actually just a part of the big world?"

Li Jing was slightly taken aback, and then made a weird sound.

"you mean…"

"The space channel of Chongyuan Holy Land is still connected to the big world, but the location of the entrance has changed."

Lingling opened her mouth and said.

"If this is the case, you don't need to worry about the bully. He should have failed to steal the sky."


Li Jing.

"How do you say that?"

"The rules of space are the foundation for maintaining the balance of a world. It is the highest priority in a series of basic rules, and usually it will not be shaken and changed. The rules remain the same, and all things related to space will not happen unexpectedly. Case."

Lingling told, said.

"Similar situations are extremely rare, but not impossible. When the will of Heaven and Earth suffers a severe blow, all the rules relying on the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth will cause a certain degree of confusion. According to what you said, the space channel is now normally connected to the blue star. It was corrected. If the bully succeeded in replacing the will of Heaven, he would not recover so quickly. It is impossible for him to be familiar with what he needs to do as a side of Heaven so quickly, let alone know how to correct some mistakes."

Hearing Lingling's words, Li Jing's complexion gradually became strange.

He didn't care whether the bully failed or not.

However, the error in the space channel of the Chongyuan Holy Land did not link to other spaces, it was still the big world, which made him a little concerned.

The devil who can invisibly invade the physical body of the remnants of the ancient gods, making it difficult for them to resist is from the world except the blue star.

It's hard not to think of the Heavenly Demon he encountered in the Heavenly Sacred Realm...

Isn't the extraterritorial sky where the demon lives in the big world?

And the Heavenly Demon is just like an existence that is similar to the Yin, but its ability is by no means comparable to that of the Yin.

Thinking of this, Li Jing's eyes gradually brightened.

If the Heavenly Demon invaded, it would definitely not have been fought back by the ancestors of the ancient gods' remnants of all races.


The upper limit of the Chongyuan Holy Realm is very In the past, there could be lower innate gods, and the limit was at least above the eleventh realm.

If the celestial demons from the Outer Territory Heaven invaded this world, how difficult would it be for a random Ninth Realm to kill a group of the highest Eighth Realm ancestors?

How could he be beaten back casually?

Being repelled is probably just an illusion to confuse the remnants of the ancient gods.

What the Heavenly Demon did was not pure killing, and killing the remnants of the ancient gods would not do them any good.

It doesn't make much sense to them to occupy the Chongyuan Holy Land.


Turning the Chongyuan Holy Land into a "pigsty" like the Heavenly Holy Land is really beneficial to them.

Le Wen

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