How come this main god space is filled with stitching monsters!

Chapter 1111: Ruyi Jingu Bang, Green Mask, Creation Jade Disc [Monthly Ticket Plus 37]

Chapter 1111 Ruyi Jingu Bang, Green Mask, and Creation Jade Disc [Monthly Tickets Plus Update 3/7]

Chu Xuan ran quickly in the suspended pavilion. Just as Haotian said, this place should be called a tower rather than a pavilion.

The suspended tower.

Because the appearance of this thing is really similar to a tower, especially the outer layer engraved with countless runes, which makes this building more mysterious.

Chu Xuan is not worried that the people of the Zhongzhou team will not be able to complete the task of capturing the carrier of the First God. He can see the changes of the Zhongzhou team, and he has always seen it.

It is very strong. It is more than enough to deal with a First God, even if it is an enhanced version. And because of the characteristics of the First God after being strengthened, it can also be used to sharpen the people who have neglected the development of their own spiritual light because of too many powerful exchanges.

Trust is a very important thing. Chu Xuan chose to give them trust, although this method and process are a bit simple and crude.

Making the best use of things is Chu Xuan's formal principle. Even some things that seem to be deliberately abandoned by him have corresponding utilization value.

‘Four Symbols.’

Chu Xuan looked at the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, and Four Symbols symbols flashing in the attic, without stopping at all. Even the crystal jade slips filled with runes and storing extremely precious cultivation materials floating around were no exception.

He should have been obsessed and fanatical about these things. After all, according to the normal progress, there is only one in the four of the Zhongzhou team now, and there are players in the team who have not yet opened the gene lock. At the same time, he was shocked by the terrifying performance of the cultivator Luo Yinglong in the magic ring.

Of course, that is normal.

The first layer is the cultivation method, and the second layer is stored with diamond-like energy stones, but the things on the first two layers did not make Chu Xuan stop at all. He was very purposeful and familiar with the road, as if this place was built by him and went straight to the third layer.

And the third layer is a large number of magic weapons.

It is real, not false, and solid A-level, double A-level, S-level, and even higher-level magic weapons.

But Chu Xuan's goal was obviously not these. Even these treasures, which were expensive even for the current Zhongzhou team, still failed to make Chu Xuan stay.

Oh, there are still some things that can make Chu Xuan stay.

With both arms exerting force, Chu Xuan directly carried a metal rod more than five meters long on his shoulders.

This scene is very strange, even abstract.

The Shura armor carrying the Ruyi Jingu Bang is already eye-catching enough, and the person under the more abstract Shura armor is Chu Xuan.

——It's really terrible.

Chu Xuan ran among the spiritual treasures, carrying the Ruyi Jingu Bang in one hand and a piece of torn paper in the other hand, as if looking for something. During this period, some bold spiritual treasures tried to get close to Chu Xuan, hoping that Chu Xuan could take it away, but they were directly ignored by Chu Xuan.


Chu Xuan stopped in front of something. It was not the thing he was looking for, but it was enough to make him stop and fall into a long-lost hesitation.

A green wooden mask.

Chu Xuan tried to bypass it, but the green mask didn't want Chu Xuan to bypass it.

After thinking for a full thirty seconds, Chu Xuan chose to put the green mask in his pocket and seal it for a long time.

——The situation was not yet that urgent.

Sure enough, after putting away the green mask, Chu Xuan got what he wanted.

The Jade Disc of Good Fortune.

In many prehistoric novels, the Jade Disc of Good Fortune and Hongjun can be called standard partners. Hongjun without the Jade Disc of Good Fortune is incomplete.

The Jade Disc of Good Fortune in front of Chu Xuan is completely different from those in many prehistoric novels. The only direct effect of this thing is to act as a side effect eliminator of the Conferred God List, helping the users of the Conferred God List to alleviate the world's rejection and the impact of space-time turbulence.

There may be some other abilities, but after the final battle of the standard state, the Jade Disc of Good Fortune was completely offline, and there was no trace of it. It became a mystery what undeveloped functions this theoretically extremely powerful creation has.

The Donghuang Bell later shone brightly in the prehistoric calendar, and was complained by Zheng Zha as a top-level armor that required several punches to break, and became one of the limiters of the great lord.

Although the Conferred God List in the hands of the replica Chu Xuan did not appear much in the prehistoric calendar, the Conferred God List in the Infinite Dawn was basically tied to the replica Chu Xuan, and the replica Chu Xuan had to hold the Conferred God List wherever he went.

As for the infinite future that has become a scrapped plan, there is no need to mention it, and even in the future story line, the Jade Disc of Fortune did not appear.

Chu Xuan took the Jade Disc of Fortune and walked towards the center of the third floor.

The interior of the suspended pavilion quietly changed, from outside to inside, from low to high, from Bagua to Liangyi.

This is the basic setting of the suspended pavilion, but Liangyi is far more than the limit of runes.

The clearly divided yin and yang began to merge with Chu Xuan's act of activating the Jade Disc of Fortune. When Chu Xuan walked to the center of the third floor, the originally clearly divided black and white Liangyi had transformed into chaos.

The Ruyi Jingu Bang became spiritual and began to shrink the moment Chu Xuan carried it on his shoulder. At this time, the Ruyi Jingu Bang that Chu Xuan was originally supposed to carry on his shoulder had shrunk to the size of an ear spoon, or a key.

The countless runes shining in the jade dish of creation and the runes in the suspended pavilion reflected each other. A square platform slowly rose from the chaotic ground. In the center of the square platform, a small hole, one that requires inserting a key to start


The Ruyi golden cudgel is inserted into the keyhole. This Lingbao cut from the body is just right for use as a key. If it doesn't fit, it can be adjusted at will.

A beam of light burst out from the square platform and reached the ceiling. As Chu Xuan jumped up, the beam of light slowly disappeared, and Chu Xuan was teleported to a space full of chaos and countless runes.

[Permission Authentication—Authentication Successful]

[The control authority of the suspended pavilion is released]

【Data report.】

【Energy Storage Report.】


"Remove the disguise." Chu Xuan said to the chaotic space: "Restore the original appearance of the Hanging Pavilion, remove all traces of cultivation, restore the rune calculation channel, restore the original name of the Hanging Pavilion. Activate the quantum sensing system and search for Atlanti. A direct blood descendant of the three-eyed royal family on the same plane."

[The disguise has been removed]

[Rune calculation channel restoration]

[Corrected name of Hanging Pavilion - Babel Tower]

[Quantum sensing program started, searching.]

[Search completed. 】

A coordinate appeared in front of Chu Xuan's eyes, and Chu Xuan said without hesitation: "Activate the resonance mode of Babel Tower and open the link channel!"


The Sanqing divine light that originally covered the suspended pavilion completely dissipated, and a sub-space power belonging to the Three-Eyed Clan soared into the sky, easily tearing apart the already fragmented crystal wall system and building a link channel.

And at the other end of the passage is Zong's spiral maze!

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