The blood-colored stream of light fell on one of Gayo Brahma's heads. This time it was an electric head. And this time, Gayo Brahma's head was even worse than the previous Brahma Cobra and was directly blown to pieces!

‘The Death Soul-Breaking Bullet is extremely effective, but unfortunately, there is only one left. ’

‘This is the only result in 226 days. It is extremely difficult to reproduce this kind of bullet that requires a side plot. ’

‘I know, Gayo Brahma is repairing his head. I saw Wu Jie. ’

Electricity surged in Wu Jie's body, and he ran crazily towards Gaya Coco Brahma on the top of the mountain!

‘Chu Xuan! You dare to say that this is also included in your calculations! ! ! ’

'Actually, yes. Why is it to eliminate the Grudge instead of the Grudge? Because in this world, the Grudge and the Grudge are not the same thing, at least not in Grudge 1. Coconut coconut is a curse, but a curse is not coconut milk. ’

‘If you want to complete the main mission, you must free Kayako from the curse and become an independent ghost individual. This is what I thought after learning about Ida Iryu. ’

‘Is Ida Iryu looking for you too? ! ’

'No, I guessed. ’

‘What! Damn it! ’

'I don't have a mother. If you could tell me where my genetic chain comes from, I would be very grateful to you. ’

Wu Jie followed the snake's tail and began to climb towards Kayako's body above. His target was Kayako's heart! It is not feasible to expect to use force and violence to eliminate Kayako, and the core Kayako and natal soul must be killed.

Wu Jie felt the pressure of the aura field after he was a hundred meters close to Kayako. When he touched Kayako's snake tail with his own hands, the pale breath instantly spread throughout his body, causing the vitality in his body to begin to rise. Visible reduction.

The alienated claws played a great role at this moment, providing great convenience for him to climb the snake body of Gayo Brahma. Jaya Coco Brahma noticed this little bug on his body, and the pale ghost claw, which was bigger than a bus, slapped Wu Jie at an extremely terrifying speed. The huge palm completely ignored the air resistance and was bound to smash Wu Jie into a pulp. !

Pale ghost hands stretched out from the body of Kayako Brahma, and one ghost hand after another grabbed Wu Jie's legs, trying to drag Wu Jie into its body.

Whether he was dragged in or photographed, he was definitely dead!

An extremely sharp sword energy flashed past, the ghost hand turned into nothingness, and even Kayako's aura field was cut through.

Wu Jie jumped to avoid the ghost hand, exerted all his strength, and started climbing crazily!

‘People from outside the territory! The core of the ghost is at the heart! Now this fierce ghost has not completely merged with Yamata no Orochi, there is still a chance! ’

'I see! But can't you stab her to death with a flying sword? ! Just like the ghost of Shazuku! ’

‘No, your Excellency is now on a thin line between life and death, but as long as the Great Dao is fifty and Tianyan is forty-nine, there will definitely be a glimmer of hope in the dead situation. But if I take action, although I can kill this monster easily, I will be dead! I can only provide some help to the best of my ability! ’

‘The body of the curse? I see! ’

‘Hold on, people from outside the territory! ’

There was a roar from the sky, and Zhang Jie flew towards Gay Coco Brahma on his extremely damaged Green Devil skateboard. The moment the two heroes of Zhongzhou looked at each other, Wu Jie jumped up. Zhang Jie controlled the Green Devil skateboard to accelerate and caught Wu Jie firmly!

"Brother! You have unlocked the second level gene lock!"

"That boy Chu Xuan is pretty reliable. More than 10,000 points are not wasted! My current second-level gene lock has no time limit! What a pity! Just when we had some signs of success, we encountered such a horror movie that almost wiped out everyone!" Zhang Jie roared crazily, enjoying this extreme madness!

"Shut up! Don't think that I don't know what you want to do! I won't allow it! The three of us have agreed not to be born in the same year and the same month on the same day, but to die together in the same year and month! Don't think about taking advantage of your old age. Run away! We have sworn sworn vows under the Lord God! The Lord God is watching!"

The blood thorns in Wu Jie's hands were unsheathed, and the enchanted arrows shot at Kayako's core grimace at an extremely terrifying speed. In addition to the original enchantment, these arrows also had sword intent carrying awe-inspiring righteousness!

"Don't mention that black-hearted bastard to me! It makes me tired just thinking about it!!!"

The arrow turned into a meteor and shot into the body of the gray-blue ghost. The aura of Haoran's sword had a strong restraint effect on the ghost body of Kayako Brahma, but it also completely angered it!

"Stop making noise! ​​Ida Iryu called me!!!"


Zheng Zha's thoughts were in chaos, and he was walking in confusion.

"Hello, outsider."

Jingda Jinglong appeared again, and beside him was Wu Jie.

"Third brother? What is this place? Have we returned to the main god space?"

Zheng Zha asked blankly. Looking at Zheng Zha's dull face, Wu Jie's heart also felt severe pain.

But he forced a smile and asked: "Second brother, have you seen Ultraman Gauss?"

"Ultraman Gauss?" Zheng Zha shook his head and said, "I only know Tiga, Taro and Seven."

"Let me make a long story short. The core of Ultraman Gauss's story is two words, four words. Tenderness and courage."

"Second brother, your kindness is gentleness, but it takes courage to defend and implement this gentleness."

"When faced with the pressure brought by the breeder Koike, you chose to come and help me without hesitation. This is gentleness. When faced with the tram problem, you almost without hesitation chose to kill Koike, and then Take me back immediately to save people, this is courage."

"In the face of the Indian team's attack, you chose to persuade them to reconcile. This is also gentle. When faced with the Indian team's attack, you risked your life to fight Shiva Gantian. This is courage."

"You are a person who is both gentle and courageous, but your courage is not enough, or in other words, your courage is inspired. You will not be cruel unless you have to."

"You want to live with everyone, no matter who the other person is, no matter whether the other person hurts you or not. You are really kind, second brother."

"But we are not omnipotent gods. There are things that no one can do because we are not powerful enough. Therefore, we need to make a choice."

"We gave Li Shuaixi a chance, and you gave him the greatest degree of tenderness, even a little bit of doting. Tenderness not only requires courage to defend, but also reason to restrain."

"Hesitation is not gentleness, it is weakness. Having no bottom line is not gentleness, but doting."

“And what determines the degree of tenderness is courage.”

"What gentleness is, you have to think more. What courage is, after thinking more, don't hesitate. Gentleness needs courage to defend, and courage needs gentleness to guide."

Wu Jie's figure dispersed, and Ida Jinglong looked at the dazed Zheng Zha and said to him: "A benevolent person must not only have a benevolent heart to protect the common people, but a benevolent person must also have a sharp heart that does not hesitate to swing a sword. If you want to be A warrior must have a deep love for the world and a decisive break. People from outside the territory, what do you think you still lack?"

Zheng Zha opened his eyes from the charred land in the back mountain, and behind him was the raging Gaya Coco Brahma.

Sure enough, it is necessary to go to bed early and so on.

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