How come this main god space is filled with stitching monsters!

Chapter 306 God’s War (15) Sun of Alien Life!

"I am Immorton, the High Priest, and I speak to all the soldiers in Cairo."

A gentle voice sounded in the minds of all the soldiers in Cairo, and many soldiers recognized this voice. This was the voice of the man who had the warm divine light to save them in the wounded camp!

‘High Priest, Immorton. ’

This was the first time many soldiers learned Immorton's name.

"As you all have seen, the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves is too great. The number of enemies is dozens of times greater than ours, and the number of cavalry alone exceeds all our military strength."

"With the blessing of the enemy gods, every enemy has extraordinary power."

"We can't see any hope of victory in this battle."

"But this is no reason to admit defeat!"

"How can you admit defeat!"

"We are one nation, we are compatriots connected by blood!"

"Behind us is Cairo! Behind Cairo are our relatives. You are fathers, brothers, and children. And I am also a husband and a father."

"We were once without dignity and humiliated. The British occupied this place, turned our country into a cotton plantation, and turned our compatriots into tools for growing cotton."

"The Pharaohs' pyramids are not only their mausoleums, but also important treasures left to us by our ancestors. The gold in them was left to us by our ancestors! But the invaders used cannons to blow open the door of the pyramid, swarmed up, and robbed They took away the gold and even took away the mummies and brought them to their country as cultural relics, exhibits, and medicinal materials!”

"What do they think we are?!"

"What do they think we are?!"

"They never treated us as humans! They treated us like pigs, dogs and beasts!"

"They are trampling on our dignity, the dignity of a nation with nearly ten thousand years of civilization!"

"Our enemies are wielding butcher knives, trying to make us kneel down and accept their rule again. They want us to live in darkness, without dignity, like livestock."

"They don't want us to be human beings, they want us to continue to be pigs and dogs!"

"This is a battle with great disparity in strength. If you want to escape, you can leave. I won't blame you. Because you are children."

"You can leave, I will cover your escape at the cost of my life."

"This is correct because life is precious. Even after death, the soul can still go to the underworld, but life is still precious."

"However, there are too many things in this world that are more important than life - that is dignity and family!"

"I will not retreat. I will defend Cairo, defend the dignity of our nation, and protect the lives of my children until the last drop of blood is used."

"Even if he is killed by them and his bones are trampled by horse hooves, I will bite him! Let them know that we cannot take him lightly!"

“Whoever wants to stay, God is with me, and I with you.”

"Those who want to leave, I wish you well, and I hope you can remember that today, in order to protect the dignity and lives of his children, a father shed his last drop of blood outside Cairo."

"I hope that when you are also a father, when your children are trampled on their dignity and life, you can stand up and protect your children like me."

"At this time, I am no longer a high priest, but a father who wants to protect his children. These words are a father's last instructions to you."

"God will protect us, but if we want to open up our future, we have to do it with our own hands."

Immorton was naked from the waist up, holding a pair of ancient Egyptian scimitars in his hands. His expression was as calm as a thousand-year-old ancient well. He was not disturbed by the holy light of the holy cross at all, just like an ancient Greek sculpture. The resentment and hatred deep in my heart seemed to have disappeared without a trace, only a pair of eyes that spanned a thousand years contained deep feelings.

"Ansuna, Louise, I love you."

The high priest of ancient Egypt, who spanned three thousand years, jumped off the city wall at this moment and launched a desperate challenge to the seemingly endless enemies in the distance who wanted to harm his children!

The strong wind rolled up the yellow sand, and the sand and dust covered the figures of the black-clothed cavalry, but it was not enough to cover the fire and tears in their eyes.

The hundreds of Mediga Extraordinary Cavalry clenched their teeth and their bodies could not help but tremble.

Not only are they the most powerful, they are also the most determined.

Their eyes were focused on Ades, just waiting for that order.

Ades cut his palm with a sword and used blood to outline a new holy seal rune on his face.

The sword pointed forward, Adès pushed his legs hard, his horse neighed, and charged towards the mighty sea of ​​cavalry ahead!

“For the children—!!!”

"Mediga! Charge!!!"

On the city wall, beside the city, warriors one after another grasped their weapons again, and warriors one after another strengthened their minds!

Yes, we will die, but our children and our relatives can survive. They can step on our corpses and live a life of laughter in the sun.

Yes, you can be active in the sun as a person.

This is enough!

Those who still insist on staying on the front line at this time are the most determined group of people. If it were not for the violent suppression of the Holy Cross and the connivance of ten times more opponents on the battlefield, they would not waver.

How can anyone who has seen the sun endure living in darkness again?

"Listen to the singing! The singing coming from the city!"

Yes, singing.

Another wave of singing sounded, and a light that was completely different from the white holy light shimmered from the city of Cairo.

The singing was faint, but unwavering, resisting the invasion of hymns.

The light was faint but full of energy, like the rising sun in the morning.

The light rose into the sky and the song grew from small to loud.

The man holding the Spear of Judgment flew into the sky, blooming with dazzling light in the sky!

He turned into a ball of light and merged with the sun in the sky!

[Pharaoh is the incarnation of the sun god in the human world. Every person who is upright and kind and willing to work hard to protect important things is his child. He loves every child deeply and is the guardian of children. When children bathe in the warm sun, they will be immune to all diseases. 】

[When the country is invaded, when the children are confused and crying, the Pharaoh will ascend to the throne of the sky, transform into the scorching sun, and grant endless divine power to the warriors who guard their homeland, dignity and children, helping them to win! 】

——Volume 1 of "New Sun Sutra" What is Pharaoh?

The scorching sun rises, the ultimate belief of the Sun God Religion, the top tool man of the Central Continent Team, and currently the highest-level ally of the Central Continent Team, the Sun God Ra—arrives!

Happy Dragon Boat Festival

I’m so tired. I don’t want to update. I want to give myself two days off.

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