How come this main god space is filled with stitching monsters!

Chapter 318 God’s War (Twenty-Seven) Ark of the Covenant, Horus

Ler's rage lit up the sky. This was not an adjective, but a real effect.

The sky was literally on fire!

In Leer's anger, the earth's atmosphere suffered almost irreparable damage. Leer's blue eyes stared at the alien sun in the sky, the winged dragon next to the alien sun, and the city. , and the mortals on earth.

He can kill them all with just one thought!

With just one action, He can completely wipe this city out of this world!

If it weren't for that damn karma and luck!

"You mortals, who disrespect the true God and believe in evil gods, are unpardonable sins!"

Leer raised the long sword in his hand. Even in the state of the Winged Dragon, Zheng Zha already had the power to fight an ordinary legend. If he were at his peak, he would be able to kill an ordinary legend with one punch. But when Leer raised his sword, The moment he held the sword, all he felt was despair.

He couldn't beat him at all. No, this wasn't something he couldn't beat. He didn't even have a chance to take action in front of the opponent!

‘Is this a higher level? Is this the power of the fourth level? What is the difference between me and an ant in front of Him? ’

Neither Zheng Zha nor the Sun God warriors who fought bravely on the battlefield could feel even a hint of resistance in their hearts.

How can man defeat the true God?

"The Evil God? Betrayed the Lord God, stabbed his companions in the back, and harmed the believer Horus. Tell me, who is the Evil God?"

When Chu Xuan stood on the city wall and said these words without fear, Leer's expression changed obviously at that moment. Although it lasted for a very short time, the magnitude of the change was very strong.

It's as if a mortal's greatest wish is that the secret that he can take to the grave alone is revealed!

"Mortal! Shut up!"

Angry from shame.

Leer, who was just angry before, was annoyed.

At this time, another god's world view seemed to collapse.

"Horus told me, is what he said true?!"

Another scream sounded, and the tone was full of shock, anger, and deep hidden sadness.

Wu Jie's soul returned to the Sun of Alien Life. At the same time that he became complete, Special Air Machine L also came to the human world with the help of the hole opened by heaven in the star world.

La was dragged down by Wu Jie. Knowing that he would probably not survive if he stayed in the star realm, La chose to follow Wu Jie down to fight.

What if?

What if Wu Jie and his friends really have a way to win?

God was created by man, so God inevitably has some human characteristics - the desire to survive.

But when La heard what Chu Xuan said, he only hated himself for why he came.

It would be better to stay in the God Realm and be a confused god until he dies.

Horus, his closest subordinate and his favorite child.

The god of war of the sky and guardianship, Horus!

La's mind went back to the day when the first divine war took place thousands of years ago. At this moment, La seemed to have figured out everything.

At that time, the Egyptian God Realm, as the most powerful divine system in the world, was impregnable. But one day, heaven suddenly descended directly on the Egyptian God Realm.

But in that battle, Horus, the sky war god who was the first god under the main god in the Egyptian pantheon, did not appear immediately. He didn't even appear in the subsequent battle!

When Ra went to search for Horus, he found that Horus was nowhere to be found.

He simply thought that Horus had been assassinated by the Heavenly God System in advance, but he could not imagine that his closest child had betrayed him.

Laning believed that this inference was wrong, but looking at the performance of Leer, the angel who was obviously the strongest, but did not show up at all in the battle thousands of years ago, he was forced to make up for everything.

"I am—the war god of heaven, the guardian of the holy spring—the archangel—Ler!"

Leer screamed and was about to cut off the long sword in his hand, but under the influence of a force in his body, the long sword pierced his own chest.

Under the protection of Wu Jie, the priests of the Sun God Religion recited the words of prayer, and the object of the prayer was not La, or Wu Jie and Zheng Zha, but the Pharaoh.

Pharaoh Horus.

From the very beginning, the Pharaoh had only one name declared to the outside world - Horus.

It is written very clearly in black and white in the "New Sun Book" that Pharaoh is Horus, and Horus is the guardian of people. He will never harm the believers of the Sun God. He will only bravely deal with those who try to harm believers. The villains take action.

Golden divine blood flowed along the length of the long sword. Leer's eyes widened. He did not pull the long sword out of his body, but inserted the long sword into his body with more force, trying to forcibly cut off the relationship between him and He. Ruth's cause and effect.

'what is happening? ! Why can't I understand it at all? ! ’

‘The situation is urgent now, but the thinking speed of the third-level gene lock is faster than that of a computer, so it doesn’t hurt to explain it to you. ’

‘There are many differences between the mythology of this world and the mythology of our world. The most conspicuous one is undoubtedly our solar system, where the nine pillar gods have become two. ’

‘So Chu Xuan and I naturally considered that since the Egyptian mythology has changed, what about other myths? ’

‘Then, we discovered that there was an additional name in the Christian myth that we had never heard of in the real world—the archangel, Leer. ’

'The rest of the Egyptian gods were largely unknown, especially Horus, whose traces were almost erased. But a falcon tamed by Ades happened to be named exactly that. We asked Ades why he gave the falcon this name, and he replied that he came up with it on a whim. ’

'We knew at that point that something was wrong with Horus, but we weren't completely sure that Horus was Leer. ’

'There is no concept of Seraphim in this world, and Milca, Gabriel and other more famous angels in Christian mythology do not exist. There is only one Leer.'

‘At that time, Leer and the Christian pantheon became Chu Xuan and I’s biggest imaginary enemies, and they successfully predicted them. ’

‘Everyone should have discovered that Qi Tengyi had hardly appeared a long time ago, not because he was sent somewhere to further his studies, but because he was assigned a teammate by Chu Xuan and went to hunt for treasures. ’

‘That teammate is Evelin’s brother, a man who also has great luck in this world, Jonathan. ’

‘As for the treasure you are looking for, it is the box where the Israelites signed a contract with God thousands of years ago and was used to store the contract. Its scientific name is - the Ark of the Covenant. ’

‘And what is stored in the Ark of the Covenant is not only the contract between man and God, because God does not exist in this world. The person with the highest status in the heavenly pantheon of this world is Leer, the rebellious Horus. ’

‘That contract is the key prop used by Horus to join the Heavenly God System! ’

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