Although this is said, everyone still has unlimited good hopes for the future of the Central Continent Team.

As for whether there will be any side effects from using medicine to unlock the door, I can't mention it if I haven't thought of it, and I wouldn't ask such a stupid question if I thought of it.

Without medication, most people can't even open the genetic lock, so what are the side effects?

Even if the third-level gene opened by applying medicine cannot be locked to the fourth level, there are many people who cannot open the first level without using medicine, let alone the third level, and there are even more people who died directly in horror movies.

Trade the future for the present, don’t learn it if you’re not the protagonist.

It took Di Dafu two hours to repair his body. Just when it was repaired and ready to continue chasing Zero Point, a figure appeared in front of it in an instant, and then punched it from the ground to an altitude of 500 meters. Then he grabbed it by the collar and flew in another direction.

Di Dafu was immediately stunned. What is this thing? Why is its power so terrifying?

But what follows is intense excitement!

"That's right! Such a powerful force! Come on! Keep attacking me!"

Zheng Zha was shocked, why is this still a jerk?

"Why don't you continue the attack?"

"Well, although you are a jerk, I have to take you far away, otherwise it will be bad if you hurt innocent people."

Zheng Zha didn't know much about Oparo's affairs. Even if he knew, he couldn't say anything more.

In the end, they still don't have enough strength.

But now that casualties can be avoided, Zheng Zha must avoid them as much as possible!

"Casualties? As a high-level life form like me, why do you still care about those lowly low-level life forms?" Di Dafu asked in confusion, while pulling out blood vessels from the body and launched an attack on Zheng Zha!

The dragon scales on Zheng Zha's arm flashed, and Di Dafu's blood vessels, which were as sharp as iron and mud, couldn't even scratch Zheng Zha's scale defense!

"Higher? Lower? I don't care what kind of monster you are. No matter how strong I become, I, Zheng Zha, will always be the same person! A living human being, Zheng Zha!" Zheng Zha recalled the tragic situation in London and was furious. With a shake of his hand, a bright red flame ignited from his hand, turning Di Dafu into a fire man.


The pain of distance runs through Didav's heart. It's hard to imagine that Didav actually retains some of the necessary characteristics of living things-the sense of pain.

Didav, who was transformed into an undead monster, did not completely degrade his sense of pain, but weakened it to a negligible level. However, as long as the pain caused is strong enough, it can still make people miserable.

Zheng Zha gritted his teeth and said: "Not only has your body turned into a monster, but your consciousness and heart have also turned into a monster... Death is the best relief for you!"

With the anger in Zheng Zha's heart, the flames in his hands became more and more intense. The evolution speed of Di Dafu could not even keep up with the speed of flame destruction for a while, but the golden mask of evolution on its face was suddenly activated, and inside The countless runes engraved on it flickered and linked, prompting the genes in Di Dafu's body to start a crazy evolution!

The evolution level of the fire resistance gene was pulled to the highest level in an instant. After experiencing the initial pain, Didav actually survived!

After gaining enough fire resistance, Di Dafu began to repair his body at such a speed that even Zheng Zha was stunned.

"Hahahahahaha. There's nothing you can do! Lower life form!" Di Dafu's face was ferocious. Although these flames did not pose any threat to him now, the pain was still unforgettable: "You are really strong. I encountered You are the strongest among the lower life forms, I have decided that after I obtain your life source, I will transform you into a zombie to be grateful!"

"What? Isn't it very weak? This kind of flame is already your full strength, isn't it? Do you see, this is the power of advanced life forms! I am no longer afraid of this kind of flame!"

As he spoke, Di Dafu once again released his blood vessels and tried to extract Zheng Zha's blood.

Then it failed easily.

Just because the resistance is high, doesn't mean it can break through the defense.

"How did you do it?" Zheng Zha couldn't help but ask: "If Chu Xuan were here, he would be very curious about such a fast evolution speed."

Di Dafu sneered and said, "Hahahahaha. Are low-level life forms envious of high-level life forms now? I can also make you immortal, as long as you can become my slave..." Do you know the origin of life?"


"That's right! It's this thing, the basic factor. It's not bad to call it that. This thing called gene controls the evolution of life! It's not that the more life you absorb, the stronger you become. I absorbed a certain amount of those low-level vampires. You can no longer help me become stronger, but you can! In other words, only a powerful life form can!"

"You allowed me to complete my resistance to the high temperature of the flames, and all of me! Every basic cell of mine is evolving. In other words, even the cells left in my clone have also evolved! As long as I don't Kill all my cells! I will never die!"

Zheng Zha frowned, not even paying attention to the blood vessels trying to attack the weak points of his body.

'The message left in Chu Xuan's capsule told me not to think too much and just fight. All problems are essentially caused by insufficient power. If the explosion is not enough, then limit explosion, and if the destruction is not enough, then limit destruction. It's really not possible. The name "Prehistoric" and "Creating the World" is quite domineering. It is much stronger than the explosion and destruction I thought. It is better for young people to have flexible minds. Since Chu Xuan said so, then - explosion! ’

"You are right, this level of flame is already the limit of my red dragon flame."

A disdainful smile appeared on Di Dafu's face, and then a huge fist dented his entire face.

A sonic boom sounded in mid-air, and Di Dafu, who was still trying to find a weak point to break through, was punched five hundred meters by Zheng Zha, and it was within one second.

In other words, Di Dafu was punched out of supersonic speed by Zheng Zha.

Di Dafu's body was hit by such a terrifying force, and for a while his body's repair speed couldn't keep up.

Just when Di Dafu instinctively wanted to repair his body, Zheng Zha's fist appeared in front of it again.

The second punch!

Explosion + second-level gene lock!

Flying speed, Mach 5!

The third punch, extreme explosion + second-level gene lock!

Di Dafu was beaten directly into the stratosphere!

At this time, it is no longer his consciousness that supports Di Dafu's evolution, but the golden mask of evolution itself!


With a roar, Di Dafu's consciousness was completely replaced!

The fourth punch that Zheng Zha was about to punch was stalled.

He saw it clearly, and it looked exactly like the way he started the fourth-level gene lock.

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