How come this main god space is filled with stitching monsters!

Chapter 413: Future Reincarnation Legion, Golden Age Team, join us!



The Death Army was repelled, and cheers rang out in the star port.

As for the Central Continent Team, under the name of the Infinite Group, the appearance of these strangely dressed people with powerful firepower and extraordinary strength has attracted the attention of all the Starport garrison. Some of the garrison even compared them with the superhero comics that appeared in the early to mid-20th century. The superheroes among them are connected.

‘This is the meaning of summoning the Death Army, to build momentum for our next actions on Earth. I know that today's earth civilization is not of much help to us, but I don't expect them to help us in terms of force. All we need is a name, one that can prevent them from fighting us to the death with the enemy. Guaranteed to come and hold us back when the time comes.'

‘Isn’t this too smooth? ’ Through mental scanning, Zhan Lan felt the mood swings of the soldiers gradually surrounding him. They were mostly curious, a little fanatical, and a little confused, but there was very little hostility or suspicion: ‘Are we full of good feelings now? Don't they doubt it? ’

What Zhan Lan said was true. Although the garrison at Starport was not strong enough to guess that the sudden appearance of the Death Army was the summoned beast of the Zhongzhou Team, the Zhongzhou Team, who clearly had strange powers, did not look like ordinary people. Under Wu Jie's Upon request, the group more or less made their appearance look a little different.

From the eye color and hair color being different from ordinary people, to the scales, claws, and hair growing on the body, the most serious one is the one with the cannon barrel. It is like the product of a one-night stand between humans and Autobots, carbon-based organisms and The crystallization of the cross-species combination of silicon-based organisms actually used physical ammunition to attack those monsters during the battle. We can understand it if you use lasers, but he used all physical ammunition, so the problem is, he shot So many bullets have been released, where are the bullets stored?

Haotian: No @, I want to know too.

‘Then you must have been shocked and surrendered by my domineering aura! ’+1002

'Why can the Soul Chain channel also collect complaining energy? Zhan Lan, you overestimate the mentality of soldiers in this era. If it weren't for the weirdness, the human civilization in this world has not had a war for hundreds of years. Although these soldiers are equipped as much as possible, Well-trained, but in terms of combat awareness, compared with our world, it is definitely better than the excellent matching mechanism of the African Region, but it is only better than the African Region. Our behavior of helping them fight against the strange monsters just now is enough for them to consider us as their own. ’

‘How about compared with the French army? ’+2311

‘That’s still a match for the African region! Soulless! Africa is the strongest.’

Wu Jie rubbed his temples fiercely, glared at Zhang Heng fiercely, and quickly brought the topic back on track.

'In short, the military quality of the human army in this world is actually very poor. People joining the army are more like joining mercenaries. They mainly work for money and make a living. There is no need to talk about beliefs and so on. ’

‘In this case, wait a minute, it seems that I underestimated the value of the star port garrison. The commander here is quite good. ’

The heavily armed human soldiers in the star port were quickly evacuated and replaced by groups of androids! The bionic people carefully approached the Zhongzhou Team with weapons in hand, and aimed their weapons at everyone in the Zhongzhou Team.

It has obviously entered the age of interstellar navigation, but human civilization still maintains a considerable number of human soldiers.

it's necessary.

As early as the early days of the great voyage, humans issued a death order to all bionic creations that they must not harm humans. Even if humans are hurting humans, bionic creatures must never take action against humans.

Even if he watched humans being killed by humans.

So the soldiers must be human beings.

For reasons similar to the prohibition of harm by androids, although there are androids as assistants in the army, only human soldiers can form combat effectiveness.

The military is necessary in any era, even before the emergence of aberrations, human civilization has never encountered any alien forces that required the use of force to solve.

Even if there is friction within human beings, in the context of interstellar navigation, armed conflicts will rarely break out. Large tracts of gold mines hang in the sky waiting to be mined. Who is in the mood to stay in the corner of the earth and fight for life and death.

Thanks to the two camps that are still confronting each other even now, internal pressure has allowed both sides to maintain a large number of troops while expanding crazily outwards. Each colonial planet has a large number of soldiers stationed.

It doesn’t matter whether these soldiers are elite or not, but their existence at least gives the floating colonial planets a certain ability to resist attacks by monsters.

The fact that only humans can hold weapons changed due to the appearance of aberrations.

When human leaders discovered that if they continued to use androids to deal with aberrations, both combat effectiveness and battle losses would be unsatisfactory. In contrast, bionic creations that are completely controlled by humans are almost perfect combat weapons.

But allowing bionic people to master combat power almost overturned the Bionic Act that had been maintained for hundreds of years. The head of the Free Federation was almost dismissed on the spot because of this bill. Fortunately, the news of the aberrant attack on the city made the Free Federation directly enter the war. At this time, any impeachment must be put on hold.

Under the pressure of the high-intensity battle losses of human soldiers, the attacks of crazy monsters without any intention of negotiation, and the high pensions of soldiers, the Bionic Act was revised for the first time.

The bionic people took up weapons and became the backbone of the battle. Although there are still a large number of human soldiers in the army, most of them are civilians. That is to say, the attack of the Death Army was fierce and fast, and with Zhang Jie's deliberate guidance, This forced the entire Starport into chaos and made the Zhongzhou team the most dazzling star.

After solving the most important issue of the strange roar, the existence of the Central Continent Team became a hot potato in the hands of the star port commander.

What is the purpose of this group of people with powerful firepower, just like the superheroes in old-time superhero comics, with superpowers?

From the current point of view, it should be friendly forces.

But this general is no ordinary person.

Although he was wearing a new era military uniform, his temperament was obviously that of a veteran who had been on the battlefield in the old era and had experienced the test of iron and blood. He walked out from behind, spoke old English, and personally acted as the supreme commander. Face a group of superhuman beings with powerful powers.

"I am the Free Federation's Admiral at Starport Earth 3, Martin Omhis. I am very grateful for your efforts in the previous battles. According to the Blood Alert Regulations, human civilization has now entered the most critical moment. Regardless of whether you Belonging to Eastern Repression or the Free Federation, at this moment, we are all human beings!”

"So, please cooperate with the inspection. After the inspection, you are free to choose whether to stay or go. In order not to misunderstand each other, please put down all weapons. That steel boy who looks like a war machine, if there is anything Inconvenient, you can choose to stay where you are and repeat it now."

"No need to repeat it, General." Zhang Jie stepped forward with a cold face and saluted General Martin: "Future Samsara Army, captain of the first team of the Golden Age, Zhang Jie!"

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