Chapter 448 Yi·Death

Li Xiaoyi is only one step away from turning into an ice sculpture, and although Zhao Yingkong is stronger, he is not much stronger.

Her enhancement is divided into two parts, Shadow Stalker and White Tiger Bloodline.

Needless to say, shadow stalkers, although they can move at high speeds, are corroded by the air of the sea of ​​blood more than twice as fast in the shadows as on the main plane. If Zhao Yingkong stays in the shadows, She didn't even need the sea of ​​blood to wash the floor, the air of the sea of ​​blood alone could freeze her to death.

Each of the four elephant bloodlines has its own characteristics.

Qinglong belongs to wood and can call wind and thunder. After strengthening, it will increase basic attributes, all-element resistance, wood talent, etc. It is the most comprehensive attribute improvement among the four image enhancements.

Xuanwu belongs to water, so its affinity and resistance to water attributes will be greatly improved, and its defense power will be greatly enhanced. It is the one with the strongest defense among the four strengthened images.

Suzaku belongs to fire. Although it does not have the natal magical power of Nirvana and Rebirth of the Phoenix clan, it has extremely strong energy. Few enhancements at the same level can compete with Suzaku in energy. At the same time, Suzaku also has the highest resistance to abnormal conditions.

Of the above three, if Zhao Yingkong strengthens any one of them, he will not be so embarrassed at this time.

But what she strengthened was the Gengjin White Tiger who took the attack and killing to the extreme.

The white tiger belongs to the metal and is mainly responsible for killing.

All other improvements of the White Tiger's bloodline are small, but the improvement in attack and killing is extremely terrifying. The White Tiger's evil energy hurts others and oneself, but it also illustrates the power of the White Tiger's evil energy from the side.

But the white tiger's resistance to elements and abnormal conditions can only be said to be average.

Even if Zhao Yingkong fully transforms into a white tiger and surrounds his body with the evil spirit of the white tiger, he can only run faster and endure longer under the erosion of the blood sea energy.


Even without looking back, Zhao Yingkong could sense that the sea of ​​blood was approaching from the erosion of the pervasive air of the sea of ​​blood!

Once she is caught in the sea of ​​blood, she will definitely die!

This is a genetic lock, what every gene in her body tells her.

It's getting colder and colder, and the sea of ​​blood is getting closer.

Moreover, Zhao Yingkong was also keenly aware of another thing - this sea of ​​blood was hunting them down.

The sea of ​​​​blood indeed made the two of them the first target. If someone looked from a high altitude, they would find that although the sea of ​​​​blood was spreading in all directions, it pounced on Li Xiaoyi and Zhao Yingkong the fastest.

The Blood Sea Formation in Netherworld is controlled by someone!

Even though he couldn't completely control it, under Carol's fierce murderous intent, the Netherworld Blood Sea Formation was still affected by the murderous intent, and passively listed Li Xiaoyi and Zhao Yingkong as the best targets for killing.

These ten formations were created based on the innate spiritual treasure of Ancestor Minghe and the twin swords of 'Yuan Tu' and 'Abi' that mastered the origin of killing. Naturally, these formations have an influence on the origin of killing.

But she still did not give up. When she noticed that Li Xiaoyi's movements were getting stiffer, she did not hesitate and put Li Xiaoyi, who was half taller than her, on her shoulders, and took Li Xiaoyi with her. Yi moved on.

She didn't know how long she could hold on, but she was unwilling to give up Li Xiaoyi.

As long as she abandons Li Xiaoyi, she can live a little longer, but Li Xiaoyi will be drowned by the sea of ​​blood in a moment.

So she will not abandon Li Xiaoyi.


There is comradeship, although not much.

It's more that she wants to prove one thing, that is - she is definitely not the kind of person like Zhao Zukong who selfishly abandons and harms his partners for his own sake!

no way!

Stubborn, this may be the best evaluation of 'this' Zhao Yingkong at this moment.

With the invasion of blood sea air and the stiffness of his body, Zhao Yingkong's thoughts could not help but be occupied by the memories of the past.

But the memories of the past came to mind, and the doubt that she had pushed into the depths of her soul surfaced again.

Is there really nothing wrong with my memory?

Then why is there such a sense of dissonance in my past? Why are there so many memories that don’t match my own cognition?

What happened to my memory?

Suddenly, ice slag, no, it should be large swaths of minced meat dregs began to fall one after another.

The sound of broken body tissue was heard. Although Zhao Yingkong had not seen it with his own eyes, the knowledge he had learned while in the Assassin family emerged - this was when a person's body was extremely stiff, such as forcibly moving the body after being frozen by low temperature. the sounds and effects caused.

Li Xiaoyi!

Li Xiaoyi's body has been frozen, and the erosion of the sea of ​​blood has completely solidified his body, like a zombie.

But here, Li Xiaoyi moved.

The second-level gene lock is open, and it is the most original second-level gene lock state!

Every blood vessel and nerve in his body was awakened again under the influence of willpower! Li Xiaoyi, who was originally strong, turned into a devilish muscular man at this moment, and broke free from Zhao Yingkong's body.

The price of the instantaneous explosion is that when the gene lock ends, his body will completely collapse and be shattered into dregs on the ground.

The expression on Li Xiaoyi's face has solidified. Judging from his dim eyes, he has lost his vision.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyi grabbed Zhao Yingkong's arm with great precision. In Zhao Yingkong's shocked eyes, the fighting spirit in Li Xiaoyi's body completed its final bloom - with the blessing of fighting spirit and the second-level gene lock, Li Xiaoyi's strength reached its peak, and as he made the discus-throwing action, Zhao Yingkong flew fiercely into the distance!

Xuehai was angry. To be precise, Carol was angry when he saw the murderer escaping. He once again ignited the origin of his life, and even used the hidden function of the prehistoric beast array to forcefully use the beast soul to amplify it regardless of his own life or death. His own calculation power caused the sea of ​​​​blood to rush towards the escaping Zhao Yingkong!

"Xiao Yi!!!"

Zheng Zha, who had arrived at the fastest speed, had eyes wide open. Even if he had flown beyond Mach speed and the limit explosion was completely full, his own speed could only be calculated in terms of Mach. But at present, pure power still has its limits, and Zheng Zha cannot yet achieve curvature navigation with pure power.

He couldn't go any faster.

He didn't even dare to pick up Zhao Yingkong, because he knew that picking up Zhao Yingkong at his current speed would only cause Zhao Yingkong, who was finally rescued by Li Xiaoyi, to be smashed into blood foam all over his body.

The only thing he could do seemed to be to slow down and rescue Zhao Yingkong.

The sea of ​​blood fell and engulfed Li Xiaoyi's body.

The last thing that was swallowed up was the hand that Li Xiaoyi threw away from Zhao Yingkong. That hand finally made a thumbs up gesture.

'Cheng Xiao said that a real man would never let a woman die in front of him. ’

‘I, before I die, am also a real man. ’

Li Xiaoyi completely lost consciousness. At the last second, what he heard was——

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