From beginning to end, Wu Jie has a setting that although has not been mentioned a few times, has always existed and helped Wu Jie several times.

He is a mind controller!

Whether it is using mental power to scan the entire map in Alien 1, or using the mental power scan and the characteristics of the mental power controller to understand the power of heaven and earth in The Grudge, or even comprehending the light of the soul and mental power in advance. The identity of the controller plays an important role.

Now, too.

Now Wu Jie is wrapped in endless black fire flames. Only under the protection of the plasma spark crystal can he avoid the damage of the flames. Once he breaks away from the protection of the plasma spark crystal, he will be engulfed by the flames.

Violent Yan can even ignite his mental power, otherwise Zhan Lan would have wanted to pull Zheng Zha out of his inner demon state.

A star slowly rose in Wu Jie's body, emitting a weak but determined light.




"I don't choose!!!"

“I—want it all!!!”

Zheng Zha frantically beat the blood-black water at his feet, his eyes were dark, and blood and tears were flowing from the corners of his eyes.

The inner demons are entangled around Zheng Zha. His legs have been swallowed by the black ocean. The sea level is still rising and will swallow Zheng Zha in just a moment.

The blood rain solidified and turned into a black snake again. It laughed strangely while swimming around Zheng Zha in the dark ocean, constantly intercepting the mutilated human body that tried to get close to Zheng Zha.

If you don't know, if you see this scene, you may think that the black snake is lying around to protect Zheng Zha!

‘As long as you, the protagonist who brought it upon yourself, don’t fall into your hands, what if I don’t want it? Hundreds of millions of years of forbearance, millions of years of planning, and indulgence did not reach the best ending, but it was not bad! ’

The black ocean is still rising, and the excitement in the black snake's eyes is getting stronger and stronger, and it is even about to climax.

Billions of years of waiting.

When the ocean of negativity engulfs the ‘protagonist’, it’s time to fight!

The secret chess it laid at great cost back then didn't even notice the chess pieces it laid.

The 'protagonist' has sunk, and the golden rope looks like a way to survive, but it is actually another way to sink!

Protagonist, there is no way to escape!

The ocean of negativity has flooded Zheng Zha's lower abdomen. Black Snake desperately resisted the opponent's attack, trembling all over, and he didn't know whether it was excitement or pain.

The moment the ocean of negativity flooded Zheng Zha's chest, his chest lit up with a bright and dazzling light! But the light was not huge. Compared with the negative ocean, it was not even a firefly. It was weak and pitiful.

Black Snake snorted coldly, but also knew that this matter should not be rushed.

It is indeed not difficult to extinguish this little spark, but if it makes the 'protagonist' turn against him, it is not beautiful. The poor light of the soul can only help the 'protagonist' to hold on for a while longer. It can't even make the 'protagonist's mind sober at all. Can you give up because of pain that doesn’t even count for a moment?

Isn’t it just tolerance?

But Black Snake didn't expect that some things can't be tolerated, and once you tolerate it, big trouble will easily happen.

Half of a simple pattern appeared on the glimmer of light in Zheng Zha's chest, and in the boundless darkness, a bright star rolled towards the bottom of the abyss!

And among the stars, that half of the ancient pattern is guiding Wu Jie along with the glimmer of light!

Tiger charm!

As a double A-level prop, the most powerful prop among the immortal weapons and spiritual treasures, the Tiger Talisman is not as simple as it seems on the surface!

During the battle between the five-color sacred cows, the tiger talisman in Zheng Zha's body suffered from overloaded pressure and shattered. However, anyone who has watched "Holy Lord: Miserable Diary" knows that the tiger talisman itself can be separated!

Even the initial Tiger Talisman was bitten open by an old man. This time it was bitten open by Zheng Zha, which can be regarded as a tribute to the classic.

Half of the tiger talisman remained in Zheng Zha's body, and half of the tiger talisman flew into the subspace and was captured by Wu Jie.

The part that flew into the subspace brought Wu Jie information about unexpected events in his plan, causing Wu Jie to stop fighting his inner demons. The part that remained in Zheng Zha's body was transformed by Zheng Zha's violence and the talisman was burned, but the tiger's divine power was integrated into Zheng Zha's body and was preserved by Zhang Jie with the light of his soul.

The talisman is just a container, the real power is the divine power that remains within the talisman.

Zhang Jie's seemingly casual move actually saved Zheng Zha's life.

What is the big brother of the Zhongzhou team? jpg

"Second brother!!!"

The voice of the call exploded like spring thunder. Zheng Zha, whose pupils were almost completely engulfed in darkness, suddenly raised his head, and a huge crack opened in the dark clouds in his heart!

The star-like figure fell towards the sea of ​​darkness. Zheng Zha instinctively opened his mouth and shouted: "Third brother, leave quickly! Don't come!"

"Don't come!"

"Don't sacrifice yourself because of me again!"

"Let's go!!!"

Wu Jie couldn't see the black snake, couldn't see the sea of ​​negativity, and couldn't see the countless mutilated bodies. All he saw was Zheng Zha, only Zheng Zha who was trapped in his inner demons!

“I don’t want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day!”

"If I can't even protect my cherished companions! Then what's the point of living for me!"

"Today! Either live together! Or die together!"

Wu Jie's body kept getting closer to Zheng Zha, but no matter how he flew, he always kept a certain distance from Zheng Zha. The palm he stretched out to hold Zheng Zha could never touch the person who was close at hand. .

"What about the others?!" Zheng Zha roared angrily, shaking the whole dark world and hesitating: "I am important! Don't you, the others, matter? Go back! Let me live!" "

"I am your important partner, aren't you my important partner?!"

"When can you be selfish, when can you live for yourself! When can you find yourself!"

"Do you think you are so handsome like this! You look like a hero?! Do you think I don't know? Chu Xuan has told me a long time ago that you gave up the opportunity to become an immortal and become an ancestor, and gave up using 50,000 reward points to return The opportunity to live a peaceful life in the real world is just to stay here and fight with us! You are happy! But what about us?! Are we happy about this?!"

Zheng Zha's roar was like an enlightenment, and like an ancient bronze bell, it shocked Wu Jie's soul.

A question that he had never considered, or that was deeply suppressed in his heart, came to Zheng Zha's mind with a roar.

'who I am? ’

‘Why am I alive? ’

‘What am I living for? ’

‘My.self? ’

Entering the last hurdle of No. 4 Middle School - self-tribulation.


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