‘It turns out that this is the state of No. 4 Middle School’

If you are willing to give up, you will gain something.

Inner demons are essentially the biggest obsessions in people’s hearts.

The moment Wu Jie separated from his inner demons, he was only one step away from officially overcoming his inner demons and achieving No. 4 Middle School.

In the original work, Zheng Zha committed suicide and became enlightened in A Nightmare on Elm Street. He realized that his inner demon was that he was too persistent in living. After realizing this, Zheng Zha chose to commit suicide, saw through the demonic obstacles in his heart, and finally entered the middle stage of the fourth level.

So what about Wu Jie’s inner demons?

Those he cares about, but underneath this surface, what is hidden deeper is that Wu Jie can't find his own self, and he can't find the proof of his existence.

He is very similar to Zheng Zha. Zheng Zha wants to live with other people, while Wu Jie wants the people he values ​​and cherishes to be safe.

Compared to Zheng Zha, Wu Jie is obviously much more extreme.

Because in his opinion, the friends of the Central Continent Team are the proof of his existence.

Everyone who protects the Zhongzhou Team is not only protecting the people they cherish, but also protecting Wu Jie's self.

When he saw that his permanent return option was a mess, he tightened his grip. The tighter he holds on, the more frantically he holds on to everyone in the Zhongzhou team, the less likely he is to find himself.

So he won’t choose to return to reality. ‘He’ is in the Zhongzhou team. Wouldn’t returning to reality destroy the concept of his own existence?

Wu Jie thought of the strong man from the Zhao family who died of inner demons backlash within half a minute of returning to the real world. Wu Jie was convinced that he was the same.

It was indeed a coincidence that Wu Jie was able to overcome his inner demons and enter the No. 4 Middle School.

If the inner demon does not give birth to an independent personality and spiritual intelligence, Wu Jie's only way is to prove the truth with force and let Chu Xuan fire the magic Star Destroyer Cannon on him for half an hour.

However, when the inner demon became independent, Wu Jie saw the inner demon from the perspective of a bystander at the last moment.

Father, like son.

Wu Jie couldn't figure out how to get through his inner demons, but instead he saw clearly where his inner demons were.

‘Since I have to sacrifice myself, it is useless to keep this body. The inner demons fight with me and help me, but they are all miserable people. ’

When a person is about to die, his words are also good.

Wu Jie knew that what he was going to do next would be quite explosive for the entire Infinite Diversity. His body would not be of much use, so he might as well leave it to his inner demons to fulfill his obsession.

In this way, his trip was worthwhile.

Leaving your body to your inner demons and breaking them out is the most orthodox way to overcome your inner demons - to reconcile with your inner demons and understand yourself.

The inner demon is indeed Wu Jie's inner demon, and the inner demon that was born has the same purpose as Wu Jie's inner demon.

Wu Jie desperately wants to protect the people he values ​​​​not only because of his heart of wanting to protect the people he cherishes, but also because he subconsciously wants to protect the proof of his existence. This does not mean that Wu Jie does not care about the other people in the Zhongzhou Team, but only regards the other people in the Zhongzhou Team as a means to prove his existence, but because he attaches too much importance to them, he thinks that their existence will prove his own existence.

As for Wu Jie, who couldn't find anyone worth entrusting his existence to, the Devils' main god was pretty annoyed about this anyway.

After reconciling with his inner demon, Wu Jie was only half a step away from success.

And Zheng Zha's roar made him think about the problem he had been avoiding.

It even triggered deeper thinking - his past.

At this moment, Wu Jie finally saw through his obsession, holding on to his partner who refused to let go, the existence he wanted to prove.

In fact, it has always been there!

The death of the body is not death. As long as he is still there, the traces of the existence of the friends of the Zhongzhou Team will not disappear.

What's more, everyone has at least one chance to be resurrected in the main god's space. If you add F-level permission, that's two.

In the sea of ​​soul, a light burst out from Wu Jie's eyes.

At this moment, he was no longer confused and worried about gains and losses.

Because his partner always exists in his heart!

The two closest to the central star lit up one after another, and the light of the soul that Zhang Jie left in Wu Jie's body merged into one of them!

And all this happened in just an instant!

"Second brother/second brother!"

This time, it was Zheng Zha's turn.

Zhang Jie's voice burst out from the depths of Zheng Zha's heart, and the inner demons were completely forced out of Zheng Zha's body!

"Second brother! Remember, no matter what time, we will always stand by your side!"

"Second brother! Between the three of us, no one in our Central Continent team can abandon anyone, and none of us will abandon anyone. Do you still remember the oath we once said?!"

“I don’t want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day!”

“Stand side by side—until death!”

Zheng Zha's star projection shone brightly in Wu Jie's mind universe. Zheng Zha looked at the brother who reached out to him, and the last trace of the demonic barrier in his heart that was disturbed by his inner demons dissipated, and he swung his fists forward with a roar!

Zheng Zha's heart can be said to be a pure heart.

You can say that he is stupid most of the time, but you can't say that Zheng Zha doesn't have the intelligence at critical moments.

Wu Jie's three simple sentences spoke directly into Zheng Zha's heart, and also directly illuminated Zheng Zha's inner demons.

Whether it is Wu Jie's inner demons or Zheng Zha's great freedom, they are the embodiment of obsession.

And inner demons are essentially the biggest obsessions in people’s hearts.

As early as during the Grudge team battle, the seeds of their inner demons had already been planted.

A key node in unlocking the third-level gene lock is the need to have a strong enough obsession with will. By facing life danger and fear of death, people with super strong obsession can stimulate the potential ability of life.

Because Wu Jie understood the need to protect important people and took this as his obsession, he not only opened the third-level gene lock in the curse, but also because of the special physique of the mental power controller, he realized in advance and activated a trace of spiritual power. Light.

As for Zheng Zha, it was even more obvious. He was able to open the third level entirely because of the huge stimulation brought by Wu Jie's 'death' in front of him and his determination to protect his friends.

The two of them were able to unlock the third-level gene lock, and their strong enough obsession was indispensable.

But success is also an obsession, and failure is also an obsession.

When reaching the fourth level, obsessions will evolve into inner demons. Things that once helped people get through difficulties have now become the reminders of death.

Obsession is not a bad thing, but a source of strength. But everything has a limit, and even the best things will become bad if they exceed the upper limit. This is the truth that things will turn upside down if they are not the best.

The inner demons born in the early stage of the fourth level are the embodiment of obsessions. The three ways to overcome the inner demons are essentially three ways to release the obsessions.

The most difficult and simplest way is to prove the Tao with force, relying on strong enough power to directly complete the obsession.

The most orthodox way to see through inner demons and face oneself is to understand, think through, and reconcile with yourself. Obsessions will naturally disappear, and the fog that hinders the light of the soul will no longer exist.

The most evil way is to carry out the obsession. If I don't look away, I will directly merge with the inner demon!

Wu Jie's biggest obsession is whether he exists. He has already seen through the fog that prevents him from entering the third level. It is the cognitive barrier of the time traveler. Under Ida Iryu's guidance, he figured out that the warmest harbor in his heart was the people of the Zhongzhou Team, and his desire to protect this warmth turned into an obsession to break through the third-level gene lock.

The essence of Zheng Zha's obsession is the pressure brought about by wanting to protect all those who are worth protecting!

Zheng Zha always wants to rely on his own strength to protect all the 'people' worth protecting in the world.

This person includes all kind-hearted beings, human beings, all races, or anything else. As long as he is a good person, he should have candy! Good people should have candy!

Bad guy?

Bad guy, I don't care if you are human or not, I'll go up and give you two punches first!

Zheng Zha always said that he was not strong enough, but at first his inner demon was worried that his strength was too strong. This is not because there is something wrong with the inner demon, but because the obsession in his heart has been deepening.

The anxiety caused by wanting to protect those who are worthy of protection is constantly accumulating in Zheng Zha's heart. The strength or weakness of the power is not important, but whether the power can protect the people who are worthy of protection is important.

At first, Zheng Zha was afraid that his power was too strong. This was because he almost punched Wu Jie to death when he went on a rampage after unlocking the fourth-level gene lock for the first time. Later, when the organizers mastered this power, he felt that The number of demons appearing became less frequent.

But when Zheng Zha found that his power was not enough, his inner demons recurred again.

After Li Xiaoyi froze to death in front of him because he didn't arrive in time, this anxiety reached a peak and reached a critical point. The terrifying pressure was like a mountain pressing on Zheng Zha's heart. And when he was kicked to the point of paralysis by the five-color sacred cow, the obsession in his heart finally broke through the critical point, pulling Zheng Zha's consciousness into the depths of the sea of ​​soul, this endless sea of ​​negative emotions.

It wasn't until Wu Jie and Zhang Jie called out that Zheng Zha realized the demonic barrier in his heart, and Zheng Zha broke through the barrier in his heart!

‘Yeah. I’m so stupid. I always want to protect everyone, but you are not the children who need to stand behind me and be protected by me. You are the partners who stand by my side and fight side by side with me! ’

‘What I want to do is fight side by side with everyone! Cry together, laugh together, point at the Lord God and curse his mother together! We live and die together, share weal and woe, instead of treating everyone as glass dolls that we treasure, carefully wiping and caring for them all day long, for fear that they will break or be broken. I can't, and I don't deserve it! ’

'fighting! ’

'fighting! ’

'fighting! ’

‘Fight alongside everyone – until death! ’

‘This is what I believe! ’

At this moment, a spiritual light that belongs to Zheng Zha alone blooms its light in the sea of ​​soul.

The inner demon roared and disappeared under Zheng Zha's spiritual fist. The moment Zheng Zha's fist came into contact with Zhang Jie and Wu Jie's hands, all the power of the heavy fist that shook the spiritual world dissipated, and the strong and powerful The palms of his hands firmly held their hands!

This process can be simplified as follows: Zheng Zha realized his inner demon and beat it into a piece of cake with two punches!

The three brothers looked at each other and laughed, holding each other's hands tightly.



"Let's go! Go and fight with our partners!"

(What do you think Zheng Zha’s spiritual light should be? Anyway, it definitely can’t be Qianlong Transformation or Violent Flame)

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