How come this main god space is filled with stitching monsters!

Chapter 630 Xiao Honglu’s journey to another world

"So where did you take me?"

Xiao Honglu looked up at the scarlet dome and looked down at the hot earth, his whole person in a state of numbness.

"I can't come!" Negative Zha said confidently: "After I knocked that thing over, Lord God, that cold voice told me to pay attention to the surroundings. I quickly looked around and there was nothing to pay attention to, right? Just the one above my head. The crack is quite strange, so I went over there, and as soon as I passed it, I was here. Then you fell into a coma, and I was here to watch over you. Now you wake up. Can you eat it? It’s quite delicious.”

Looking at what Ning Zha handed over, whether it was weeds or wild vegetables, Xiao Honglu silently took it and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Thank you. (Emotionless)"

"You're welcome. (With feelings)"

"Can we still contact Wu Jie and the others? Forget it, no more contact. If they want to contact us, they will definitely contact us. If they don't want to see us, they will definitely not see us." Xiao Honglu shook all the messy things out of his mind angrily. , and then asked: "How long have we been here?"

"It didn't take long, just a few months, right?"

Xiao Honglu stiffly twisted his head. He really couldn't believe what he heard.

"how long?"

Looking at Xiao Honglu's smile that was uglier than crying, Zhe Zha shrank his neck and said in a low voice: "A, a few months. I don't understand! Anyway, it was Ling O'clock who told me!"

"Zero o'clock? When did zero o'clock come?"

"He arrived when we were fighting that monster that the Lord God called a hateful beast!" Nega immediately started reporting on his bad behavior: "It was he who instructed me to condense the flames into a point to burn the Arrancar. Attack. But I didn't learn it clearly, and it finally condensed into a spear, but the effect was similar, and the armor-piercing effect was greatly improved."

"Okay." Xiao Honglu covered his face. He had no intention of thinking about the epic problem of why he hadn't starved to death if he had been in a coma for a few months. Instead, he asked a more important question: "Where is Lingdian Man? "

"He went to investigate the information, because since I came here, I have had the urge to smash things." Negative Zha made a more vivid metaphor: "It's the kind of person you meet who is not as strong as you. , his mouth is not as strong as yours, he has been beaten, but you still resist him, but there is nothing you can do about it, because his status is higher than yours, you just have to obey him. He still appears in front of you every day, and resists you, You can't get rid of him, and because of your status, you have to greet him with a smile all the time. The most important thing is that he doesn't understand human speech at all. If you tell him about the front door building, he will have to discuss the hip axis with you. , I even have to tell you why we need to discuss the hip axis."

"Understood, I encountered it in a mental hospital."

"Your patient?"

"No, the parent in the bed next to me." Xiao Honglu insisted on his equipment. He didn't feel bad when he found out that he had lost all his equipment. He had already looked away. Resurrection was free of charge anyway. He just returned to the main god space to pick up a new set.

And he was a little fed up with the current situation, and he needed to find a guy to talk to.

Have a good chat.

"Before I was transferred to the single room, there was a patient in the next ward with severe anxiety disorder. His symptom was that he couldn't hear the ringing of the phone. His parents didn't think it was a disease. Not only did they have to drag him to discuss his problem with him, it was hypocritical. , and even deliberately played the ringtone of the phone to him. His problem, which could have been cured after a period of cultivation, forced him to become a patient of mine. Even after entering the mental hospital, I met his parents and the doctor at the mental hospital to discuss why others could Listen, he can't hear the phone ringing."

"The human world is so scary, and I suddenly feel that the monsters in the main god space are not so scary anymore."

"Can you contact Zero Point?"

"Yes, after coming to this world, the spiritual chain will be enough. We can just use the spiritual chain to find people directly."

Xiao Honglu jumped up and hung on negative Zha's back, and said to negative Zha: "I still have some things I want to confirm in front of him, forget about the spiritual chain. Take me to find him, and! Slow down a little, I don’t have any defensive items now, and I’m sure to lose my skin if you run away.”


Nega Zha's legs ran wildly, but he still tried hard to suppress the speed to a range acceptable to normal humans. Xiao Honglu on his back had already completed his inference about this different world.

‘Wu Jie once mentioned that if Zha wants to truly develop the true power in his body, he must understand what pain is. Although Negative Zha is not Zheng Zha, according to his observation of Wu Jie, Wu Jie at least regards Negative Zha as Zheng Zha’s meal replacement, so it is impossible to deliberately harm Negative Zha. In other words, the power in Negative Zha’s body must be the same as Negative Energy. related. ’

‘Yes, just his name for Nega is enough to make this point positive. ’

It was Wu Jie who brought up the name "Ning Zha". Xiao Honglu had not thought about it at the time, but now he has figured it out in an instant.

Why not call it something else, such as: Er Zha, Xiao Zha, Zha Zi, Muzha, Luo Zha or just give it another name. But it is called negative Zha, which is negative, not positive and negative.

Wu Jie also emphasized this point. The difference between these two words is not that big.

As far as Xiao Honglu knows, this situation is not unknown for the Zhongzhou team.

For example, Zhao Yingkong has two personalities, one is the main character and the other is the other. The one currently fighting alongside the Zhongzhou Team is the sub-personality, Zhao Yingkong, who is also the Zhongzhou Team.

For example, Zhang Heng claims that he has dozens of personalities, including cold personality, charitable personality, ordinary personality, radical personality, cowardly personality, wise, powerful, resourceful, peerless hero, perfect and invincible personality.

Of course, the Zhongzhou team took his words as fart.

Although some of the words are indeed true.

Information is the power of a wise man. As long as the wise man is not named Chu Hao, then after mastering enough information, it is impossible to be in a state of questioning key information. Xiao Honglu can directly access all the information from the first level to the fourth level intermediate level. The Zhongzhou team, which has already begun to adjust the difficulty, does not care about the increase in difficulty brought by this information.

In the case of Ning Zha, it is difficult not to let Xiao Honglu associate him with the special state of inner demons that will occur at the fourth level.

'Of course, it's just a guess. ’

The strong wind gradually slowed down, and Nie Zha and Xiao Honglu stopped on a hillside.

"There is movement ahead."

"You don't need to tell me, I'm not blind yet."

Xiao Honglu lay on the hillside and looked into the distance - the ferocious beasts all over the mountains and plains roared at each other, and from time to time a fierce battle would break out. The battle between the two giant beasts would affect the surrounding ferocious beasts, and finally turn into a Behemoth fights for supremacy.

"Do you want me to kill them all?"

"Are you crazy?" Xiao Honglu's eyes widened: "There are not only 1,000 but also 800 ferocious beasts here. What are you going to kill?! Even if there are 1,000 pigs, ordinary people can't kill them all in three days! Can't you Do you think it’s easier for you to deal with these ferocious beasts than it is for ordinary people to kill pigs?”

"But... it's a lot of money." Negative Zha said aggrievedly: "Kill them all, and you can collect the reward points for ten people to return to reality, right?"

"That's true." Although Xiao Honglu still doesn't know how much a hate beast is worth, but according to negative Zha, the value of one is probably worth two to three figures.

"It's not that easy. Besides, we have a better goal. We don't have to waste time here with a bunch of worthless and troublesome beasts."

Xiao Honglu turned his head suddenly, and beside him there was another person beside Zha Zha——

Zero o'clock!

I’m back after watching Captain Marvel 2. Let me summarize the story for you.

Well, that’s the summary

Haha, TMD has no story at all

The only thing worth noting is that the worldview of the old X-Men should be integrated with the MUC movie universe. The beast in the easter egg is indeed the beast in the old version of the movie, and Charles's name is also mentioned.

You don’t need to tell me any spoilers, because there are only so many things worth noting in the whole movie. Trust me, it’s not worth spending dozens of dollars to watch something that lasts less than a minute.

Believe me

Aquaman 2 will be released next month, I will continue to explore the path for you

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