Anfield looked at the person in front of him calmly, and was not surprised at all by the corpse behind him.


"You don't seem terribly surprised, Anfield."

"When my strength, which has not changed for many years, began to increase slightly, I had a hunch, and now it seems that it is indeed the case." Anfield sat on the British wooden chair that had been with him for the past year and expressed his gratitude to the other members of Congress who had been killed. Morris said: "We have all been played by it, Morris. Haha. The power it gives is fixed. If you want to get more, you must either continue to rely on its rewards, or kill each other and plunder other people who have been given power. That person’s share.”

"In its eyes, what's the difference between us and humans?"

"So, do you have any last words?"

"What are you going to do next?" Anfield wiped the silver cup in his hand. This is one of his favorite pieces of furniture and has been with him for thousands of years.

"Take away your power. I have a hunch that as long as I kill you and take your power, I can completely inherit the power that the Lord gave you! All! By then, I will complete my transformation and become the supreme leader of the vampire race. Blood Emperor! I am no longer Maurice, I am Cain!"

"It seems that you really have no theological knowledge, Morris." Anfield shook his head slightly and pointed out Morris's mistake: "The idea that Cain is the ancestor of the blood race originated from the conjecture of later generations of mankind, and it is in the Bible."


The gunshot rang out, and Morris's forward movement was blocked by the kinetic energy of the bullet. His body slowly slid down, and was finally stopped gently by a spotless leather boot.

"Oh, I'm so impatient, young man."

A large-caliber firearm was calmly put away by Anfield. He didn't know what gave Morris such great courage, and actually gave him the confidence to use force in front of himself, a former top arms dealer.

He even tried to use physical combat.

Leaning over to touch Morris's body, Anfield instantly realized that Morris, who had been hit by a headshot, was not dead yet. After touching his pale fingertips and the bloody hole on his forehead, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion at such a powerful vitality. After Anfield gave it a firm squeeze, Crushed his head.

Anfield picked up a blood-red crystal core from the flesh and blood tissue. Just by holding the blood-red crystal core in the palm of his hand, Anfield could feel the powerful power pouring into his body.

"The person who wants to see us kill each other left a setting that is not a bug. Every time a blessing is killed, the person who kills him can only get most of the power, and some of the power will be lost. Obtained by other blessings, even if the killing has nothing to do with them."

The blood-colored air flow rolled over Anfield's body. He accepted it all with a calm face, even if his body was transformed by the sudden power and turned into a monster.

"Everything is false, only power is real."

This is the truth he learned when he was still a human and engaged in the arms trade.

He knew what he had to do now, which was to find the sniper with a special weapon.

He was sure that Morris would not lie about this kind of thing, and even more so because based on the information compiled by the huge intelligence network he operated, he was sure that some uninvited guests had broken into the back garden of his home.

And he's also a bad customer.

As America's largest arms trader, he naturally became the apostle of that existence after the monster invasion, or was it a slave?

Anfield doesn't care about this because he gets real benefits.

As long as the benefits are sufficient, he is willing to sell his soul to the devil or other things.

As long as the benefits are huge enough, everything can be traded.

And he has survived for a thousand years, one has survived for a thousand years, and he is the top arms dealer. Anfield and other apostles are not on the same level at all.

Being able to become the top being in a country, no matter what the reason for becoming the top, must be outstanding in itself.

Just like Pan Feng, his ability to leave his name and be included in the history books has already surpassed other unknown people of his generation by a lot.

What's more, Anfield is an arms dealer!

His former connections, wealth, reputation and resources, coupled with his lifespan and extraordinary strength, the sum of all these factors was enough for him to easily dominate the world in that troubled time!

Even the twelve apostles could not stop him.

The reason why he didn't do it was not because he didn't want to, but because someone was stopping him.

Even if someone has died from a more powerful existence, his remaining power and reputation are still there on the land, and there are still countless followers of him, and there is also the existence of the Avengers organization.

Therefore, they chose to boil the frog in warm water and spent five hundred years to disintegrate most of the real power of the resistance forces. They spent another five hundred years to completely suppress human beings into slaves raised by them.

And in this process, an empire belonging to them was established step by step.

Conquer hot weapons, destroy civilization, spread ignorance, crush resistance, cultivate hate beasts, and condense pain.

Everything is for their dynasty.

Now, due to some accidents, he had to close the net in advance.

‘That’s fine, the integrated resources are just uninvited guests, so it’s better not to act rashly. ’

Anfield deliberately kept the remaining members of the Blood Tribe Parliament in the Blood Tribe Parliament in order to provide Morris with an opportunity to strike and also give him time to integrate information resources.

Although Morris's attack speed was a little too fast, it didn't matter. The spies he sent out must have conveyed his meaning to those uninvited guests.

He leaves his opponents a lot of room for maneuver and awaits their invitations to negotiate.

He is full of confidence in this, because he has the greatest initiative - the Vampire Council Space Station and the Lunar Vampire City!

The Blood Council is a space station in orbit around the Earth! And he can transfer to the Vampire City on the moon at any time. All the aerospace equipment on the earth has been destroyed by them. If he wants to board the space station, he can only be escorted by the Vampire Council himself.

And the nuclear weapons brought from the old era are also scattered in the space station that blocks the earth. As long as he gives the order, the earth will be baptized by tens of thousands of nuclear warheads!

Now he is the only one who still exists in the Bat Totem Council, and the two key weapons are in his hands!

Unless they can physically cross the atmosphere and fly directly in front of him!

Otherwise, he will be invincible!

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