"Alarm! Alarm! Alarm!"

The piercing siren filled the eardrums of everyone on the Mecha Ground. It was originally intended to show the operator of Pennyworthscope, who had learned about the meaning of terms such as the moon through dreams, what happened in this month, the seismic wave that broke through the sky. When the numerical value was reached, his face suddenly turned pale.

This value has completely exceeded the upper limit of the instrument. There are only two possibilities for causing such a terrifying value: an unprecedentedly powerful monster, or hundreds of monsters rushing out of the ground together!

No matter what the situation is, they are all here to kill them!

"Is this the end of the world?"

The moment Zhao Yingkong heard the siren, she rushed directly towards the Thunder Blade mecha. The golden light flashed on the Thunder Blade mecha, broke free from the restraints, tore off the launch shaft cover directly, and rushed towards the battlefield!

"Is that a thunder blade? Zhao Yingkong?" Pennyworth instantly forced himself to regain his composure. This is an essential quality for a battlefield commander: "What's going on with the transfer?! I know the moon and the earth, let's get to the point!"

"The earth is no longer habitable. We got news from a group called the Crimson Storm Salvation Army. They are organizing people to send humans away from the earth."

The operator's words made Pennyworth completely confused. What is all this?

Although confused, Pennyworth also knew what he should do now.

The Avengers have fallen for too long. He is determined to find the culprits to settle the matter, but that must only be done after solving the current troubles.

"Organize base personnel to go to the transfer site and abandon the base!"

"Let? Give up?"

"Yes!" General Pennyworth looked at this base that had been operated for hundreds of years, with a look of reluctance in his eyes that was quickly suppressed.

"Go find a person named Van Helsing, protect her to go to the moon, and start over! I will tell her everything! Activate the three-type mecha! Prepare a training aircraft for me!"

"General, the base has changed a lot during the month you were unconscious."

On the outskirts of the Osborne area, a large number of hate beasts rushed out of the underground world, following the formations arranged by Qi Tengyi in advance to break out of the ground in the uninhabited wilderness. These underground worlds are relics caused by years of mining and excavation. The hate beasts raised in them are guided out by the power of the formation, but they will not be trapped here because of the formation.

The rampage of hate beasts began, and the ferocious beasts roared out of the ground, venting their hatred like the people living above the ground.

The Thunder Blade mecha streaked across the sky, and the purple thunder light tore through the dim night, bringing dawn to people.

The residents of the Osborne area only feel that the recent days have become more and more magical. First, there was the rapid rise of the Crimson Storm Army, then there was the shocking news that the spider mecha could not fight against the monsters, and then there was the immigration to the moon plan.

In fact, people in the Osborne area didn't know what the moon was, because they had never seen the real starry sky before Wu Jie tore the sky apart.

The purpose of the Crimson Storm Army also changed overnight due to changes in the main plot. The Crimson Storm Army is now more obsessed with transferring people to the moon than with doing things that make the entire story say goodbye to this world.

For ordinary people, it doesn’t matter where they go, as long as they can eat enough. But for the so-called middle class and the ‘social elite’, it is of course impossible for them to abandon their homes and careers and go to an unknown place.

In this regard, Wang Xia, who led the transfer plan, didn't say much. They had already posted all the notices and so on. Considering that most of them didn't know the concept of planet, the Crimson Storm Army only said that they were transferring to another area.

The most important thing is that they clearly stated that destruction was imminent, that hate beasts were about to sweep across the earth, and they also clearly stated various data.

Without the control of the Bat Totem Council, the Abomination Beast's loss of control is inevitable, it just depends on the speed of time.

Even if all the hate beasts on the earth are killed, there is nothing worth remembering about this fucking earth. Even because of the large-scale death of the hate beasts, the negative energy radiation will reach a peak in a very short time, and then break through the limit, destroying the entire planet. The earth has become a death star.

If you don't kill, the hate beast will go on a rampage and destroy humans.

Kill it, the body of the hate beast will corrupt and radiate to destroy the world.

Therefore, relocating the entire planet has become the best option.

This is not an easy task. As Wu Jie said before, although it is not impossible, controlling the minds of one million people at once is indeed a big challenge for Zhan Lan.

This is still light transfer, and how to arrange it after the transfer is a huge trouble.

The Zhongzhou team doesn't have much time and must complete all this as quickly as possible in the shortest possible time.

Transfer in batches, select leaders, organize a provisional government, and maintain order.

In Zhang Heng's words, this was Zheng Zha's analysis of Chu Xuan's layout.

They have all kinds of talents, those who are precise, scientific, cultivators, those who play with fire, those who are sniper, those who are funny, those who are theological, those who are abstract. But there are no political ones.

A normal reincarnation team has no use for this type of 'talent'.

The omnipotent one who relies on numerical values ​​is not available at the moment. What the Central Continent team can do is to select generals from among the dwarves, and select some quick-thinking and perfect personalities from the Crimson Storm to go to the moon to familiarize themselves with the venue. Some will be sent upward little by little. After an administrative team is built on the moon that can barely maintain operation, we will begin to transport people up in large numbers.

The newly rebuilt witcher is very busy under the leadership of Van Helsing. She can actually go to the moon first. Don't look at merit, but look at hard work. Van Helsing is really tall, not the kind who stands taller among dwarfs. She has been exposed to large-scale organizations since she was a child, and she personally led the remaining demon hunters who were beaten and on the verge of collapse to escape here, rebuilding the organization bit by bit. Although she encountered some mechanical gods in the process, at least it proved her strength.

After learning that the enemy who poisoned his family and made his family suffer from the blood curse for generations, and the traitors who betrayed the organization and caused its destruction, Van Helsing only felt that his life was in tatters. Empty, no purpose or anything.

Fortunately, Wu Jie was kind-hearted and could not bear to see a little girl wasting her prime youth, so he immediately made an offer, inviting Van Helsing to devote his life to the cause of reviving human civilization.

In this way, Van Helsing successfully boarded the ship of red light, the Noah's Ark of human civilization in this world.

When Van Helsing was sitting in the command room, a personal communication suddenly came in.

"Wayne, this is Pennyworth. Listen, let me make a story short, you have to remember this period of history, and then escape to the moon, the sooner the better!"

At this moment, a bolt of lightning soared across the sky

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