How come this main god space is filled with stitching monsters!

Chapter 662 The protagonist is often the last to appear!

The three-type mecha and Hercules exerted force at the same time, and Feiyan No. 1 opened fire, completely suppressing the resistance of the high-level hate beasts for a while. Thunder Blade activated the booster behind it without hesitation, carrying a dazzling blue-gold flame and falling from the sky. Two thunder sabers that had already been unsheathed danced. At this moment, flesh and blood flew across the sky, bones were shattered, and finally turned into coke. .

With the energy storage organs destroyed, the hateful beast's last resistance dissipated into the sky.

The battle is over, but the battle is not completely over yet.

The high-level hate beast is the strongest here, but there is definitely not only one hate beast here.

In other words, there are enemies all around!

"What does the old saying mean? There are enemies on all sides, so fight with your last resort?"

Spencer quickly scanned the battlefield and made a comparison between the enemy and ourselves.

"Five against three hundred?"

"three hundred?"


"I thought it would be more."

"Your guess is correct." The corner of Spencer's mouth twitched. He saw more black shadows surging in the sinkhole behind. This group was just the vanguard, and the real army was still behind.

"It looks like there's going to be a big melee."

After the generals challenge each other, isn't it just a melee?

As for the quantity being unequal.

It doesn't matter, the combat power is not equal.

The Thunder Blade Mecha was sharpening its sword, and the blade flashed with lightning and thunder: "I'm going to hit ten of them!"

"The point is not how much to fight." Pennyworth was still calm and did not lose the most basic strategic judgment because of his enthusiasm: "The point is to delay. As long as we can delay the transfer, all these disgusting monsters will rush into the city. so what?"

Pennyworth is confident that he can kill all these monsters. The cooperation between Zhao Yingkong and Thunder Blade is so strong, coupled with the terrifying output of the fourth-generation mecha that can kill one monster at a time, as long as there is enough time and energy, all the monsters can definitely be slaughtered.

But none of them can intercept the monsters. The Thunder Blade is too small, the fourth-generation mecha Stellar Dawn is too brittle, the Feiyan-1 is not as good as Stellar Dawn, the three-type mecha dragon moves slowly, and Hercules can only control two monsters at the same time. .

But as long as a monster breaks through their defenses and rushes into the city, it will be over.

There are not only ordinary people in the city who are unable to fight back, but also lift capsules for transfer. Once the monster destroys the lift capsule, the entire transfer plan will be finished on the spot. The monster can make hundreds of mistakes, but they cannot make one mistake.

Because the high-level hate beasts were killed, the remaining hate beasts flinched for a while, and the wilderness fell into a strange dead silence. Five mechas of different sizes intercepted hundreds of huge hate beasts on the road to the city. But everyone knows that this is just the calm before the storm.


Maybe it's an hour, maybe it's a second.

A hate beast moved.

The next moment, the herd began to roar!

This is the call to attack!

Pennyworth showed no fear. The pilot of the Type 3 Drag-Ride held the joystick tightly. Spencer checked the ammunition content. Haotian silently charged the Stellar Dawner energy cannon.

Behind them are the humans who are transferring, and in front of them are monsters that can rush in front of them at any time and tear them apart. They have no connection with the people behind them, and they don't have to fight to the death.


"For our compatriots, die here!"


Thunder Blade took the lead and charged into the beast group. The thunder saber in his hand crazily harvested the life of the monsters. The three-type machine dragon decisively selected a monster that looked the strongest and held on to it desperately. Giant beast; the restraining chains on Hercules' back instantly penetrated into the body of the hate beast, wrestling with two hate beasts much larger than itself, completely ignoring the laws of physics.

Spencer piloted the Feiyan No. 1 in the sky and engaged in a fierce pursuit and air battle with several hate beasts with wings on their backs that also did not adhere to aerodynamics. The energy cannon on the Stellar Dawner's chest was charged, and a bright beam of light appeared. Released from the chest, the terrifying high temperature instantly distorted the surrounding air that was full of negative energy radiation. Even the hate beast was driven by instinct to try its best to avoid this energy cannon, which would be injured if it was brushed and killed if it touched it.

But this is not enough, the cracks in the earth are getting bigger and bigger, and the threat now is not only the simple hateful beasts, but also the earth that can collapse at any time.

The earth was roaring, and the cracks in the ground where the hate beasts had emerged were expanding due to constant friction. A large amount of sand slid downwards, and fell into the underground world under the influence of the movement of more hate beasts. The intensification of the cracks in the earth will release more hate beasts, and the escape of the hate beasts will cause more serious cracks in the earth.

In a vicious cycle, the destruction of the city is only a matter of time.

[I declare your death with the authority of death]

The cracks in the ground stopped, and although the vibrations were still there, the cracks could not continue to expand no matter what.

"I'm sorry. I always thought you were the god of faith, and you were the god of concepts!"

The energy cannon overheated and entered the cooling star Dawner, and Haotian immediately realized what was happening here.

Zhu Wen did not waste her energy talking nonsense with Haotian. The magical spell she had just released could only put the Earth Fission into a [suspended death] state, and it could only last for a period of time. She can release instant-death magical spells to attack a hate beast at once, or even cast a large-scale instant-death spell like Banshee's Wail, but that's useless. The focus now has changed from hate beasts to the fury of the earth.

Of course, the threat of the hate beast is still there, so Zhu Wen

[As the God of Death, I command you to return to your body, shed your flesh and blood, and use your bones to destroy your enemies of flesh and blood]

The undead Baqi descended on the battlefield, and this legendary magic fort once again showed its power. Energy shells with eight attributes bloomed everywhere on the earth.

The oracle of death came down, and the hate beasts that died in the war shed their flesh and blood and became active in the world again in the form of bones.

"Don't worry about so much!" Zhao Yingkong's voice roared in the mecha channel: "As long as they are not here to fight you, just treat them as friendly forces! Don't worry about what they are!"

Six silver gun barrels came through the air, followed closely by two extremely petite mechas.

Venom, spider.

"Hahahaha! The protagonist only appears at the end!"

The black and dark green venom mecha controlled four telekinetic floating cannons and rushed directly into the eyes of the hate beast, crashed into the hate beast's brain and fired, one shot at a hate beast.

The red and blue spider mecha is even more brave. It is obviously just a performance mecha, but it explodes with power that even the three-type mecha cannot match. The white spider silk is more terrifying than any sharp blade. Penetrating the hate beast's head was like a needle piercing tofu.

Pennyworth in Hercules stared blankly at this scene. At this moment, he couldn't help but overlap the spider mecha with the man in his dream.


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