How come this main god space is filled with stitching monsters!

Chapter 667 Zhang Heng’s Journey to the Kingdom of Death

The main god's beam of light swept over every member of the Zhongzhou team, and only Zhang Heng's beam of light stayed the longest.

"What's going on with Zhang Heng?"

Zhao Yingkong asked in confusion: "I thought he was really dead at the time."

"When Zhang Heng comes down, you can ask him." Wu Jie recalled that he was checking Zhang Heng's body and Zhu Wen's unexpected gains, but he was also a little unsure about the specific situation.

Zhang Heng's light beam lasted the longest among all, but it was only compared to other people who basically didn't have many injuries. He only repaired one wound, that's all.

"Zhang Heng is down, you can ask him."

After listening to Zhao Yingkong's questions, Zhang Heng, who was driving the Venom Mecha, described his wonderful journey in a short speech.

"My body was penetrated by that bastard. My mecha was penetrated. However, the symbiote and I have the same set of perceptions, so my body was still penetrated." Zhang Heng recalled the situation at that time with blurred eyes.

As Mo Lun beat the Venom Mecha into five pieces with one claw, Zhang Heng felt that his life force was constantly passing away.

It was a very abstract feeling, and Zhang Heng could clearly feel that he was being lowered.

Just looking at the information on paper, he is also a second-level gene lock master with over 1,000 basic attributes.

It's more abstract depending on the settings.

Zhang Heng never thought that anything could kill him, so he kept saying "I am immortal" all day long.

The Venom mecha was penetrated and the symbiote engine went berserk.

Zhang Heng felt that his life force was passing away.

This is very unusual. First of all, he is the pilot of the Venom symbiote mecha. What does it have to do with him as the pilot if the mecha is smashed?

Secondly, even if he is punched through, the muscle control of the second-level gene lock can quickly stop the bleeding and control the muscles near the wound to inhibit the outflow of blood.

But his life passed quickly, his body was backfired by the symbiote engine, his legs kicked off, and he died.


"It's incredible!"

"This, this, this" Wu Jie scratched his head: "Isn't this right? This is set."

"Listen to me." Zhang Heng continued to add: "I also felt something was wrong at the time. I was dead, but I was still conscious. I became a soul."

Xiao Honglu subconsciously wanted to pull out his hair, but when he thought of his crazy hairline in the last horror movie, he stopped his movements and asked: "So, although you are dead, your soul remains. Sober, according to the unique judgment of the Lord God’s space, are you alive?”

The main god's space is a little idealistic when it comes to determining the death of reincarnators, and it's also a bit judgmental.

Ordinary reincarnators will die if they are killed by a headshot, but for a reincarnator who has exchanged B-level troll bloodline and can be repaired as long as one-half of his body is left, it is wrong to judge death by headshot in this case.

Correspondingly, in the original work, Luo Yinglong cultivated the Yuanying. After the physical body was fucked and exploded, the Yuanying could still run away with the help of magic weapons. He returned to the main god's space and asked the main god to help repair the physical body. He was another idiot.

"My soul stayed awake, and then my soul left my body and was taken away by a force."

"That is indeed dead." Wu Jie had a strange expression when he heard Zhang Heng say this: "The last horror movie was included in the Marvel multiverse. Because it has Spider-Man and Morlun, I'm pretty sure it will It is the world of the Marvel Universe. The Marvel Universe has a conceptual god named Death. I call her the abstract concept god. The reason why she is called abstract is because a conceptual god does nothing all day long and does not seduce innocent people. The young man just tricked the licking dog into helping her die, in other words, he was trying to boost her performance."

"One more thing." Haotian said from the side: "The innocent boy and the licking dog are the same person."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Suddenly, cheerful laughter erupted in the Main Square.

After Zhang Heng scoffed at death, he continued: "My soul was brought to a gray world, where it was really quiet and quiet. It was so quiet that I could only use the word death to describe that world. "

"The Kingdom of Death."

This time it was Zhu Wen's professional counterpart's turn: "You were taken to the Kingdom of Death by the authority of death. Within the scope of the Marvel Universe, all living beings must go to the Kingdom of Death after death. Except for a few individuals who have reached a state of death. The cosmic demon god of the agreement is qualified to establish his own kingdom of souls, independent of the kingdom of death."

"For example, Odin's Hall of Valor, Mephisto and other hell demons' hell, and God's paradise."

"I have also reached the stage of building the kingdom of God. The souls of many people who have been preserved in the past also need a place to settle."

The Central Continent team carried out various actions in the last horror movie, and it was inevitable that some innocent people would be hurt.

After those people died, their souls were taken away by Zhu Wen and stored temporarily. When the Kingdom of God is built in the future, Zhu Wen can put those souls into the Kingdom of God and become the first believers of the Kingdom of God.

Although I didn't discuss it with those people, no matter how you look at it, their life can only be called life worse than death.

Being dead is better than living, not to mention Zhu Wen will also compensate these souls extra.

Even if it really doesn’t work, it’s not like we can’t send it back!

The Zhongzhou team is strong enough to do whatever they want without scruples.)

Zhu Wen completed the noun explanation, and Zhang Heng added the last part of his wonderful adventure.

Zhang Heng's soul entered the realm of death, where he saw one, no, two beings.

One was a big man about three meters tall with a purple shoehorn face. He was kneeling on one knee and talking nonstop to another being. Although Zhang Heng didn't know what they were talking about, and he didn't even recognize the big purple guy, his instinct told him that there was a big melon to eat here.

The instinct of having fun by eating melons drove his soul to sleep. Zhang Heng struggled, struggled continuously, and suddenly broke free from the restraints on his body, wanting to float over and eat the melons.

At this moment, another existence noticed this place.

In Zhang Heng's eyes, that existence could not be seen at all at first, as if it was everything and nothing at the same time.

Until that being observed Zhang Heng, her image in Zhang Heng's eyes immediately changed into a graceful and charming woman, wearing a purple robe, her face half-covered by a purple tulle.

Logically speaking, such a great beauty with such a good temperament should be very elegant, right?

But the moment the woman observed Zhang Heng, she immediately let out a sharp, ear-piercing prairie dog scream that made the entire kingdom of death tremble. Then, before Zhang Heng could react at all, she suddenly Teleporting to Zhang Heng, he kicked Zhang Heng out of the kingdom of death.

The moment he was kicked out, Zhang Heng seemed to see several abstract entities appearing in the sky of the Kingdom of Death.

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