"So...how do I train?"

After Chen Lusi decided on the training direction.

Xia Panqiu did not move, but stood there blankly.

Chen Lusi waited patiently for a while and found that she was still standing stupidly. She couldn't bear it anymore and reminded her aloud.

"...Let's remember the key points first."

Xia Panqiu reacted, took a step forward, and said softly: "The battle between empowered persons is different from ordinary battles, but there are certain aspects in common."

"For example, most current empowered people cannot ignore physical pain. They are just humans with superpowers, so attacking specific pressure points on the opponent's body can also achieve very good results."

"Of course, because of the existence of spells, it is not easy to do this, because when the empowered person fights in close combat, it is not just a simple fist and kick contest, but also a fight with spells."

"The combat techniques mentioned here include the transformation of offense and defense in body-strengthening techniques, as well as external techniques such as fireballs to prevent and resolve."

"So, the specific opponents are different, and there will be many variables... I can't teach you how to deal with every different opponent, because experience in this area can only be accumulated through actual combat. All I can teach you is basic fighting, and I will serve as a sparring partner to help you gain experience.”

"Before formal training, the first thing you need to remember is - where to attack the opponent in order to subdue the opponent fastest and most effectively."


Xia Panqiu briefly introduced the battle between empowerers, and then slowly walked to Chen Lusi.

She is petite, which is even more obvious when standing in front of Chen Lusi. Her height only reaches Chen Lusi's neck.

"The first is the nasal septum. Attacking this position will cause the opponent to cry and cause considerable pain to the opponent."

"Then there are the sides of the chin. These two positions can stun the opponent."

"And the throat, sternum, sacrum, wrist joints, biceps, ribs..."

Xia Panqiu began to introduce the weak points of the human body one by one. Every time she mentioned a position, she would gently reach out and touch the corresponding position to let Chen Lusi remember it.

And the consequences of attacking these locations will be explained in detail, from the painful nose to the sacrum that may paralyze the opponent, down to the smallest detail.

Chen Lusi listened quietly.

About half an hour later.

Xia Panqiu took a step back, raised his head, and said softly: "Everyone knows that the remaining private parts are weaknesses, so I won't talk about them... In actual combat, hitting these weak points can often make the opponent fall to the ground faster. .”

"But correspondingly, if you are attacked in these places, you will easily be at a disadvantage, so you must not only learn to attack these positions, but also learn to prevent your opponent from attacking these positions."

"The existence of the magic eye allows us to see the action more quickly, but how to distribute the spirit in the body, when fighting, where should we use 'armor' for defense, where should we use 'partial strengthening' for attack, these Experience needs to be accumulated in actual combat.”

"So next... let's do the actual combat."


Chen Lusi briefly recalled the weak points of the human body she mentioned, and nodded: "Okay... Do I need to open my 'eyes'?"

Xia Panqiu shook his head: "No need, you haven't reached the stage of bleeding yet, and it is easy to cause strong sequelae... For the sake of fairness, I won't use it."

Chen Lusi asked curiously: "Can't the injuries here be recovered?"

Xia Panqiu was slightly startled when he heard this, and then whispered: "There is still pain...and without 'eyes', it is easier to train people."

"That's it, let's get started."

Chen Lusi agreed with her statement and stretched his body.

Xia Panqiu turned around and started walking away, when she passed by Wu You.

Wu You said with a narrow look on his face: "You are quite suitable for teaching people... It's just like teaching others for the first time."

Xia Panqiu ignored him and walked out nearly twenty meters away. Then she stopped, looked at Chen Lusi and said, "I will be faster, so be prepared."


Chen Lusi nodded, assumed a posture to meet the enemy, and stared at Xia Panqiu.

Twenty meters away.

Xia Panqiu took a deep breath, and then... accelerated instantly.

Disappeared in place.

I saw her body leaning forward slightly, her pretty short hair flying in the wind, and she swooped forward.

As she flew past, the black mist surrounding her was rolled up and spread to both sides.

A straight line appears.

Like clearing the way.

In a blink of an eye.

She appeared in front of Chen Lusi.

Really fast...

Chen Lusi didn't have time to think, so he directly raised his right arm, and the spirit in his body seeped into the flesh and blood of his arm.

make a fist.

He saw the right moment and punched Xia Panqiu, who was swooping over.

Xia Panqiu stopped instantly and stretched out her hand to block his uppercut.

Chen Lusi instinctively raised her other hand and struck her fair neck with a knife.

At the same time, he bent his right leg at the knee and hit her abdomen with one knee.

Xia Panqiu looked at the hand knife in front of her, facing attacks from two directions at the same time, and turned sideways lightly.

Short hair flying.

Chen Lusi's hand knife grazed her neck, and her knee hit Lonely.

Xia Panqiu saw the opportunity for him to support himself with one leg, and without moving his other hand, she lightly kicked his calf.

Chen Lusi suddenly lost his balance and fell forward.


What a set.

Chen Lusi sighed and was ready to face the ground.

But Xia Panqiu did not step back and avoid it. Instead, she returned to Chen Lusi and reached out to hold his shoulder.

"When fighting, you can't just focus on attacking. You have to pay attention to the opponent's movements and invade the opponent's movements instead of fast breaks."

Xia Panqiu helped Chen Lusi to stand upright again, and continued: "Unless you are confident in your attack speed... In addition, knee strikes and elbow strikes are indeed powerful, but be aware that the knees are a powerful position for attacks. It is also a weak point. If I had just attacked your knee, you might not be able to stand up. If I really fight, you have to pay more attention."


Chen Lusi showed a pensive expression when he heard this.

Xia Panqiu looked at him, hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "Although you are an empowerer, the spirit is not omnipotent after all... Don't be too discouraged, you can capture my movements in the first actual battle, which is already very powerful. After all, I have learned close combat from Ah Yue for nearly four years."

Is this...comfort?

Chen Lusi glanced at her and then said: "I understand, come again."


Xia Panqiu nodded.

Then, two minutes later.

Xia Panqiu's fist fell on Chen Lusi's nose.

Chen Lusi covered her nose and took a few steps back.

Xia Panqiu's delicate body froze slightly, and her raised fist stopped in the air.

She seemed to want to move forward, but finally held back.

"I see."

Chen Lusi rubbed his nose and looked at Xia Panqiu again: "Come again."



the other side.

Wu You sat on the ground and couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

Xia Panqiu obviously lost her strength and looked very guilty.

Something obviously happened between the two of them, although I don't know what happened...but that didn't stop Wu You from being a fun person.

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