How come you have such strong superpowers?

Chapter 78 Remarks on the launch

It’s on the shelves.

First of all, I would like to thank the editor for good luck. In fact, when I sent her this book, she told me that the pace was too slow, especially in the early chapters.

But the pressure was really too much during that time.

I was tortured to death by one thing. Driven by my anxiety, I finally sent the book out.

All I can say is...don't make any decisions when you are anxious or unable to concentrate.

This is a lesson.

As for the book itself, there is actually not much to say. I was scolded so much that I lost my mind...

Probably in the previous books, it was basically difficult to put pressure on the protagonist, because I really couldn't bear it, and even if I put pressure, I could only do it through indirect means such as supporting characters.

For example, the plot of Zhu Nianqiao being bullied in the previous book is a clear example.

So this book is completely freeing.

In fact, the unisex name of Chen Lusi and his image of long hair largely serve the purpose of the early plot.

Because whether it is his name or his hairstyle, he does not match the mainstream aesthetic.

I wanted to establish at the beginning of the book that everyone has this concept of prejudice.

Then I wanted to use this to make Xia Panqiu... less annoying.

But it seems that there is no point in doing these fancy things. It is better to choose a more normal name.

People who don't like Chen Lusi's gender-neutral name and long hair just say it's disgusting.


So it’s really useless to say that there is no use in spending time, and sometimes it doesn’t make much sense to think too much.

What a mess.

As for the setting of the Huangquan Fragments, there is not much to say about this. This is the most basic framework of this book.

A completely free superpower is in a restricted organization, and standing on the opposite side is a superpower who wants freedom.

Will the system be destroyed or rebuilt?

I think this setting has a comic feel.

Actually, I only have two choices: I can either write about girls, or rely on comics. Kanagawa is purely writing with a sense of comics, and I thought I had divided it into volumes.

Although the later part is completely off track.

This one is not that extreme. After all, this is not a day wear, but some habits are still hard to change.

After all, you can't expect anything better from a nerd at work.

In fact, with this kind of setting, the writing method of resisting authority will indeed be more refreshing. I know this very well. I wrote the last book Kanagawa in this way.

But as soon as I write about the male protagonist, I no longer have any scruples, and I always want to do some fancy things...

The main theme is a rebellion.

Every time I hit a wall, and then said I would change it next time, but I would hit a different wall next time.

All I can say is...I am still a novice writer.

Sometimes it’s always too much to take for granted.

In this situation, screwing up is the norm.

But... screwing up can be considered an experience.


All I can do now is sigh, shout "Screwed up"...then finish writing the story, and finally take a lesson from it.

As for whether I will hit another wall next time... I don't know.

Forget it, let’s get back to the book.

Probably because of the anti-piracy protection and the fact that it has been recommended on this website, the number of collections of this book when it was put on the shelves was higher than when my previous three books were put on the shelves combined.

But compared to the total collection, the follow-up reading is not high, so I don’t know how many first orders there will be in the end.

Hope it's not too bad.

Today should be the fifth update guaranteed, I will try my best to update it at the same time.

I'll check it over and send it out later.

Finally, please subscribe.

Although I really want to say that I want to generate electricity for love, I have no problem! ...But this thing is really difficult.

So subscription is still required...

Please, everyone.


Here’s a song for you all...

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