How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

108. Natural Nuclear Reactor, Director Yang Was Shocked! (Seeking Subscription)

Professor He asked a little uncertainly: "Although the color is wrong, how do you know it is the waste of radioactive element splitting?"

Li Dui looked at Lin Yang's expression and felt a little bit in his heart.

He has dealt with Lin Yang many times.

In his mind, no matter what happens.

Lin Yang can talk and laugh happily, and looks indifferent.

But today, for the first time, he saw such a serious expression on Lin Yang's face.

Without even thinking about it, he also knew that Lin Yang must have discovered something important!

So he hurriedly asked: "Lin Yang, what happened to you!"

Lin Yang shook his head: "I'm not sure, but according to my observations, it may be waste from uranium fission!"

As soon as these words came out, Professor Hui was shocked!

Shouted in disbelief: "Uranium?? Impossible! Impossible!!"

The people around were still dumbfounded.

What is uranium, they have never heard of it.

Team Li didn't know what it was either.

As an expert in geology, Professor He's research on ores is naturally not low.

Of course he knew what uranium was.

Also better understand what the fission of uranium means!

But he immediately shook his head and denied this point of view.

"If you say other radioactive elements, I may agree, but you say uranium, this is impossible!"

"Young man, I am curious to ask, do you know what uranium is?"

Lin Yang shrugged: "I know! Uranium 235!!"

When Professor He heard this, his pupils suddenly dilated.

Hearing this word, he can basically be sure that Lin Yang understands it.

"Since you know uranium 235, you should know that the content of uranium 235 in natural uranium ore is very, very low!"

Lin Yang still nodded.

"Uranium has three isotopes in nature, namely uranium 234, uranium 235 and uranium 238.

"Among the three isotopes of uranium, the content of uranium-234 is negligible."

"Uranium ore is mainly uranium 235 and uranium 238.

"The proportion of uranium 235 is 0.72%, while the proportion of uranium 238 is 99.28%."

"No matter which uranium mine in the world is extracted from, the ratio of uranium-235 to uranium-238 is always 15.

"However, in the mined uranium ore, only uranium 235 can produce nuclear fission, and the concentration must reach a minimum of 3%."

"For example, nuclear power plants use uranium-235 with a concentration of 3%, which is the so-called low-enriched uranium."

"If the concentration is greater than 80%, it is called highly enriched uranium, and if it is greater than 90%, it is called weapon-grade highly enriched uranium. Such as nuclear bombs!"

Listen to Lin Yang's understatement of the concept of uranium.

The audience gasped.

What the hell?



You say this thing is used to make nuclear bombs?

Team Li was also shocked after hearing this.

It never occurred to me that the bomb was not dug up, but something related to the nuclear bomb was dug up.

This is so scary!!

Professor He's inner shock at this time was not light at all.

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him not only understood.

Moreover, it can also describe the characteristics of uranium in great detail and clearly.

This was far beyond his expectations.

Who would have thought of a young man who didn't speak from the beginning to the end and drove an excavator.

To be able to say such a difficult thing.

But he still felt that it was unlikely to be the nuclear fission of uranium.

"Since you also know that nuclear fission cannot occur if the natural uranium concentration is lower than 3%, then you should know that only the extracted enriched uranium-235 can be fissioned!"

"Then it's even less likely that this is uranium-235 nuclear waste!"

Lin Yang smiled: "If you use an instrument to detect the presence of radioactive elements, you will know!"

Although Professor He disagreed, Lin Yang's attitude did not look like a joke.

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and asked someone to send a radiation detector.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

More and more people gathered in front of the hotel.

Just because the news here has already spread nearby.

Some say a bomb was dug here.

Some say a body was dug up.

It was also said that a ghost was dug up.

But when the radioactivity detector detects the data results against the small pool of soil.

Professor He was completely shocked!!

"This, this... is actually a radioactive element of uranium-235!"

"Is the heat down there always caused by the fission of uranium-235?"

Hearing what Professor He said.

All the audience at the scene only felt that their scalps were troubled and their hair exploded.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also stunned!


【Damn it, Lin Yang, what are you doing every day? The nuclear reactor can also fix it for you? He seems to be just for a meal. [It happened to stop at the nuclear reactor by such a coincidence?]

【I don’t think it’s possible. If nuclear reactors were really so easy to form, humans wouldn’t have discovered them until modern times. I think someone should have buried something related to uranium 235 in advance. 】

[You are joking, do you understand the concept of uranium 235? This kind of thing is used to study nuclear weapons, the ultimate strategic resource of a country, do you know how strict the control is? It is still buried in the ground, I say no Exaggeration, if you have the ability to extract uranium 235 and smuggle it abroad, I guarantee that you will be shot on the spot the day you are caught! 1

[No, I was just wondering, Lin Yang has been pretending to be an ostrich for a long time, and he is just waiting for this moment to pretend to be a force? , Is this guy human!】

Lin Yang smiled and shook his head: "That's not exactly... I agree with the geothermal principle you proposed before!"

"It was also because of the principle you proposed [that I thought these were wastes from the fission of uranium-235."

"Why!" Professor He was quite puzzled!

He knows uranium, but he is a geologist after all.

I don't know anything about nuclear physics.

Lin Yang said lightly: "For the time being, it is still unclear what caused the concentration of uranium 235 to exceed 3%.

"It may have been deliberately buried, or it may have been formed naturally. Of course, this cannot be known until it is dug up."

"But now I can probably guess why it's so hot here."

"If it's just geothermal heat, its temperature can't reach as high as more than 100 degrees. You know, more than 100 degrees can completely make water boil!"

"Just imagine, what kind of geothermal heat can be erupted deep in the earth's core, and the temperature is enough to boil water. I'm afraid it's not a hot spring, but a deadly volcano erupting!"

"Obviously not here!"

"Then its temperature is so high, it is definitely not just as simple as geothermal."

"I heard from the boss before that the special situation here only happened after a heavy rain more than ten days ago."

"Professor He doesn't know if you know what conditions need to be met for uranium 235 to undergo nuclear fission?"

"This..." Professor He shook his head: "I don't know very well!"

Lin Yang can only continue to explain: "Actually, the principle of a nuclear reactor is very simple. First, uranium must be enriched."

"That's what we said before that the concentration of uranium 235 must reach more than 3%."

"Secondly, for fission to occur, he needs neutron moderators."

"Water, on the other hand, can do this."

"The boss just said that it rained heavily here a few days ago.

"But if it's just raining heavily, why didn't it fission before, but why does it fission now?"

"That doesn't make sense!"

"So, Professor Hui, your geothermal principle inspired me.

"Could it be the soil that used to be underneath, or maybe the uranium rock formations were so dense that the water couldn't be accessed at all."

"Because of the high temperature of the geothermal heat, a crack was burned in the upper rock layer, which allowed water to enter and nuclear fission occurred."

Professor He suddenly realized!

"That's right! The possibility you said is completely valid!"

"Then according to what you mean, this place has become dangerous now?"

Lin Yang nodded solemnly.

"We need to know that the principles of nuclear reactors and nuclear explosions are very similar.

"The element uranium decays spontaneously, releasing neutrons in the process."

"These neutrons hit other uranium elements after they're formed, starting a chain reaction."

"When a neutron hits uranium-235, it briefly forms uranium-236, which rapidly splits to release energy and produce two other neutrons."

"After the three neutrons are moderated in water, the reaction cross section of uranium-235 will be greatly improved."

"Through this, it is similar to two on one side, 2 to 4, 4 to 8, 8 to 16, 16 to 32, and this reciprocating cycle, rapid fission in a very short period of time, resulting in a large amount of rigidity."

"Taking nuclear weapons as an example, the concentration of uranium is extremely high, so the chain reaction occurs extremely fast, and the reaction is a violent explosion."

"The uranium concentration in a nuclear reactor is low and the chain reaction is slow, so it can be controlled."

"During the chain reaction, a lot of heat is released, and this heat is used to boil water, and the water turns into steam, which drives the machine.

"That's how nuclear reactors work, modern nuclear submarines, nuclear aircraft carriers, that's how it works."

"An ordinary aircraft carrier needs to burn water for 48 hours to renew its power before it starts, and it takes 10 hours to burn water even if it starts."

"In contrast, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier only needs 4 hours to fully recharge its power, and it is also more powerful and faster!"

"Now, you should know why nuclear weapons are so powerful!"

Everyone present couldn't help but freeze.

Everyone knows that nuclear weapons are powerful.

But today is the first time they know why nuclear weapons are so powerful and where they are so powerful!

Before they recovered.

Lin Yang spoke again: "The problem now is that due to the fact that there has been almost no rain in the recent period, coupled with the hot weather.

"The water on the surface is gradually evaporated, which means that the nuclear reactor lacks neutron moderators to reduce the speed of neutron splitting."

"The piles and reaction sticks that are often seen in movies should have an influence on everyone, right?"

Professor He and others nodded.

"That thing is used to control the speed of the reactor. In general, the reaction rod jumps violently in the movie, indicating that it is about to lose control, which means that the monster is about to come out."

Everyone was amused by this sentence and laughed.

Lin Yang also smiled and continued to explain: "Just kidding!"

"The rods of the reactor are all made of cadmium!"

"It has very good neutron-absorbing capabilities."

"In other words, nuclear reactors are uncontrollable and impossible to stop. The splitting speed can only be controlled by absorbing neutrons!"

"When the reaction rods are all pushed down, the neutrons in the nuclear reactor are absorbed, and the fission speed is about

will slow down, and vice versa will increase. "

"Water also has a similar function. It can help split and also cool down, so as to avoid explosion due to excessive temperature."

"The problem we have now is that the reactors down there don't have water to moderate them."

"If you don't have water to help cool it down, if you continue to accelerate the division, you will only generate more and more heat energy.

"It's fine if it's just a small reactor, but what if it's a big one!"

"At that time, it will intensify, and there will be intense high temperature underground, and an explosion will occur at any time.

"Once it explodes, let alone those of us, the entire Xihai City will not be able to escape!"

"The most important thing is that it is still unknown whether there is only one nuclear reactor here. If the number is large enough, to put it bluntly, our Blue Star can blow it up."

"You know, the little boy that was thrown into the Japanese country was only 60KG of high-enrichment uranium 235, and it only had time to fission 1 kg during the high-speed fall.

catties of uranium 235. "

"From the current inference, the situation is already very urgent!"

After listening to Lin Yang's analysis.

The crowd eating melons at the scene could no longer stand up.

Many people ran away like a jerk!


There is a nuclear bomb below that may explode at any time.

Who's so desperate to watch the fun here.

617 Isn't this courting death?

Professor He, Team Li and others also changed their expressions drastically.

His expression became very ugly.


【I'm Nima, I'm sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky. If this is a super nuclear reactor, wouldn't I have to suffer even if I'm thousands of miles away?】

[Don't worry, nuclear radiation cannot penetrate the skin, only when other elements are added to produce a nuclear explosion will there be radiation. I have seen with my own eyes the particles emitted by humans using and organizing

Flow, through the distance of the astronomical unit level, directly killed tens of thousands of Zerg with powerful firepower!]

[Nimma!! You are talking about drying the quilt! I almost didn’t realize it. Indeed, for human beings, nuclear reactions and nuclear fusion are terrifying existences. However in Hao

In this universe, these things are not worth mentioning!】

——【Nuclear fusion releases energy until it finally turns into iron. Starting from iron, if continuous fusion needs to absorb more energy to maintain it, while heavy metal fission releases energy

Until it finally turns into iron. Iron is the element with the most stable energy, and the ultimate destination of the entire universe is to turn into iron, so the word iron shows that the relationship is particularly stable, I have to say

, Chinese men are really broad and profound, old iron, don’t you think so?”

Li Dui took a deep breath, only feeling his head buzzing.

The situation here was beyond his control as a small captain.

If it is really what Lin Yang said, it is too scary!

Who would have thought that just a hot ground could lead to such terrible consequences.

Well not sure yet!

Perhaps Lin Yang's analysis was wrong.

It's also possible that it's not as bad as you think.

After recovering, Captain Li immediately took out his mobile phone and called Director Yang.

When the call is answered.

"Hey! Old Li, didn't something happen to you? Why did you remember to call me!"

"Ju Yang, something happened, something big happened!"

"Wait a minute!! You tell me first,... is Lin Yang next to you!"

Li Dui was taken aback when he heard this, and nodded bitterly.

"You guessed it right!"


"I knew it! Every time something happened to you, this guy was there, and I wondered if he was the reincarnation of the bastard! Tell me what's going on, I'm already prepared!"

"Er...the thing is like this, Lin Yang had dinner today, the car was parked there, and the tires were burnt!"

"What the hell? That's it?"

"No.. You listen to me.. Then I found that the ground was very hot, so I dug it up. Geological expert Professor He said that there is geothermal heat below..."

After listening to Captain Li's explanation, Director Yang nodded: "It's really not a trivial matter! You should be able to handle it yourself.'

"But... But Lin Yang said that there is not only a geothermal heat source below, but also a natural gas reactor! And it is very likely to explode now, and we in Xihai City have the possibility

Can it be fried!"

At this moment, Director Yang was dumbfounded.

The pupils dilated unconsciously, and exclaimed into the phone: "What did you say? Say it again!!".

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