The robber on the opposite side took off his helmet.

It's a young guy about the same age as Lin Yang.

I saw him say with a look of resentment.

"I admit, I broke the law!"

"However, I was also forced to do nothing!"

"The money in this bag... he originally belonged to me!"

As soon as the words came out.

Lin Yang and the others were stunned.

What do you mean?

my own?

Steal your own money?

Before waiting for Team Li to ask.

The man took the initiative to explain: "The woman I robbed is my ex-girlfriend."

"I met on a blind date. I'm going to get engaged in March, and I'm going to get married in the second half of the year."

"As a result, after my parents collected 200,000 dowry gifts and sent them over, their family regretted it."

"Then we went to ask for money... we just refused to pay!"

"Later, I went to the court to sue her, and she was also sentenced, and asked their family to return it."

"But their family is vicious. They have already transferred their assets, pretending to be poor and refusing to pay back the money."

"But I know that she is rich, and I have been following her today."

"Sure enough, I saw her withdraw a hundred thousand from the bank!"

"As soon as my brain got hot, I was robbed!"

After listening to his explanation.

Everyone was silent.

If so.

That guy is really unlucky.

The woman is obviously using marriage to cheat money.

But the man's approach is obviously to pay the price of impulsiveness.

Essentially, he's not a bad guy.

No wonder I slowed down when I met a child before.

Although Lin Yang doesn't know much about the law.

It mainly depends on how things are qualitative.

From a legal point of view, if the debt is owed and the debt is not repaid, it is a civil liability.

To solve it by means of robbery is tantamount to violating the criminal law, and one must pay legal responsibility.

But if it is to grab cheated money, the meaning is different.

Fraud itself is also a criminal responsibility.

Therefore, it is not illegal to only grab back the money that was cheated.

But the motorcycle man is a liar if you want to call it.

They were indeed cheating at first.

But after the lawsuit is over, it belongs to Lao Lai, and the money owed will not be repaid.

So in the end is to cheat or owe!

Lin Yang didn't know.

I am afraid that only Zhang San will know the result.

Sympathy is all sympathy, but today he was robbing a racing car in a riot.

had a great impact on society.

It is inevitable to step on the sewing machine.




——[These cheating marriages are really abominable. Not only will the young man lose his money, but he will also go to jail. Don't say that he broke the law. If there was no cheating marriage by that woman, would he have come to this point? 】

——[So the country lacks the means to punish Lao Lai. It is the uncle who owes money these years. When borrowing money, there are good words to say, and some people are thin-skinned, so they borrow it. As a result, when I needed money, I turned my face and refused to recognize people. This kind of thing happened a lot. 】

——[It is recommended that Lao Lai be sentenced directly. I have seen many videos of courts searching Lao Lai's house. At the beginning, he was very arrogant, and he just refused to pay back the money the family had. Well, when the court enforces it, or if he is sent to jail, he will panic completely and pay back the money immediately. 】

——[However, the reality is that the hundreds of thousands that the guy snatched back were exchanged for several years of prison life. I'm afraid that if the stolen money is returned in the end, it will really make things worse. If you can't get your own money back, if you rob it, you will not only go to jail, but you can't get it. Isn't this too unfair to him? 】


Just when we were preparing to close the team here.

Not far away, sirens sounded again.

The right people from the traffic police brigade came.

When they see people have been caught.

Came over to say hello with a smile: "Old Li, you are still faster!"

Li Dui joked with a smile: "Why, are you also here to catch fugitives?"

"Fugitive? No, no, no, I'm here to catch the racing gang!"

"I need to register the information of the two of them, since they have been caught by you. I don't care about the follow-up interrogation."

"I am only responsible for revoking their driver's licenses and punishing them according to law!"

Hearing this, Li Dui had a strange expression on his face.

Coughed twice and pointed to Lin Yang.

"That... let's forget about this person, you can deal with that!"


The head of the traffic police detachment looked at Lin Yang in surprise: "What's wrong, he is your relative?"

"Although I'm a traffic policeman, I'm also a policeman with the power to enforce the law. You're showing favoritism in front of me...the higher ups are watching!"

Li Dui smiled helplessly.

"You may not believe it when you say it, but our first action was to catch him!"

When this word reached the captain's ears, he was completely stunned.

"Then what?"

"An oolong, we thought he was the kidnapper who kidnapped the little girl, but we got it wrong."

"Not only is he not a kidnapper, but he also helps to catch robbers, so... that's him!"

"It's equivalent to saying that he did two good people and good deeds at the same time!"

"If you punish him, I guess once the news gets out."

"I'm really worried that your branch office will be exposed on the Internet!"

After the captain listened to the story, his expression froze.

What is this called!

You say he is not guilty, his crazy speeding on the road seriously affects road traffic.

You say he is guilty, he is essentially a righteous man.

And there were no accidents.

If he doesn't want to help, he can ignore it.

Let the suspect escape, none of his business.

So if this incident really punishes Lin Yang.

That must have chilled everyone's hearts.

The already indifferent society is probably because of this incident.

Let the mutual help and mutual assistance plot of the society completely sink into the trough.

Who will act bravely in the future?

Encounter such a thing is estimated to stand by and watch.

The less trouble, the better.

After thinking about all this, he could only sigh.

Involuntarily looked at Lin Yang.

"Tsk tsk tsk!!!"

"Young man, you used to be a racing driver, right?"

Lin Yang turned his head in embarrassment: "No!"

"Impossible, right? Your car skills... Even our chief called it exaggerated!"

Even the motorcycle man next to him nodded in agreement.

He is convinced of Lin Yang's driving skills.

He was thinking about changing Lin Yang to a car with more horsepower.

He must have been caught long ago.




——[I'm a little disappointed. I didn't expect to figure out the misunderstanding so quickly. I also want to see what funny things will happen if the misunderstanding continues. 】

——[But pull it down, if you continue to misunderstand, he is afraid that he will be directly collapsed. This can be regarded as happy for everyone. Lin Yang is a good person and a good deed. If he is punished, I will be the first to say no. 】

——【But this guy is a real tiger. If I were the parent of the child, I would probably be scared to death when I heard his words. I really didn't expect to see such an exciting live broadcast of drag racing this morning. Is there anyone in the live broadcast room who speaks out because his skills are better than him. 】

——[I used to be a professional racing driver. I can tell you responsibly that his level is definitely not lower than that of a professional racing driver. At least he is causing trouble. I can't drive at his level. Every time he changes lanes and turns, he does it almost perfectly. I can be sure that if he goes to participate in professional competitions, his results will definitely not be low! 】


Things are finally coming to an end here.

Lin Yang followed the police back to the police station to take notes.

When the mother of the child sees the little girl.

The tears couldn't stop at once.

Parents hold their baby and cry together.

During this time at the police station.

They already knew that their daughter had not been kidnapped.

Instead, he was met by kind people.

It's just that they themselves misunderstood.

So after recovering.

The couple hurried to Lin Yang.

Kneel down with a bang.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Lin Yang hurriedly pulled them up, and comforted him, "It's okay, it should be."

"I'm also to blame for this. It was very pitiful to see the child outside."

"I thought you lost it on purpose, even if it wasn't on purpose, it's wrong."

"So my tone is a bit aggressive, which may have misunderstood you."

The child's mother shook her head again and again: "If my daughter is lost, I will not be able to live safely in this life."

"You are right. We lost her. We are unqualified. We will never let her get lost again in the future."

Immediately afterwards, the girl's father took out a wad of money from behind and handed it over.

"I thought it was a kidnapping before, and I took 200,000 yuan, and here is 50,000 yuan, so it's a thank you gift, be sure to accept it!"

When I heard 200,000.

Lin Yang froze for a moment.

"200,000? I bought her a piece of shredded bread and a cup of milk before, and asked you to bring only 20 yuan. Do you think it's a ransom of 200,000?"

The girl's father was also stunned: "Tear the bread with your hands? My wife sounds like she is going to tear the child with her hands!"


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