How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

24. Reverse Cheating, All Members Of The Mlm Dens Are Brainwashed!

Looking at the blood boiling on and off the stage.

Pete was lost in thought.

This guy won't be caused by other colleagues, right?

People come in on the first day or they are submissive.

Either work hard.

It's good for him, just come up and brainwash himself.

Wash it for the people in the house?

No, he had to do something.

Wait until the live sound ends.

Pete immediately changed his smile.

He smiled and walked up to Lin Yang.

"Okay, since you have become a member of our prosperous and wealthy family."

"Then pay the dues now!"

"Dues?" Lin Yang looked puzzled.

"Yeah, I didn't tell you before."

"If you want to make money, you have to invest. The project is now in its infancy, and the funds have not fully caught up."

"If you don't invest now, who will take you to play when the project is officially launched?"

Listen to Pete's flickering.

Lin Yang was lost in thought.

After a while, he showed embarrassment: "This...I can't afford the money now..."

Hearing this, Pete's face darkened instantly.

"Mama beer, what you are encountering now is the opportunity to become a multi-millionaire. If you miss it, you will not regret it in the future!"

Lin Yang hurriedly explained: "Don't! Leader, although I have no money now."

"But I can find a way to get money, and didn't you say that now that the project has just started, I have a way to get a lot of money in a short time."

"Oh? Really or not!" Pete immediately became interested when he heard that he could get a lot of money.

"Of course it's true, truer than pearls!"

Lin Yang patted his chest confidently.

Go to the whiteboard.

Pick up the eraser and wipe it clean.

This sudden operation stunned everyone.

But Pete didn't stop.

He wants to see what kind of tricks Lin Yang plays.

On the stage, Lin Yang said confidently: "This is a plan to make a fortune that I have buried in my mind for a long time."

"I didn't want to share it with you at first, but now considering that the profit from the start of the project is over 100 million, I decided to tell you all."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone cheered up and listened intently.

"Actually, this plan to make a fortune is very simple."

"First of all, let's find a beauty salon and discuss cooperation with him. Later, I will introduce clients to him, and he will provide services at a slightly lower price."

"Then, let's send text messages, or distribute leaflets, in the form of spreading the net."

"Tell the customer that we are holding an event here, and you can experience a beauty and skin care service worth 2,000 yuan for free."

"I believe that many people who receive this news will be more interested."

Pete frowned.

I feel that what Lin Yang said is wrong.

What kind of money-making plan is this?

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"If someone really came, what would you do? He tried it for free, who paid for it?"

Lin Yang explained with a smile: "Don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

"When the client comes, we'll tell her."

"This event is jointly organized by our small island beauty and big island beauty."

"If you want to experience the free skin care service worth 2,000 yuan, you must first become a member of Dashima Beauty."

"Then, you can experience skin care services worth 2,000 yuan once a month."

"Membership fee, one hundred thousand yuan!"

Pete in the audience was a little impatient.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? One hundred thousand membership fees?"

"Just to do a free service? Are you out of your mind, or is she out of her mind?"

Lin Yang was not angry either.

Instead, he explained with a smile: "Listen to me first."

"We will refund the 100,000 membership fee to the customer in installments within one year!"

Pete shook his head: "Aren't you just selling memberships in disguise? It's not worth spending 100,000 yuan?"

"nonono!" Lin Yang stretched out his index finger and shook it.

"If she was really asked to pay 100,000 yuan, most people would not be willing."

"It was originally here to take advantage, how could it be willing to pay for it?"

"However, we can contact the small loan company and help her apply for a loan."

"Then, agree to return the money to her in installments, and then automatically repay the money."

"That is to say, from the beginning to the end, customers don't need to spend a penny, just pick up a member for nothing."

"And you can also experience a beauty and skin care project worth 2,000 yuan every month."

"If it were you, what would you think?"

After listening to this passage from Lin Yang.

Everyone in the audience was moved.

Such a service is for those who love to make a small profit.

There is simply no way to refuse!

You can experience high-end beauty services every month without spending a penny.

Where can such a good thing be found?




——[My mother, this guy must have been doing pyramid schemes before, and his way of fooling people is too good. 】

——【Don't say it, it sounds good to me. If I were a woman, I might really be tempted. 】

——[Listen, I feel that it will definitely not be such a simple matter in the future. If so, how do they make money? It's about the same amount of money. 】

——[I guess it must be to run away after getting the money, but you can't get much money in this way, what kind of plan to get rich is this? 】


After Pete listened to Lin Yang's narration.

Also thought it sounded really good.

"And then? How do we make money?"

"If you are like this, we must lose money! Is it possible to take the money and run away directly after taking the money?"

Lin Yang chuckled: "Who said that!"

"After taking the money, run away. It can only be said that you have no structure. Isn't this the one that was complained at the beginning?"

"Not only did we not run away, but we also paid them loans!"

"And the monthly grooming services are available as usual."

Now, everyone was dumbfounded.

Pete also shook his head: "I don't understand, aren't you courting death like this?"

Lin Yang picked up the black pen and wrote while talking: "Suppose, we have a member!"

"After helping her with a loan of 100,000 yuan!"

"What is the cost to us?"

"The money for a beauty project, I said this before, talk to the beauty shop."

"We don't need to open a store. It is said that it is a 2000 project. After negotiation, it may be settled in a few hundred."

"That is to say, every time we get a member."

"The first month's cost is the loan repayment plus beauty fees, the total does not exceed 10,000, right!"

Everyone in the audience nodded.

That being said, there's nothing wrong with that.

"Well, the beauty fee, do we pay from the 100,000 yuan? Does the loan fee also come from the 100,000 yuan?"

"I can say, we didn't spend a penny, did we?"

Everyone nodded again.

Now even Pete had to admit that it really didn't cost any money.

Lin Yang strikes while the iron is hot and continues: "If we can get ten members, it means that the first month is over."

"I have 1 million in hand, is there anything wrong?"

"On this basis, we helped the client repay the loan in the first month, what would she think?"

"Is she happy? Does she feel that we are real?"

"At this time, we told her that we can invite her friends to come together."

"At that time, not only will I be able to provide her with the original membership service, but I will also provide a set of skin care products worth 2,000 yuan every month!"

"Do you think she will be moved?"

This time, the audience no longer nodded.

Instead, they collectively replied: "Yes!"

Lin Yang smiled and pointed to the blackboard: "We will use ten people as the base number."

"She brought twenty more friends over, so we have 3 million in hand?"

"Even if you repay the loan and provide services to them, the maximum will not exceed 500,000, right?"

"But the problem is, we have 2.5 million real gold and platinum in our pockets!"

"But 2.5 million, can it satisfy me?"

"No, I will continue to repay their loans and provide better services."

"From the beginning to the end, I didn't lie to them for a penny, and I did what I said, and they really didn't have to pay a penny, and they really experienced the benefits."

"Think about it, if you were his friend and saw the benefits she received with your own eyes, would you join the membership!"

At this time, there was a shock under the stage.

Everyone answered in unison: "Yes!"

Even Pete is no exception.

Now he finally understood.

Lin Yang's plan to make a fortune is perfect.

As long as there is one person to do membership.

That will bring in a steady stream of members.

Experience high-end services without spending a penny.

Who does not like?

Lin Yang grinned seeing that they were all being fooled.

"100,000 becomes 1 million, 1 million becomes 2 million, 2 million becomes 10 million!"

"At that time, we will take 10 million to invest in the Blue Sky Project, and the 100-fold return will directly become one billion!"

"Everyone we are doing is the real top of the pyramid!"

"Tell me loudly, do you want to make a fortune with me!"

Everyone: "Think!!!"

Pete: "..."



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