How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

54. How Far Can A Liter Of Gas Run? When I Get Angry, I Refuse To Load! (Seeking Subscription)

At 9 o'clock the next morning, Lin Yang got up on time.

After breakfast, start a new day of order life.

He had a sweet dream last night.

I dreamed that I took a camera to take pictures of countless beautiful women.

When I wake up in the morning, my mind is full of that kind of picture, with endless aftertaste.

He didn't even know that he was burnt black by someone last night.

The car dangled aimlessly on the road for more than half an hour but didn't receive a single order.

It wasn't until half past ten that the phone software finally rang.


[Departure time]: Depart now

【Distance from you】: 1.87km

【Estimated income】:28

Departure point: Exit of Nanxin Street, Changsheng Road

Destination: Wanda Plaza

【Whether to accept the order!】

【Ding~ Order received successfully!】

Ten minutes later.

A young woman dressed in a foreign style got into the car.

Looks like he's in his 30s.

As soon as you get in the car, you can smell a tangy perfume.

After confirming that she placed the order, Lin Yang set off towards the destination.

I drove on the road for a while.

The beauty may feel bored and take the initiative to chat with Lin Yang.

"Master, the oil price is so expensive now, does your car burn gas?"

Lin Yang hummed instinctively.

Before he could change his words.

The beauty behind asked again: "Then how far can you run with this boost of energy?"

Lin Yang replied calmly: "When I get angry, I refuse to board, and I won't run away!"

The beauty in the back seat froze for a moment.

Then he burst out laughing.

"Master, you are so funny when you talk!!"

at this moment.

The beauty's phone rang.

Lin Yang vaguely heard the conversation behind while driving.

"How to say? Is there any suitable one?"

"Then I don't care, I paid the money, and I don't want to lower the grade, so I just look for it according to the previous requirements.

"It's hard to find? I'm so good, why can't I find a man?"

"Well, let me know if there is a match."

After hanging up the phone, the beauty took a deep breath.

There was an angry look on his face.

After sitting in the back and being silent for a minute, there was still no one who took the initiative to speak.

"Master, my annual salary is 200,000, so it's not too much to find someone with an annual salary of 300,000?"

Lin Yang nodded.

"Well! Not too much!"

"I have a car and a house in Xihai City, so it's not too much to find someone who has a car and a house in Xihai City?"

"Not too much! Very reasonable!"

The beauty continued: "My parents have pensions. Is it right to find someone who also has pensions?"

"That must be true! The family is right!"

"I'm 35 years old, it's not too much for me to find a 40?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, it won't work without one condition!"

The beauty smiled unconsciously when she heard Lin Yang's answer.

Then he asked again: "Master, if you have an annual salary of 300,000, own a car and a house in Xihai City, and your parents have pensions, what kind of wife would you find?"

Lin Yang still didn't even think about it and replied directly: "I will find someone who is 18 years old, at least post-00s."

"Don't say that my annual salary is 300,000, even if my monthly income is 5,000, I also want to find an eighteen-year-old!"

The beauty in the back seat was stunned when she heard Lin Yang's answer!!

The previous answer made her very satisfied.

I thought the ending would be satisfying too.

The result was this answer.

It's like Master Xing's "Kung Fu" is the first in every award.

The best director is not him.

The matchmaking agency called her just now.

Hope she lowers her demands.

But she thinks her conditions are so good.

Why lower your requirements and wrong yourself.

I thought I could find some sense of identity with Lin Yang.

It turned out to be the ultimate hit!!

It made her lose face a bit, which was very embarrassing.

But out of politeness, she still asked a lot.

"Master, why do you guys like to find eighteen-year-old girls!"

Lin Yang froze for a moment, and replied in surprise, "Because those under the age of 18 broke the law!"

This time, the beauty completely exploded!

Angrily shouted: "Stop the car for me, I want to get off!!"

After Lin Yang pulled over and stopped, he turned to look at her with a confused face: "What's the matter? It was fine just now, why did you want to get out of the car all of a sudden?"

"I don't care, if you stop for me, I will not only get out of the car, but also complain to you!!"

After speaking, he opened the door directly.

There was a snap.


Lin Yang was dumbfounded, what the hell is going on?

Am I wrong?

【One word, absolutely! Even if you complain to him, he will still find someone eighteen!】

[I thought about it for a while and there is still something wrong with this woman. What does your garage, your income, and all your financial conditions have to do with the man? Do you give it all to him when you get married? No problem, but your body is He really got it, so if it were me, I would choose eighteen too!]

【I don't understand why she is so obsessed with finding someone who is 40. Why don't she find someone who is 18 if she has this condition? Open your mind!!】

【In the past, I liked eighteen-year-olds, then I liked young women, and now, I still like eighteen-year-olds!】

[Upstairs, are you talking about the growth history of your second brother? Find an 18-year-old in Xinshou Village to level up with, and when you reach a certain level, you will find that it is better to find a young woman to take you to give birth. In the end, when you become a boss, you have to go back and take the trumpet!!]

This order is inexplicably gone.

Lin Yang was a little annoyed.

What a ghost, who is this.

But this is not the end.

Just when he was about to cancel the order and continue working.

The phone receives a notification.


"A passenger complained to the headquarters about you!"

"Say you're out of your mind!"

Lin Yang glanced at the text message notification.

Immediately he was furious.

There is a psychological urge to scold your mother.

But I haven't had time to scold.

Worse things happened.

The phone followed up with another notification.

"Ding! Since you have been complained more than three times in a short period of time, which has seriously affected your credit score, the account is now suspended from accepting orders. Please deal with the complaint information as soon as possible before opening it.

"I am Nima!!"

Lin Yang yelled at the phone!

I really went out today and didn't read the almanac.

Answering a few questions can also be complained!!

Who is he reasoning with?

Since becoming an online car-hailing driver.

He understands more and more how difficult it is for those masters who drive online car-hailing taxis.

There are good and bad people in all walks of life.

Bad guys aside, passengers like this.

It's a nightmare for good and diligent drivers.

It's okay for Lin Yang to arrive like this, he can't take a few orders a day.

Making money is not mainly based on taking orders.

But for the average driver, those three complaints would be hopeless.

He had no choice but to deal with the complaint.

After opening the software, I did see three complaints on it.

Lin Yang complained one by one and wrote down the situation at that time.

As for whether he can pass in the future, he doesn't know.

Just when Lin Yang was banned.

The black fans in the live broadcast room exploded!

They came to squat in Lin Yang's studio early in the morning.

Now that he finally caught the black material, he couldn't bear it anymore.

——[Haha, you see, Lin Yang's stupid fans. It’s only been a few days? I’ve been complained more than three times and my account has been blocked. You still think that such a driver is very +31

【The eyes of the masses are discerning. They drive with their mouths all day long. How can their quality be so high? Only those who have no quality will like him, right?】

[Don't talk about it, let's say that Xiaoyang is about to break the defense, it's sad, I advise you to turn around early and see Lin Yang clearly. Most of his bright moments before were drama

[What's wrong? The Internet was full of black fans last night, and they all rushed to the live broadcast room today? Complained three times, and you didn't see who they were complaining about? If you were to be a passenger like Si Wan to you try. 】

[It's ridiculous, someone actually said that Lin Yang was the script, and nothing else, the huge serial murder case in the cellar, is this also a script? The police, the mayor, and the whole country have notified it, and it is also called a script? Black for black, there is no lower limit! 】

Lin Yang didn't know, there was a frying pan in his live broadcast room.

People on both sides immediately quarreled.

The sunspots had nothing to worry about, and it was hard to hear what Tian Mo said.

People besieged collectively.

But people have a thick skin, just playing hob meat.

There was nothing I could do except scold him.

At noon, Lin Yang found the restaurant where he ate for the first time to have lunch.

He chose this one because it was the only player he knew.

Thinking about seeing him, it's just to relieve the depressed mood.

As soon as the boss saw a guest coming in.

He hurriedly ran over with a smile and asked, "Boss, what do you want to eat? Let me recommend our family's special dish, Jiuzhuan Dachang!"

Lin Yang shook his head with a look of disgust: "A plate of crayfish, a spicy bullfrog, a braised beef, and two bottles of Coke.

"Okay! You sit down first, I'll fuck you right away"

back kitchen.

No. 30 is working hard to prepare the ingredients.

It will be peak time soon.

The restaurant must be too busy.

I saw that the dishes were cut and put on the plate.

Wrap in plastic wrap and store in the freezer.

The chefs in the shop were quite satisfied with that speed.

"Not bad, you can become so proficient in just a few days, but it's a pity that you can only be a waiter, otherwise I want to teach you how to cook!"

Hearing this, No. 30 smiled unconsciously.

"Thank you, Chef, I will be satisfied if I can help you.

At this moment, he was in a very good mood.

Although I was hit by an unknown player a few days ago.

But he calmed down later.

After thinking about it, it's only the first day.

Isn't it just a meal!

Not much difference.

And he is very familiar with the chef now.

He doesn't even like tomato tomato soup.

Not to mention big fish and meat.

But almost every meal has meat.

He also met other players during this time.

Which is not miserable.

Some even started to beg for food.

Unlike him, eat well, drink well and sleep well.

And the boss verbally agreed in the morning that if the performance is good this month, he will be considered for a shareholding.

This was a big surprise for him!

So in his eyes.

The restaurant is no longer owned by the owner.

is his own!

For this reason, he directly rejected the boss's idea of ​​hiring a few more employees.

...ask for flowers...

I did all the work by myself.

Just to save the boss some money.

Turning around, he took a stake, and the income is also


at this time.

The boss walks in.

"The guests outside want a plate of crayfish, a spicy bullfrog, and braised beef."

The voice just fell.

"Good!" No. 30 immediately rushed to the freezer to get some food for the chef to cook.

Soon, after the three dishes were cooked, No. 30 walked out of the back kitchen with it.

The first thing I saw was Lin Yang drinking Coke there.

Immediately his expression froze!

Exclaimed: "It's you!"

Lin Yang smiled: "I haven't seen you for a few days, how are you doing?"

No. 30 smiled slightly.

At this time, he was in high spirits.

Walking with the dishes, Lin Yang said calmly, "It's okay, just eat and drink every day, and get some shares in the restaurant."

Lin Yang froze for a moment.

Good guy.

I just asked casually.

You almost gave away your family fortune!

Wait until the dishes are served.

Lin Yang asked politely: "Do you want to eat together? Anyway, I can't finish it by myself."

No. 30 swallowed, and replied with a proud face: "No, no, thank you for your kindness. I eat every day in the back kitchen, and I'm already tired of eating it!"

The boss at the back looked contemptuous when he heard it.

I burnt so much money to let you eat this thing?

It would be nice to give you some shredded pork!

But he also knew that No. 30 was bragging, so he didn't bother to expose him.

But at this moment.

A business car was parked at the door.

Immediately afterwards, a man in his 40s got out of the car.

With eyes and a briefcase in hand.

Wearing a formal suit, he looks gentle.

When the boss saw someone coming to eat, he hurried to greet him.

"Boss, please, how many people are there?"

Who would have thought that the man with glasses made a restraining movement with his right hand.

"I don't eat, I look for someone!"

"Looking for someone?" The boss froze for a moment.

"Yes, I'm looking for him!"

After speaking, he walked towards Lin Yang.

This sudden scene made everyone present a little confused.

The man with glasses walked up to Lin Yang and immediately changed his face.

He said with a smile: "Lin Yang, I have found you!"

Lin Yang stared blankly at the man in front of him, and asked uncertainly, "Who are you?"

The man with glasses smiled immediately after hearing the words: "Oh yes, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself."

"Actually, we met the night before yesterday. You may not have noticed me. I am the mayor's secretary. My surname is Li. I came to you today to honor the bonus promised by the mayor!"

As soon as I heard that it was to send money.

Lin Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

Quickly greeted: "So it's you! I said it looks so familiar, please sit down quickly, haven't you eaten? It's just right, I haven't moved my chopsticks yet, let's chat while eating!"

Secretary Li couldn't fix this attitude directly.

This is too enthusiastic.

But he did not eat lunch.

He also sat down politely.

At this time, the boss and 30 strings next to him stared straight at the man's self-reported home!


Mayor's secretary?


This is so awesome, what an official!!

He actually came here specifically to find this person in front of him.

And the attitude is so good.

What is the situation?

On the 30th, my brain was buzzing at this time.

I couldn't react at all for a while.

But he didn't believe it.

It's only been a few days.

The mayor's secretary is here?

Is there anything so outrageous.

Let's have a look first.

Lin Yang specially passed the chopsticks to Secretary Li, and opened the extra Coke for him to drink.

"Come, come, Secretary Li, thank you for your hard work, and give me money for such trouble."

"Would it be a transfer or cash later?"

Secretary Li is drinking Coke.

Hearing this sentence no one lives.

It was sprayed out on the spot.

Fortunately, he sprayed on one side.

It just happened to be sprayed on No. 30.

Quickly stood up and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I'm sorry!"

Number 30 was stunned.

what are you doing!!

It's just that Secretary Li's attitude is very sincere and he didn't get much on him.

He had no choice but to wave his hand: "It's okay!"

Secretary Li heard the words and said thank you.

He took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it to Lin Yang.

"The password is on the back of the card, 600,000!"


This sentence was like a thunderbolt, and it rang in No. 60's ears.

One staggered and almost lost his footing.

How much? 600,000?

He doesn't believe it!

I wouldn't believe it even if I killed him!

Maybe Secretary Li heard his voice.

He took out a large red notebook from his bag.

Open it in front of everyone and hand it to Lin Yang.

"This is a medal inscribed by the mayor himself. In addition, the mayor specifically told me that he would like to ask you when you can take some time. He wants to treat you to a meal.

At this time, whether it is player No. 30 or the hotel owner.

They all stared at the medal on the table.

It clearly says thanks to Lin Yang!

Signed and sealed, it is the Xihai City Government! Billion!.

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