How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

58. Outrageous! Bomb Pavement, The Playground Is Full Of Bombs! (Seeking Subscription)

Soon, the police borrowed a bulletproof shield from the special police.

Get a glove, pliers, and a body armor set.

Lin Yang looked at the bulletproof vest, smiled and waved his hands: "No need to wear it, it will be done in a while, besides, there are only a few minutes left, so it's important to work first!"

Director Yang saw that he refused to wear it, so he had no choice but to hold a shield in front of him.

"You can't refuse this, can you?"

Lin Yang was a little helpless, and he also knew that Bureau Yang had good intentions.

Actually, if it really exploded.

This shield is useless.

Explosions are not just fragment damage.

Impact is also one of its lethality.

so close.

With 1 kg of TNT explosives, two people can blow up directly.

Nine times out of ten the shield will blow up.

Even if the shield was not broken, the two of them would be blown up by the shock wave and their internal organs would bleed profusely.

Certainly not alive.

The blasting experts behind stopped when they reached a distance.

They also wanted to see how Lin Yang managed to kill himself!

I saw Lin Yang put on gloves and held a vise in his right hand.

The wires facing a bomb were cut directly up.

Everyone was dumbfounded by this unrestrained scene!

Ju Yang was so frightened that his heart jumped into his throat.

Good guy!

Is this how you defuse bombs?

Don't even look at it?

Cut directly!

I'm on a pirate ship!

If I knew you were doing this, I wouldn't agree to let you make it if I was killed!

He wanted to say something.

But looking at Lin Yang's relaxed and smiling expression.

He opened his mouth in a daze, swallowed and didn't say anything.

It's useless to say anything now.

Can only resign to fate!

Only one sound was heard.


The line is broken!!

Everyone covered their heads unconsciously.

Director Yang was no exception, and stretched his shield forward.

The body hides back.


The imagined explosion didn't happen.

The time bomb was quietly placed there.

Without further ado, Lin Yang cut off another branch wire that was not connected to the resistor.

After cutting the two lines, the bomb still didn't blow up!

Everyone was shocked now!

Because from the beginning to the end, Lin Yang only took 20 seconds to defuse a bomb.

If it goes on at this speed, wouldn't Bikedan be disassembled in a minute?

The blasting experts at the door were a little sour seeing this scene.

"It's just luck, it's too courageous to dismantle it without even looking at it!"

"Let's stay away from it. There is a high probability that it will be blown up if it is cut like this."

"No way, people don't listen to persuasion, we try our best!"

The voice just fell!


The second bomb was defused!

833 didn't wait for everyone to recover from the shock.

The third...!

the fourth...!

the seventh!!!

Just a minute.

All seven time bombs have been cut!

Everyone at the scene was completely dumbfounded!

The first to bear the brunt is Yang Ju.

He was mentally prepared to sacrifice at any time.

In this short minute.

He thought of his family.

I thought about why I became a policeman in the first place.

I thought that if I was killed by the bomb, I would not regret it.

In almost a minute, I almost wanted to play my whole life.

But it turns out...!

They disassembled it all in less than a minute???

This is a ticking time bomb!

Could it be a toy? Playing?

Even a fool knows it's impossible!

Otherwise, the blasting experts wouldn't have traveled that far.

If it is said that it is luck to dismantle one.

What about seven?

Who dares to call it luck?

Wouldn't it be nice to have this luck to buy a lottery ticket? Why come here to dismantle the bomb!

The image of Lin Yang was refreshed again and again in Director Yang's mind.

He felt more and more that he couldn't understand the young man in front of him.

Such bomb disposal technology.

Just call the army's top bomb disposal experts.

I guess that's it!

In fact he thought too much.

The blasting company was right.

If anyone came, it would be to dismantle the detonator.

If it cannot be disassembled, I would rather detonate it on the spot.

Dismantling the wires is purely courting death.

The uncertainty is too high!

Fortunately, this is an ordinary bomb, if it is a little more complicated.

There are circuit boards and piles of wires on it.

Who knows which is the trunk line.

Cutting one wrong at random is very likely to cause an explosion.

So at this time, several experts from the blasting company.

The eyes widened, and the mouth opened into an O shape.

Unbelievable face!

"Impossible, impossible! No one can take them down so quickly!"

"Unless!! He has dismantled tens of thousands of these time bombs, and he is already very familiar with the layout of the circuit, and he can tell it at a glance!"

"This...he looks like he's only in his 20s. Could it be that his childhood toy was a bomb? Just dismantle it and play with it?"

The netizens in the live broadcast room are also boiling at this time!


[Little blacks, take a look, you still say that Lin Yang is useless? You say he has no quality? Did he catch the kidnapper? Did he save the child? Now he also dismantled the bomb

[Hehe, they can only type on the keyboard on the Internet, if they really want to pee their pants in real life, they will be so scared. Don't (bfac) say let them dismantle the bomb, and make the fuck run away. 】

[This is why I like Lin Yang, he is usually out of tune and likes to drive. But when it comes to critical moments, he never loses the chain, he is a bit of a gamer

[Is this even okay? Seven time bombs are like toys in his hands. I wonder if these bombs are all fake teeth, and they won’t explode at all.

——Let's take it easy. 】

At the scene, Director Yang said incredulously: "How did you do it? Could it be that these bombs are all problematic?"

Lin Yang smiled and shook his head: "No, these are all fine, they will explode when the time comes!"

"Only these seven bombs are enough to blow up the former teaching building."

"Although it won't collapse, if it explodes during school, our Xihai City will be famous!"

This sentence directly made Yang Ju's scalp tingle!

He should know what it means!

Once it explodes, there will be countless casualties!

The whole country shook!!

A few more minutes passed.

All the police who were looking for the bomb evacuated the teaching building.

Fortunately, when the timer expired, no explosion occurred.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It looks like there are so many bombs in total!

So far, this matter has finally come to a successful conclusion.

All the police officers couldn't help but smile on their faces.

Such a big matter can be solved so easily in the end.

Just because of one person, Lin Yang!!

For a while, many people rushed over to lift Lin Yang up.

Throw it in the sky!!

Director Yang looked at the excitement of the crowd and didn't stop it.

He himself also walked through the gate of hell.

I can understand their feelings very well.

If it weren't for his age, he would be a leader who retired.

He wants to be involved.

at this moment.

The principal also came over.

Director Yang looked at him and frowned.

This incident happened because of him.

How many families were almost ruined!

He said angrily: "What's the matter with your school? You owe people the project money and don't pay them back. You're forcing people to do this! Who will dare to come to your school to do things in the future?"

The headmaster looked bitter when he heard the words.

"Officer, it's not what you think. There's a reason for not giving him money."

"If you see what he's doing, I promise you won't pay either!"

hear this.

Ju Yang showed a puzzled look: "What do you mean?"

The principal sighed: "I don't know. You can go and see with me, and you will know. Because of him, the playground in our school is still unusable!"

"OK! Go and see!"

Not only Director Yang is curious, but other people are also interested.

Only then did Lin Yang have the opportunity to come down, and follow him to have a look.

He also wondered why no money was given!

After walking for a while, they came to an empty area.

At a glance, you can see that the entire playground has been paved with floor tiles, and there are exquisite patterns on it.

There are many amusement equipment around.

On the surface, this project is indeed worth 300,000!

And it looks pretty good too!

Director Yang asked suspiciously: "Doesn't this look good?"

The principal smiled wryly and walked to a corner of the playground.

I saw him lift one of the bricks.

A lot of soil is exposed below.

Then directly open with both hands.

Gone for a while.

An iron bump resembling a mallet was pulled out of the soil.

But it is very short, only about ten centimeters long.

The head is thick and the tail is thin.

A bit like the shape of water droplets.

It is covered with black dirt and rusty.

The rust has formed a large area of ​​patina, and it is impossible to see what this iron bump is.

Everyone was stunned.

How to dig out an iron lump under the playground?

The principal said helplessly: "See, that's how he made the foundation!"

"Not only here, but the entire playground is full of such things, we only found out when we checked and accepted it later!

"This kind of playground is not stable at all, and the headquarters decided that the project was unqualified, so they never gave money!"

Now the truth is finally revealed!!

At first everyone thought the kidnapper was the victim!

Although his behavior is wrong, the school is also the initiator.

But if it is as the principal said.

Use these iron lumps as roadbeds.

No one will give him money!

This is too perfunctory.

However at this time.

Lin Yang's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because just now the principal took out the iron bump.

The system panel popped up suddenly.

【46mm Mortar Grenade】

[Length 12.8cm, weight 760g, TNT charge 75g, impact fuze]

【The egg is suitable for the format 46mm mortar. The projectile body is seriously damaged, and the six fins are all rotten. The fuze is well preserved. It is an instant type. The external safety pin is completely damaged, which is very easy to cause an explosion!!】

But I haven't waited for his urgent reminder.

After the principal finished telling the situation, he threw it directly towards the trash can on the side.

The shell traced an arc in the air.

Lin Yang was about to be scared out of his wits.

He rushed towards the headmaster and shouted: "Get down quickly!! That's a bomb!"


When everyone heard this, they all instinctively climbed down in an instant.

Just 1 second later.


A violent explosion sounded.

countless soil

The broken stones were blown up, forming a rain of mud and stones and scattered on everyone's head.

This sudden scene frightened everyone.

Who would have thought that this humble iron bump turned out to be a cannonball!!

After everyone came back to his senses, he slowly got up and patted the dirt off his body.

Look at the location of the trash can just now.

There is no trash can.

It was blown up directly.

And that piece of green belt directly smashed out an open space.

Even the fence next to it was blown out of shape.

Everyone looked at the scene of the explosion with lingering fear.

Fortunately, this shell is not big.

Thanks to Lin Yang for reminding them to get down.

Although the shock wave of this shell is not big.

But it has fragmentation damage!

If everyone just stood there defenseless!

The fragments and stones exploded.

It can directly dry the skull!

If you accidentally face that side, your eyeballs will explode!

Thinking of the consequences, who would not be afraid!

Even Director Yang felt a chill down his back!!

The principal was even more confused.

What he threw out just now turned out to be a cannonball?

So what am I stepping on every day?

Also cannonballs!


at this time!

Everyone thought of this.

Can't help but glance at the bottom of the playground.

Director Yang suddenly looked shocked.

Hastily asked: "You said earlier that the bottom here is full of such shells?"

The headmaster shook his head in bewilderment!

"That's good!" Director Yang also heaved a sigh of relief.

However, the principal's next sentence made him vomit blood directly.

"The one I just took is the smallest one. There are many bigger ones below, and the biggest one is bigger than the kids in our school!"

This sentence exploded in everyone's ears like a nuclear bomb.

Even Lin Yang's pupils dilated unconsciously!

This playground looks like at least a few hundred square meters.

If the bottom is full of bombs!

How much does that have to be!!!

This is too scary.

If you accidentally cause an explosion.

Then come back with a chain explosion.

At that time, the bomb in the playground alone will be enough to kill all the people within a thousand meters nearby.

The scariest thing is.

This neighborhood isn't just kindergarten.

They are a one-stop private school here.

From kindergarten to elementary school, to junior high school to high school, all are nearby.

In other words, there are tens of thousands of students here!

If they don't find out today.

The bomb down here is very likely to explode at any time.

consequences at that time.


That's not a shock to the whole country!

But the world shakes!!

World Class Disaster!!

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all scared to pee when they saw this scene.


【I'm stupid... This is not sending the children to school, this is clearly sending the children on the road, thanks to the early discovery today, otherwise how many people will die by then!】

[To be honest, I thought the kidnapper was a victim at first, but now I suddenly feel that he is not wronged at all. This kind of person should not pay him for the project. He wants to make money.


——[It's outrageous, can such a thing happen? How dare he! I can't figure it out until now, there are so many wonders in the world!]

[This plot, I dare say that the movie would not dare to make it like this!! When I think of my child who is doing well in class one day, there is a sudden explosion, and he is gone, who the hell am I looking for?

way to go?】

Playground side.

Lin Yang looked at the beautiful playground ground in front of him.

It's hard to imagine that there's a bunch of deadly bombs down there!

The contrast is too great!

But he has a doubt!

Lin Yang turned his head to look at the principal and asked: "I'm curious, where did he get so many bombs? This patina looks like a bomb from World War II.

The principal pondered for a while and replied: "I'm not sure, I only heard that he collected junk before he started the project."

"It seems that it was because of the collection of this batch of scrap metal...shells! It cost a lot of money."

"Later, it was dragged and sold to a steel mill, but the steel mill returned it!"

"Later, he started to engage in engineering. Who would have thought that he would use these things as roadbeds in order to save money!"

"I never imagined that the steel mills would return them because they were all bombs!"

"If it hadn't been for a special inspection at the end of the project, no one would have thought that he laid the road foundation in this way.

"It's thanks to you guys who discovered it today, otherwise we wouldn't even know how we died."

After listening to the headmaster's narration, everyone showed shocked expressions.

Good guy!

So many cannonballs were collected from trash collectors!

Didn't he himself know that these were bombs?

the answer should be confirmed.

he knows!

It's just that he took a chance and thought that these bombs would not explode.

And it was buried in the ground before.

So it is no problem to bury it below as a roadbed now.

But he didn't think about it.

It was buried so deep before that no external forces could touch it.

Your shop is so shallow.

The teachers and students of the whole school play on the bomb every day!

This is simply pulling the limit with Hades!

It depends on the day when it breaks and it burps!.

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