How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

65. Live Painting Money Was Accidentally Stolen! (Seeking Subscription)

The three girls burst out laughing when they heard what Lin Yang said.

Then they found a nearby restaurant to eat.

Learned through chat.

All three are sophomores in the Fine Arts Department of Xihai University.

The girl who plays Tohsaka Rin is called Hu Anhe.

The girl playing Zhenhai is called Liu Xin.

The girl playing Gan Yu is called Chen Ling.

I originally planned to go to the art exhibition after attending the comic exhibition today.

Most of the paintings in the exhibition were painted by young people like them.

As long as you pass the screening, you can go to the exhibition.

In addition, today there will be leading figures in the painting world visiting the scene in person.

There are also on-site exhibitions of master-level works.

Who exactly, Lin Yang didn't listen to it at all.

All he thinks is that art students should be very...literary!!

After dinner, Lin Yang became a free driver and took a few people to the art exhibition.

The location of the art exhibition is not far away.

It will be there in twenty minutes.

Xihai City Art Exhibition Hall.

What came into view was a huge square.

There is a square building in the center of the square.

The building is not high, it looks like three or four floors.

But it is very spacious, a bit like a museum.

After Lin Yang parked the car.

Several people came to the entrance of the art gallery.

There is a huge poster at the door.

It reads: The first youth painting exhibition in Xihai City.

Warmly welcome Mr. Li Mingming, a famous calligrapher, national first-class artist, president of the National Painting and Calligraphy Artists Association, and part-time professor of Xihai University, to the scene.

Not to mention, these number ones look pretty bluffing!

Lin Yang also felt that this should be a very powerful expert.

The four walked into the art exhibition together.

Since it is one o'clock in the afternoon, it is not the public exhibition time.

There was no one there.

The girls brought Lin Yang in early because they had paintings here.

After registering the information, the four of them walked into the exhibition hall together.

As soon as you enter the door, you can smell the artistic atmosphere.

All kinds of ink and oil paintings filled the whole exhibition.

Various paintings hang on the walls.

Some are realistic and some are abstract.

There are Chinese painting, gouache, sketch, sketch, oil painting, illustration, fine brushwork and so on.

All in all, the paintings look dazzling.

There is an oil painting more than one meter high in front of me.

In the painting, a man is carrying several bags of cement with his shirt on his back.

The 15-heavy cement bag couldn't bend his waist.

The expression on the face is also very abstract.

The idea the author wants to express is that he is very tired, and his expression begins to distort.

But he is for his family, for his life.

The indomitable spirit is vividly reflected in the painting.

On the opposite wall is a set of three paintings nearly two meters long.

Beautiful woman sits on the golden moon and meditates.

Gray and gold are the main colors of the whole composition.

The picture looks graceful and luxurious yet quiet and peaceful.

The material of the work is painted with acrylic and quartz sand.

It can be seen that there is a thick texture on it, which is very three-dimensional.

In addition, there are many works that are eye-catching.

Only you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't draw.

It's just that Lin Yang was somewhat disappointed.

He came to see the girl.

What's so good about the painting, let alone it was painted by some young people.

Even if it was painted by a master, it didn't appeal to him at all.

After watching for a while, several girls said that they were going to the toilet to change their clothes.

By the way, make up.

Lin Yang was bored and found the rest area to sit there and wait.

Here, there is a painting that interests him very much.

It is very small, and it can be regarded as the smallest painting in the entire art exhibition.

But its appeal never goes down with any painting.

Because it has a face value of 100 dollars on it!!

Through the glass, Lin Yang doesn't even know if it's real or not.

It can be seen that its visual effect is good.

At this time, Lin Yang thought of the system skills he had drawn before.

Can you draw one yourself?

Just at this moment, he saw A4 papers on the table.

and a complete set of brushes.

At this moment, there was an impulse that made him sit down uncontrollably.

He took out a hundred-yuan Blue Star bill from his pocket and spread it flat on the A4 paper.

Then crop according to the ratio of one to one.

When you're done, pick up a red ink pen and prepare to draw.


【What is he doing? Looking at his posture, is it possible that he also wants to draw a picture? How difficult is this thing, does he have no idea!】

[Actually, copying is not very difficult, what is difficult is the high technology inside it, such as its paper material, its anti-counterfeiting code, and color-changing ink, etc. These materials are hard to get. 】

[Just kidding, so many details, ordinary people can't draw at all, okay, I have studied art for 5 years, you want me to spend blue star coins [I can't tell. 】

[Curious question, isn’t it illegal to draw blue star coins? I’ve never heard of anyone drawing such things. 】

[It's not against the law, the premise is that you don't take it for circulation, if it's just a personal painting, it's fine. 】

However, the next second.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned!

Lin Yang picked up the red paintbrush and began to paint according to the upper left corner.

I saw that he wrote like a godsend.

The easy area is a well-formed circle.

The tip of the pen dances on the paper.

In less than a minute, a badge was drawn by him.

Then Lin Yang glanced at the blue star coins in front of him.

Moved the hand a little to the right.

Restored the above text one by one.

Huaxia People's Bank!!

These seem to be very common words.

The difficulty is much higher than the seemingly complicated badge just now.

These words use a stone inscription in the Southern and Northern Dynasties of China --- Wei Bei.

The styles of Wei Bei are various, simple and steep, comfortable and smooth.

He once enjoyed the title of ten beauties in Wei Bei.

The first day is powerful, the second is the atmosphere, the third is the brushwork, the fourth is the stippling, the fifth is the will, the sixth is the spirit, the seventh is the interest, the eighth is the bone method, and the ninth is the The structure is natural, and the ten said that the flesh and blood are plump, which is Tian Meini.

In Blue Star, except for the words People's Bank of China.

The characters 一, 二, 五, 百, Jiao, and fen are also written in the calligraphy form of Wei Bei.

Time passed very slowly.

With the support of system skills.

Lin Yang's painting speed is amazing.

He doesn't need to think about proportions.

Don't worry about making a mistake.

Where the naked eye can see, the strokes in the hand can be restored one by one.

Then it took only a minute to draw the following.

100 and one hundred yen.

Then the code was drawn with a blue pen.

and the striped frame above.

Lin Yang is currently devoting himself to painting.

If anyone sees his current state.

It's a bit similar to the feeling of the protagonist in a fantasy novel having an epiphany.

The netizens in the live broadcast room gradually realized that something was wrong!


【Damn it! Did this guy grow up eating bullshit? He really knows how to draw?】

[This is the first time I saw someone draw blue star coins, this is a bit outrageous, and he drew so many in just a few minutes, without any hesitation, every stroke is very fast, how high a proficiency can do it arrive?】

[I have been learning to paint for ten years, I bet he must have learned to paint from the womb, from the very beginning to now, I have never seen him pause for a stroke, this kind of painting requires extreme self-confidence and exaggeration Proportional control ability. 】

[Look at the lines he draws, circle by circle, just like printed by a computer, with perfect accuracy, I even wonder if there is a robot behind him grabbing him and drawing. 】

You must know that the stripes on the Blue Star Coin are very complicated and regular.

The spacing between each line is very close.

The craftsmen who painted it in the first place were also in the case of extreme care.

I traced it bit by bit.

So I want to draw a complete blue star coin.

The time consumed is horrific.

As for Lin Yang, there is no need to be careful at all.

Take it in one stroke, it's natural.

Just right, no more, no less, impartial.

Lines are the most complicated part of drawing the entire blue star coin.

Not just the patterns on it.

Even more difficult is the character avatar.

This avatar is completely different from the sketches.

He is completely composed of dotted lines.

In other words, there are no shades of color.

Only the density of dotted lines determines the dark side of the characters.

Through dense dotted lines, the avatar of the character looks more three-dimensional.

This is already difficult.

Can't be wrong.

If you make a mistake, you lose everything.

But these are not a problem for Lin Yang at all.

After drawing the pattern of the blue star coin, more than ten minutes have passed.

A few girls haven't come out yet.

Lin Yang is completely immersed in the world of painting.

After drawing the characters, I specially drew a golden magnetic strip at intervals.

It looks more realistic.

It only took about 15 minutes, and the most difficult frontal painting was completed.

Next is its opposite.

The back is relatively simpler.

The hardest streak, for others it's a nightmare.

For Lin Yang, it's a matter of drawing circles.

The circles circled one stroke at a time were quickly drawn.

Relatively the most difficult thing is the house in the middle.

Because the house is not only the frame but also the details inside.

There are windows and there are stairs.

The stairs should be from shallow to deep, which is a bit like the previous character portraits.

Great attention to detail.

There is also the tree next to it, and it is even more important to make every stroke very subtle.

This series of operations completely shocked netizens.

【It's so similar, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I think this is a real one!】

[It just looks real, you can tell it's fake if you touch it with your hand, and there is no anti-counterfeiting code on it. 】

【I was wondering where the girl who put on makeup went? Nobody came out for 20 minutes, maybe she fell into the toilet. 】

[You underestimate girls’ makeup too much. They have to change their clothes first, then remove their makeup, wash their face, make a mask, wash their face, apply water, milk, essence, protective cream, and then apply some BB cream. Is it over? I just started makeup here, from now on lipstick, eye shadow, eyelashes, blush, etc...】

【If you spend this as real money, will you be arrested?】

As soon as this comment was posted, a series of prompts immediately popped up below.

Ding! The Jiangnan police paid attention to the anchor...!

Ding! The Shenzhen-Guangzhou police paid attention to the anchor...!

Ding! Nanyun police paid attention to the anchor...!

The live broadcast room was already frying at this time.

Dozens of police officers followed Lin Yang at the same time.

He is regarded as a key monitoring object.

But he couldn't see it at all, and he didn't know it.

Still painting on his own.

Another ten minutes passed.

A whole blue star coin is completely finished.

It took less than half an hour in total.

Lin Yang stretched his waist and let out a heavy sigh of relief.

Looking at my own work, I smiled unconsciously.

Compare it with the blue star coins you just took out.

Although there is no anti-counterfeiting code, there is no series of high technology.

But if you don't touch it with your hands.

They really look exactly the same!

At this moment, he felt a great sense of satisfaction in his heart.

He began to understand why so many people like to draw.

On the one hand, immersing yourself in your own world is a very pleasant feeling.

Another aspect is the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after painting.

It makes people unable to extricate themselves.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the girls hadn't come out yet.

He was a little puzzled, changed his clothes and went to the toilet?

at this moment.

Suddenly there was a scream from the toilet.


Lin Yang's expression froze immediately.

Before he could think about it, he rushed over immediately.

He even forgot to take the two pieces of money on the table.

Wait until he comes near the toilet.

It turned out that several girls were fighting with each other.

Tease each other while changing clothes.

Lin Yang hates it!


Why didn't you come earlier.

The girls have all changed their clothes at this time.

The light tulle skirt worn by Hu Anhe looks very smart.

Liu Xin changed into a short-sleeved shirt and short jeans and looked very refreshing.

It's just that the short shirt shows off her figure, and Yukino's white pants are squeezed so hard that she is about to come out. 170 Chen Ling's dress is relatively simple, a princess dress matched with her previous white silk, the blood of the viewers is surging.

You know, all three of them wore makeup.

Standing there is definitely a beautiful scenery.

Liu Xin smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, I wasted time, so you're not angry!"

Lin Yang swallowed his saliva and replied solemnly: "It's okay, don't waste this time, you just change it again, I have no objection!"

As soon as these words came out, the girls next to me were stunned for a moment.

Then there was a small clucking sound.

"Handsome, you are so bad!"

"If you want to see it, just say it, or else, come in with us!"

Lin Yang stared at the sign of the women's restroom.

Quickly waved his hands and shook his head: "Forget it, just now you changed your clothes, and I sat there and drew a picture!"

Hu Anhe asked in surprise: "Can you also draw?"

"Um...that's right! I'll take you to have a look!"

"Okay, okay!"

Several girls surrounded Lin Yang and returned to the lounge together.

However, when Lin Yang returned to the lounge.

People are stupid.

There are no paintings on the table.

Even the blue star coins he used for copying were taken away.

This is fucked up!

What the hell!

I worked hard for half an hour.

Was it stolen before you had time to pretend to be coercive?

Who is so cheap!

Chen Ling next to him asked curiously, "What exactly did you draw?"

Lin Yang replied flatly: "Money!"

As soon as the words came out.

All the girls covered their mouths and laughed.

Just now they thought that Lin Yang really knew how to draw.

I'm still curious as to what it was painted on.

But when they heard it was money, they immediately understood.

Everyone wants to draw something like money, and most of them have done so.

But they are all very simple paintings, with a few 100s on it, and a person's head.

Not to mention taking it out to spend, even a fool can see that it is fake money.

So the habitual thinking is that what Lin Yang paints is what they think.

Hu Anhe quickly comforted: "It's okay, just throw it away, I will draw you a picture next time!"

Lin Yang smiled helplessly: "The problem is, there are still 100 blue star coins on the table, and they were also taken away!"

Now, the girls couldn't hold back anymore.

Cover your stomach and laugh.

"No, you are too unlucky!"

"Ah, ah, ah, money and misfortune, at worst, you will meet a young lady you like, and we will help you tease her.

Lin Yang suddenly showed a surprise expression: "Really?"

"Yeah, it's better than gold!" The three girls replied in unison.

"Oh, then I like the three of you, you can discuss how to flirt with me!"

As soon as the words came out.

The three of them were stunned!

All dumbfounded.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded.

Good guy.

How dare you speak out!

Your skin is thicker than a city wall!

The three girls froze for a long time before recovering.

There were bursts of sweet laughter in the entire art gallery.

Lin Yang is still immersed in the joy of teasing girls.

Completely forgot what would happen after his money was taken away!!.

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