How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

93. Drug Dealer: Listen To Me, Thank You, You Bastard! (Seeking Subscription)

The man was still overjoyed when he heard something.

He hurriedly said: "Master, please send it here as soon as possible! There are people here who have hypoglycemia, and there is no place to buy it at night."

"All right, all right, send me the address, and I'll send it to you."

After hanging up the phone, the man in the cap let out a heavy sigh of relief.

The boss next to him also showed a gratified smile.

Patted him on the shoulder: "Fortunately you kid, let's go, let's talk to them first!"

the other side.

The anti-drug command center quickly found out Lin Yang's real-time movements.

Cao Dahua commanded with the walkie-talkie: "Squad 1, Squad 2, please pay attention, the suspect is currently heading towards the abandoned car yard in Dayang Mountain, go there immediately and arrest him!"


Lin Yang looked at the navigation on the phone.

He couldn't help complaining.

"Running to such a remote place in the middle of the night, those who knew it was sending rock candy, those who didn't know thought it was a drug trade!"

Finally came to the abandoned car yard.

It's pitch black all around here, and the street lights are not working.

It took several laps to find the entrance to the junkyard.

Looking towards the end of the venue, one can see faint lights.

When the car approached, I found that there were more than a dozen people standing there divided into two groups.

There is also a table between the two groups.

It seems to be communicating something.

When they saw Lin Yang's car coming to the scene, their expressions were obviously frozen.

One by one nervous to death.

The man in the peaked cap hurried over: "Whoever let you in, you won't tell me when you arrive."

Lin Yang is a little speechless, I kindly send you this. Are you like this?

But he glanced at the two groups,

The costumes are all a bit weird, it doesn't look like a good person.

It is completely different from the hypoglycemic patient he mentioned before.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

Lin Yang immediately picked up the bag and handed it over.

"Hey... your stuff, give me the fare and I'll leave!"

The man in the peaked cap opened the black bag to take advantage of the dim light.

I saw the rock candy inside at a glance, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of my mouth.

Without saying a word, I paid the tip that I agreed before.

Immediately afterwards, he went back with the bag and whispered: "Boss, look, the goods are still there!"

"Yeah! Give it to them, inspect the goods, and let that driver go quickly!"

The man came to Lin Yang and waved impatiently: "Let's go! Go!"

Lin Yang nodded, returned to the cab, kicked the accelerator and left here.

The leader with the scarred face on the opposite side frowned as Lin Yang gradually moved away.

"Old ghost, this is the first transaction between the two of us, don't give me any trouble!"

"Accident, accident, you heard it before, you did meet the police, there is no way, as for the driver who ran in suddenly, I didn't expect that either! 827"

Scarface didn't answer, and with a wave of his hand, the younger brother behind brought up a box of money.

"Pay the money and deliver the goods, let's inspect the goods!"


in a minute.

Lin Yang, who had just left the abandoned car park, suddenly heard a loud shout: "You who are riding a horse, dare to be black and black!!"

Just when he was in a daze, suddenly a series of high beam lights came on, which stabbed him so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

More than a dozen anti-narcotics police cars surrounded him with their alarm bells on.

at the same time.

Another roar was heard: "Fuck! What the hell are you calling the police!

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of gunshots in the parking lot.


Forget about Lin Yang now.

Even the anti-narcotics police who came to arrest people were dumbfounded!

"What's going on? Is there a gunshot in there?"

"Could it be that this is a place where drug dealers trade?"

"Call the command center, call the command center, a gang of drug dealers is suspected to be found at the scene, they carry guns with them, please leave armed support!"

The leading anti-narcotics police immediately ordered: "Two people come and escort him back to the car, and the others follow me in!"


Lin Yang is still in a daze until now.

who am i where am i

Can anyone tell me what exactly happened?

How could I be treated as a drug dealer just by giving you rock candy?

"Comrade police, you caught the wrong one, the drug dealer is inside, I'm an online car-hailing driver!"

"Don't talk nonsense, what's the matter, go back to the police station and explain it slowly."

【What's the situation? Why was he caught out of nowhere? Could it be that the thing he gave just now was a drug?】

[Possibly, it is said that the shape of the methamphetamine is very similar to the old rock candy, Lin Yang may have mistakenly thought that the bag contained the old rock candy. 】

[No, think about it carefully, did Team Li also carry a bag like this when he got on the bus before, and he also said to treat Lin Yang to eat rock candy pears, and I think he did carry a bag when he got off. 】

[Hiss~~ The CPU can't keep up, which one is right? Why did I get involved a little bit. 】

When dozens of anti-narcotics police in full armor rushed into the scrap yard.

The gunfire inside also ended.

Wait until they get to the scene.

All I saw were the drug dealers lying on the ground half dead.

One by one couldn't help but gasped.

After recovering from his senses, the leading police officer immediately ordered: "Quickly search around to see if there are any escaped people, pay attention to safety, they have weapons in their hands! In addition, quickly call for an ambulance to come and rescue them!"


At this moment, there was an exclamation from the side.

"Report! Found a (bfda) box of cash and a bag of suspected meth!"

"Well, check it out!"


However, the police took out a portable Raman spectrometer and scanned it for a while.

Everyone was stunned!

"What's the matter? The machine is broken?"

"Impossible, this is still new!"

"Then why can't it be swept out?"

"You ask me, who do I ask!!"

After several sweeps in a row, they gave up.

The consensus is that the machine is broken.

After all, judging from the scene, the two groups were 100% dealing drugs.

If you say that these are not drugs, you can't believe them even if you beat them to death!

After searching for a while.

No one was found at the scene.

The drug dealers in the previous shootout were also transported away by ambulance.

Karma several on the spot.

When Cao Dahua of the command center heard the news, future generations were stunned!

It was the first time to catch a drug dealer so easily.

Originally, I only planned to catch a little one.

The result is inexplicably one-pot.

And it's kind of effortless.

People started their own internal strife.

At this moment, he wanted to know why!

What the hell happened!

In the interrogation room, Team Li was interrogated alone in the room!

"Speak! Tell me honestly how you trafficked and transported drugs, and who else is in the gang!"

Li Dui replied helplessly with a bitter face: "I've said it eight hundred times, I'm a policeman, and my number is XXXxx. If you don't believe me, you can check it out!"

"I have. I really don't know why the methamphetamine is in my bag. I just went to the supermarket to buy a bag of rock candy and prepare to stew rock sugar pears at home!"

The interrogator on the opposite side sneered: "We have checked, and you are indeed a policeman, but the fact is that drugs were found at your place, and you broke the law knowingly, and the crime was aggravated.

"If you want to prove your innocence, you can't show anything. You are also a policeman. Do you think that if it were you, you would let him go?"

Li Dui pondered for a few seconds and then exclaimed: "Yes, there is someone who can prove my innocence!"


"It was the driver who took me home before. His name is Lin Yang. You should have heard of it, right? He can prove that we were still catching fugitives at that time?"

"The driver? Are you talking about the young man driving the red flag?"

"Ah yes yes yes! It's him!"

"Heh~~ It's okay if you don't mention him. There was a call just now, and the stolen goods were obtained. He transported drugs to drug dealers, but you still asked him to testify for you? Are you planning to give false testimony!"

Now, Team Li was completely stunned!

Lin Yang?

Drug dealers?

This sounds like a bible!

He is the person who is most familiar with Lin Yang.

Based on his understanding of Lin Yang, there is no reason for him to make a fortune.

It is impossible to transport drugs at all.

Turns out he's now involved in drug trafficking!

Isn't this nonsense!

But after thinking about it, his own witness was also arrested.

What the hell, he's really dumb eating coptis, he can't tell what he's suffering!

The interrogator's voice just fell.

Lin Yang was brought over by two police officers.

"Let's identify, do you two know each other?"

Lin Yang looked at the roasted Li Dui with a dazed expression.

"Captain Li... are you?? playing cosplay?"

Li Dui smiled awkwardly with a bitter face: "I still want to ask you!"

"After I got out of your car, I took a bag of rock candy back, and it turned out that it was all methamphetamine!"

"Rock candy? Meth?"

Lin Yang froze for a moment, recalling the bag he saw in the back seat before.

"No, isn't that bag the previous passenger's?"

Just when the two were having a lively chat.

The police officer next to him scolded: "Okay! Since you know each other, then tell the truth, don't gossip here, no one will save you.

"One of you is suspected of drug possession and the other is suspected of drug trafficking. The amount of stolen goods is enough for you to die several times. Think about your family and say it all!"

I heard that I was going to die several times.

Lin Yang really panicked!

But no matter how he explained, people didn't listen at all!

Because he can't prove himself at all.

To be precise, he didn't even know what happened!

at this time.

Director Yang, who was about to go to bed, suddenly received a call.

"Hey! Chief Yang, let me tell you something!"

"What's the matter?"

"The Li team in your bureau is suspected of drug trafficking and possession. Today, he was arrested and brought in. I will greet you in advance.

Hear this sentence.

Director Yang is dumbfounded!

I just dozed off, and instantly lost all sleepiness.

"You... what are you talking about? Team Li is suspected of drug trafficking? Return the stolen goods and get it?"

"um, yes!"

"How can this be!"

"He also has an accomplice, an online car-hailing driver named Lin Yang, who is also caught by us now!"


Director Yang couldn't help but gasp.

"Okay, I see, I'll come right over!"

After hanging up the phone.

Director Yang's expression was serious, and his brows were almost wrinkled into ministers.

To be honest, his first reaction was disbelief!

He is very familiar with Li Dui, and he is very clear about who he is.

How could such a righteous person go back to drug trafficking.

As for Lin Yang, it is even more impossible.

People can easily get a few million or tens of millions.

why take a risk

So much risk to go drug trafficking?

Almost neurotic!

But the problem is, the anti-narcotics brigade made it very clear that both stolen goods were captured.

Then it must not be just talking about it.

He realized that this matter was a little tricky!

And the anti-narcotics side has always been stricter.

Even if he goes out, he may not be able to get people out.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and call the mayor.

At this point the mayor is still awake and working.

Soon, the phone was connected.

When the mayor heard Director Yang's report, he jumped up from his chair.

"What are you talking about? Lin Yang is selling drugs? He got the stolen goods? Impossible!!!"

"Yeah, I also think it's impossible, but the evidence is solid!"

"Okay! I see. I'll go there in person right away to see what's going on.

After hanging up the phone, Director Yang quickly got dressed and drove to the anti-drug brigade.

At this moment, Cao Dahua was in a very happy mood!

Looking at his colleagues, he said impassionedly: "Tonight's action was very unexpected, but the result is very good, everyone has worked hard!"

Everyone laughed unconsciously.

Indeed, so many drug dealers were caught at once, and several of them were leaders.

Such a result can definitely make them a great achievement.

But at this moment, a police officer said suspiciously: "Captain Cao, we didn't find out the methamphetamine after we used the equipment to sweep it for a long time.

Something weird!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone became suspicious.

"I also find it strange, but now it has been sent to the laboratory for testing, and the results should be available soon."

The voice just fell.

The police officer from the laboratory came in panting.

"Captain Cao...Captain Cao! The result is out!"

"The result? How is it?"

"Uh...not's rock candy!!"


Everyone present was dumbfounded!!

Cao Dui asked in disbelief: "Bingtang? Impossible!! Who would use Bingtang as a drug deal? That box of money is not fake!"

"And a few of them are fugitives. I'm sure they are all drug dealers. How could they trade with rock sugar!!"

This result was completely unexpected.


Can drug dealers trade rock sugar?

Isn't this funny!

However, in reality, that's what happened to him,

This moment.

Everyone present was silent.

They are thinking, what link went wrong!!

Similarly, the police officers in the interrogation room were also confused at this moment.

Lin Yang told the story in detail.

Then compare his words with Captain Li.

It fit perfectly, without a hint of collusion.

Especially after hearing that Lin Yang received a call from a drug dealer asking him to deliver the rock candy.

Just dumbfounded!

"You mean, you didn't know there were drugs in it, you thought it was rock candy?"

Lin Yang nodded: "Otherwise, wouldn't that look like rock candy!"

Now, the interrogator understands.

He got it all!

It took a long time to hit a super big oolong.

So he hurriedly stopped the interrogation and found Cao Dahua.

"Captain Cao, something is wrong, we may have caught the wrong one!"

Cao Dahua's expression froze: "What's going on?"

After he listened to the interrogator's description.

His eyes were wide open, his mouth was open as if he had seen a ghost.

"You mean, accidentally took meth from a drug dealer?"

"Ah yes!"

"You mean, Lin Yang is not transporting drugs, but just helping to deliver rock candy?"

"Ah yes!"

"You mean to say that Lin Yang led us to a drug dealer's trap today by mistake?"

"Ah yes yes yes!"

"What do you mean??? The great achievement we picked up for nothing was given by Lin Yang??"

" seems like this!"


There was a sound of gasping for air.

The storyline developed so suddenly.

It's more than twists and turns, it's just eighteen twists and turns!

They still haven't figured out what happened.

But one thing is for sure!

They did catch the wrong guy!

Now I finally understand why drug dealers trade with rock sugar!

I finally understood why the two groups would fight together.

It's been a long time since Lin Yang sent them Bingtang to trade by mistake!

This bizarre plot made them unable to recover for a long time!


Cao Dahua took a shot at the brigade!

"It's over! The director called their director before!"

"If this lets them know that they have arrested the wrong person, they can't settle accounts with us!"

"There is also that Lin Yang, not only is he not a drug dealer, he is also our great benefactor!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up, let people go!"

The voice just fell.

Another police officer hurried over.

"Captain Cao! The mayor brought Director Yang over here in person!".

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