How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 105 Referee, Be More Professional

"Referee, stop him quickly!"

At this moment.

The teammates who were calm next week finally recovered from the fear of being dominated by Lu Yuan.

They immediately ran to the referee in protest.

"Referee, please stop this game immediately. This is no longer a game. This is naked abuse and humiliation!!"

"That's right, please stop the other party's violence immediately!!"


When the referee heard their protest, he was confused...

He is not blind.

Naturally, it can be seen that Lu Yuan is torturing Zhou Tairan on the field.

But the rules of the game say that unless the player admits defeat or is about to die.

Otherwise, the referee cannot stop the game.

Although the arena was bloody, Lu Yuan even thoughtfully used thunder and lightning to help Zhou Tairan stop the bleeding...

Every cut made was very shallow.

It's not a fatal injury at all...

So if the higher-ups don't say anything, it will be difficult for him to handle it.

And at this time.

Liang Yongyi couldn't help but feel a little headache after watching Lu Yuan's game.

He felt that Lu Yuan was too bold.

How dare you embarrass the heir to a fourth-level power in front of so many people...

But he didn't stop the game either.

Because this is completely unfair to Lu Yuan.


This scene lasted for more than ten minutes...

The referee ignored it and the protest was invalid.

Zhou Tairan in the ring has passed out two or three times.

But every time, he was woken up by Lu Yuan "friendly".

At this time, Lu Yuan looked like a devil.

Implant your own terror deeply into the deepest part of everyone's heart!

"about there."

Lu Yuan glanced at Zhou Tairan, who was breathing weakly, and then stopped.

He kicked Zhou Tairan, who no longer had an inch of intact skin on his body, from the ring.

The moment he kicked him down.

Lu Yuan secretly used Perfect Crime.

In an instant.

Everyone was stunned for a few seconds.


Everyone burst into shouts of surprise.

"Damn it, what happened? Why did Zhou Tairan become like this..."

"I don't know. I only know that Zhou Tairan seemed to have rushed towards Lu Yuan, and then it became like this. It was so terrible. There was not even an inch of intact skin on his body. Is this because the energy was out of control?"

"Probably only the loss of energy can explain this matter. Otherwise, how could it be like this? It's a pity. I thought the boy from the Zhou family was going to win the game."

"Isn't that right...I bet 50 million on the Zhou family boy, and it all went down the drain..."


After Lu Yuan used Perfect Crime.

All the scenes of him torturing Zhou Tairan disappeared.

In everyone's subconscious mind, Zhou Tairan became like this because his energy was out of control...

No one remembered that his injury was caused by Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan, who was on the stage, listened to everyone's conversation and smiled with satisfaction.

After the level of this power is increased, the effect becomes more and more powerful.

In fact, Zhou Tairan's injury could not be caused by out-of-control energy.

But when the perfect crime level is high, reality will be modified to a certain extent.

So this moment.

Everyone was very sure that Zhou Tairan's injuries were caused by out-of-control energy.

Although it looks like there are many loopholes, no one would doubt it.

Even Liang Yongyi, who was worried about Lu Yuan just now, looked confused at this moment...

Because he felt like he had forgotten something.

But I couldn't remember it no matter how much I thought about it.

"Referee, can we start the next round?"

Lu Yuan glanced at the confused referee and reminded him aloud.

Only then did the referee react, nodded and said, "Okay, please come on stage to the next challenger."

at the same time.

The four people who were protesting next to the referee all had dull expressions.

They all forgot.

I came to see the referee for something...

When I heard the referee say, let them come on next.

The strong man who had quarreled with Lu Yuan before immediately walked towards the ring.

Looking at Lu Yuan who put his hands in his pockets and didn't take him seriously at all, the strong man smiled coldly: "Boy, you were lucky in the last round. Our captain lost control of his energy, but this round you will Not so lucky."

"Ah, yes, yes."

Lu Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to this idiot and signaled to the referee: "Hurry up and announce the start. I'm in a hurry."

The referee nodded after hearing this, then looked at the strong man and said, "Player Sangbiao, are you ready?"

"Get ready to crush your opponent to death." Sang Biao smiled evilly.

As soon as the referee heard that both sides were ready, he immediately announced: "Then the second round officially begins!"

"Boy, prepare to die, Enhanced Green..."


Sangbiao hasn't finished speaking yet.

The next second.

Countless thunder and lightning directly engulfed Sangbiao.

Lu Yuan felt that any extra second would be a waste when dealing with a piece of garbage at the ninth level of Starlight.

The perfect crime just now also concealed Lu Yuan's powerful strength.

So Sangbiao had no idea that Lu Yuan was chasing Zhou Tairan just now...

If he still remembered, he would definitely not have said anything at the beginning.

Lu Yuan looked at Sangbiao, whose skin was torn apart and his breath was weak. He said to the shocked referee, "Referee, please be more professional. Please take the next one."


The referee swallowed hard and said to several people who were also confused: "The next contestant please come on stage."

Along with the referee's announcement.

Everyone in the audience was excited for the first time.

"Damn it, instant kill!!"

"A person from a first-level force killed a person from a fourth-level force in an instant. This is even more fucking outrageous than my dad raising young meat outside."

"Thirty seconds, I want all the information about this man named Lu Yuan!! From now on, I am Lu Yuan's fan, and I will support him. Even if Jesus comes, he can't stop me!!"

"It's too exaggerated. The ninth level of Xingguang was killed instantly. Although there was a certain element of sneak attack, the power of the thunder and lightning was really terrifying. One blow made the opponent unable to stand up. Could it be that Lu Yuan's strength has exceeded that of Xingguang?" The ninth level of Mang???"


Not only the spectators on the field couldn't believe their eyes.

Even Liang Yongyi, the lord of Baiwu City, couldn't believe his eyes at all.

He looked at Lu Yuan who was standing on the ring, looking a little sleepy, and couldn't help but murmured: "This kid, although I gave him a little help, I won't let him break through to the Haoyue level. It seems that this kid is hiding a bit deep." ah......"


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