How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 456 Bittersweet

Chapter 456 Bittersweet

[The verdict is as follows, Norley, Mopusch, Mann... the senior generals of the empire, because they are suspected of forging the highest authority order of the empire, commanding beyond their authority, huge amounts of corruption, abuse of power, forming a party for personal gain, destroying the unity of civilization, and creating divisive incidents... Therefore, this The court-martial sentenced him to death, to be executed immediately. 】

With the broadcast of the video information, the 'culprits' entangled between the empire and the two colonial stars have come to justice, and the relationship between Serin and the two colonial stars has been eased to a large extent, even though the two The fleet came with a wave of annihilation bombing.

The Serin people of the two colonial planets still have some grudges against the empire, but they can be said to be grateful to the imperial fleet, even though the imperial fleet destroyed the planet they lived on.

It is a simple psychological effect. If you tell a person bluntly that his leg must be broken because of certain things, he will inevitably be resented by the other party, but if you tell that person not to break his leg If he couldn't survive, that person would not only not complain about the broken leg, but would be grateful instead.

The troublemakers of the two colonial planets have this kind of mentality. From their perspective, the Imperial Fleet is their hero. It is precisely because the Imperial Fleet dares to find excuses to violate their missions and does not want to violate their conscience. After coming down, although the living planet is destroyed, it is better to live than to die. As long as you are still alive, you can always work hard to come back.

And this is the effect that the empire wants to achieve. It is only a matter of time before the imperial fleet can gain the trust of the villains of the two colonial stars, and it will regain its lost prestige.

The amoeba once again proposed to the empire that they restore the ecological environment of the two planets, but the empire will not make the same mistake after learning from the past——we believe you, you amoeba are very bad!

Because of the pressure of people's livelihood, in a few years, the empire forcibly took another path, colonizing satellite cities.

Transforming the planet is not something that happens overnight. Amoebas can do it because of their own particularity. Not to mention anything else, the establishment of the planetary ecological chain alone is enough to make the scalp of the gods feel numb. This is not simply adding Things that plants and animals can solve.

Therefore, the empire stopped thinking about how to transform the planet. They built a large number of satellite cities on the fixed orbits of the two planets, and then used space elevators to obtain materials on the planets to supply the operation of the satellite cities.

The satellite cities near the equator first obtain operating resources from the star ports, and then these satellite cities will serve as transfer stations, continuously ejecting the operating materials to other satellite cities, forming a whole life support system, and then extending to the two poles of the planet, It's like a cage that holds a planet in place.

Some collectors then visited these satellite cities. They are all very large cylindrical structures that use centrifugal force instead of gravity. Although the built-in small ecological circle is not very stable, it is controllable enough, relying on the planet to obtain With the resources obtained, the satellite city is fully capable of breeding and animal husbandry.

The empire, which was originally only to temporarily relieve the population, suddenly realized that this seemed not bad.

Civilization's demand for materials is endless. With the growth of resource demand, civilization will inevitably face the relocation of planet-level population. Now that there are these satellite cities, it will save a lot of effort. At that time, only need to give these Just install some propulsion engines in the satellite city.

Moreover, it is not easy to form a strong rebel regime at an early stage of development like now. Geographic barriers will cause distrust, which may be eliminated in the future due to frequent material exchanges, but today this distrust Trust would obviously be there, something the empire could leverage.


"So angry, it's clearly a problem we should have realized long ago..."

"The empire disintegrated the ethnic group's plan under our surveillance, it is a shame..."

On the amoeba side, the collectors hated the empire so much that they could not overcome this hurdle. Whenever they realized the fact that they and their group had been played by the empire, they couldn't hold back their anger.

After all, the gatherers are still not used to cheating and being deceived. In this respect, they are still just toddlers. Even with the blessing of technology, if they want to defeat the empire in this respect, they still have a long way to go to go.

However, the annoyance of the collectors is meaningless after all, and will not bring any practical benefits to the ethnic group. A radio communication initiated by Hogu calmed down the resentment of the collectors.

"Failure is a good thing, because if you fail, you can start again. It's better than not even having the chance to start again. After this incident, you should also realize that what is the purpose of my asking you to use your brains?"

"The brain is such a good thing, you haven't even fully utilized one percent of its function, you have to learn to make better use of it."

The collectors who calmed down carefully savored the information from the Supreme Will. Unlike in the past, they are now more and more aware of the value of the brain.

What does the development of overall technology depend on? brain!

What is the basis for the formulation of strategic plans? brain!

What does the group expansion plan rely on? Still brains!

Even as small as an individual battle, as large as a group battle, it is inseparable from the brain!

"We understand that the brain is quite useful, no, it should be said to be an extremely precious body part, and we have not been able to make full use of it before." The collectors replied.

"Very well, if you are deeply aware of this, then the resources we consume are not in vain, and should be regarded as tuition fees for the empire."

Huogu was very satisfied with this, and it had considered the failure of the split plan early on. After all, it was not some clever and clever reincarnated Zhuge, and the people working under it were still a bunch of "noobs" who couldn't even cheat. Bian is a bunch of wily and calculating guys, so there is still a high probability that the plan will fail.

Because of this, the failure of the split plan did not surprise Huogu, it was expected. If the collectors can learn something from this incident, it will be extremely beneficial to them. Progress, it is better to learn a lesson from the empire at the cost of such a small amount of resources than to pay a huge price to learn a lesson when facing other civilizations in the future!

Huo Gu, who suddenly thought of something, added to the collectors.

"Oh, by the way, you guys are a little bit wrong. The failure of the division plan is not the failure of the overall plan of the ethnic group."

"Have you forgotten the original intention of our split plan?"

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