How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 462 The Spear of Antimatter (Part 1)

Chapter 462 The Spear of Antimatter (Part 1)

【Gamma ray cannon is easy. 】

Ming threw out another design blueprint. As it said, the structure was indeed very simple. The original internal nuclear radiation materials were all removed, and an antimatter container was directly replaced in the vacancy of these nuclear radiation materials.

The annihilation of matter and antimatter releases gamma rays, and there is no need for any particularly troublesome transformation process. As long as hydrogen gas clusters are sprayed inside the container containing antihydrogen gas clusters, a large amount of gamma rays will be released naturally, which is more powerful than the previous old version design. The energy level has been increased by at least hundreds or thousands of times, and both the range and power are crushing for the old version.

However, this is also not good, because the gamma rays released by antimatter are too strong, and the original radiation protection design can no longer effectively defend against the gamma rays released in the barrel.

This is similar to the replacement of the artillery charge with a nuclear bomb, because the power of the charge has been greatly improved, and the speed and range of the gun have increased significantly, but this also means that the strength of the original barrel can no longer be effective. The restraint filling charge explodes, and once it is used, a sacrificial explosion that injures the user will occur.

Died from their own gamma rays, the oolong thing is obviously not what the collectors want to see, so they began to redesign the gamma ray protection layer, as well as the solid-state helium cooling system, which is exactly the same as the previous antimatter propulsion, except that the antimatter propulsion The biggest is a trumpet-shaped nozzle, and the gamma ray cannon is a long cylinder.

"But pulse weapons have a range limit after all, it's just extended by the high energy of antimatter."

[What's wrong? Are Gamma Ray Cannons Still Flawed? 】

"No, it's not that. I'm just thinking that gamma rays should not be enough for the battles we may encounter in the future."

Huo Gu explained his thoughts to Ming.

"The existence of antimatter makes it possible to fight on a large scale in the universe, but it also means that the combat mode will be different from the past."

[Different? How is it different? 】

"For example, antimatter propulsion can travel at sub-light speed, but the upper limit of the speed of radar waves is the speed of light. That is to say, the 'eyes' and 'hands' are almost as fast. If we are facing an enemy that also has antimatter, the battle between the two sides is very likely Fights will be fought in raids rather than in line to be shot."

"So we should consider more other types of weapons, such as moving sublight speed guns into the universe."

Huo Gu announced his idea on the life field channel, and other collectors digitized the idea after receiving it, and passed it to collectors on other planets through radio communication.

There are two copies of the genetic blueprint, the first one is the cannon, and the barrel is a circle of low-temperature superconducting circles, which are used to generate a strong magnetic field, but the strange thing is that the barrel of this cannon is not long, and it has added gamma Radiation protection layer.

The second part is a kind of antimatter shell, and there are equal parts of antihydrogen gas cluster and hydrogen gas cluster inside the shell.

Adding these two together is the ship-borne sublight velocity gun conceived by Huo Gu.

The gun is an electromagnetic gun. Although it can accelerate and restrain the shell, it is not enough to increase the speed of the shell to sub-light speed. It is just an ordinary electromagnetic gun.

The key lies in the shell. The electromagnetic gun will provide the shell with the initial initial velocity. When the shell moves forward, the inertial pressure will squeeze the positive and anti-matter into the small space behind to undergo an annihilation reaction, and the huge energy will return the solid warhead. Accelerate to sub-light speed before leaving the electromagnetic gun barrel.

The railgun's defense against gamma rays is designed to do just that.

Because the shell is a one-time thing, there is no need to consider the heat dissipation of the shell. A vacuum interlayer is left in the middle of the shell. The vacuum is a good heat insulation layer, and the heat energy of the huge amount of gamma rays will only be absorbed Residing in the second half of the shell, only the second half will be fused into a plasma state.

The advantage of this design is that it has strong applicability and does not have high requirements for the external environment. Even using artillery can achieve the same effect. As long as the shell itself can be given enough kinetic energy to form inertial pressure, it can be thrown out even if it is thrown by hand. Let the cannonball reach sublight speed.

If it is the traditional magnetic orbital acceleration, it is also possible, but it is more troublesome to use, and the vulnerability is more obvious. After all, to accelerate the shell, it is necessary to maintain a stable internal electric field. If it is damaged, there is no way to maintain it. Whether it is checking the damage or repairing the defense, it will take more time and effort. Acceleration also requires a long-term high-intensity magnetic field and energy supply, so it is not very suitable for the interstellar battlefield.

[This design is very interesting, as expected of Hogu. 】

"This is currently the most powerful method we have at our disposal, but it is far from enough. We need to prevent problems before they happen, so we need more attack methods that can match the level."

Except for sub-light speed cannons and gamma rays, Huogu and the others don't have any ideal attack methods suitable for large-scale interstellar warfare.

"Will, in addition to these two, we can also trigger a supernova explosion. This is not complicated. The empire has already told us how to detonate it."

Some collectors responded to Huogu's words and proposed a third destructive weapon, which is far more terrifying than the first two weapons - the black hole bomb.

It is not difficult to make a black hole bomb. Antimatter and highly dense matter are needed to create an artificial black hole. The rest is to put the black hole into the star before it evaporates, and the supernova will explode.

It is not difficult to obtain highly dense matter, as long as a shaft with a depth of tens of thousands of kilometers is dug on the planet, and then filled with liquid water, the water pressure at the bottom of the shaft will naturally produce highly dense matter.

Then take out this high-density matter while ensuring a high-pressure state, wrap it with a large amount of antimatter, and a bomb that can explode a small-mass black hole will be finished.

There is no need to add deuterium-tritium elements that can trigger nuclear fusion, because Hogu's antimatter resources are large enough to allow them to use such a design that squanders antimatter.

The power of this kind of bomb lies not in the black hole itself after the explosion, but in the explosion of a supernova. This is the most terrifying cosmic disaster in the observable universe.

The supernova explosion of every star in a river system can affect the entire river system. The first mass extinction on earth was caused by a gamma ray burst caused by a supernova explosion. Fortunately, the earth is far away. Otherwise, the earth's ecological circle may not necessarily still exist.

Only extreme celestial bodies such as black holes and pulsars can resist supernova explosions.

The black hole bomb is a great killer that is quite suitable for destroying battles. If you encounter a terrifying and difficult opponent in the future, it might not be a good choice to artificially trigger a supernova explosion on the stars within more than ten light years of the battlefield——Huo Gu’s evaluation in his heart The strategic value of this weapon.

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