How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 483 A planet with a complex ecosystem

Chapter 483 A planet with a complex ecosystem

How rare is it that a bird is bred entirely by nature and has a complete and complex ecosystem?

First of all, it must be determined that a livable planet does not mean a planet with a complete and complex ecosystem. The two are the relationship between inclusion and inclusion.

The standard of a livable planet for human beings and Serenes is only - suitable for the existence of life, even if this life is just a single-celled bacterium.

As long as this is satisfied, the terrestrial planet can be considered a habitable planet, even if it is only a satellite, this determination will not change.

And such a scope is a very broad category, suitable for the survival of life and the birth of life are two concepts.

Indeed, under the agitation of wind currents, matter will move, coupled with the baptism of lightning, inorganic matter can obtain the possibility of synthesizing organic matter in a natural environment, and among these organic matter, amino acids, the basic unit of carbon-based life, will also exist .

But many livable planets actually stop here, and they are not capable of giving birth to life, or have not had time to give birth to life. Combining a pile of complex substances into genes is no less than raising a handful of sand. Spontaneously assembled into a smart phone.

It's not impossible, but the probability is pitifully small.

So it takes millions of years, tens of millions of years, billions of years, and even the heat death of the universe fails to complete this process, because the chaotic system of nature is completely random, especially when the probability of birth of this kind of life is unknown—— The ghost knows why the lottery number is that string of numbers is the first prize, there is a reason.

Even if they are combined, they may dissipate. This may be a water flow fluctuation caused by a breeze, or a free ion on a microscopic scale, so that the basic units of life that have just been combined are broken up again. Sometimes, a planet's vitality The destruction of the scorpion is so random.

The birth of life does not mean how complete the ecosystem of that planet is. The life on the planet that has passed the stage of "rebirth from death" may develop into macroscopic life, or may remain in the microbial stage forever. That habitable planet cannot provide them with enough pressure to survive, and the latter is more likely.

Then there is multicellularity. The life on the surface of the planet where multicellularity develops will develop to a macroscopic scale. This is an inevitable result, because they themselves have such a foundation. on crushing single-celled organisms.

However, multicellular organisms may not necessarily be able to evolve into beasts. It is entirely possible that the entire planet is full of plants. The earth once had such a stage. Obviously, this type of planet cannot be regarded as a complex and stable ecology by the collectors. lock up.

A mature and stable ecological circle includes three categories: producers, consumers, and decomposers. The more species they have, the more stable the ecological circle is, and the fault tolerance is strong. The extinction of a certain species will not trigger A series of chain reactions, that's all.

Since the collectors stepped out of their own star systems, they have colonized tens of thousands of stars, but in these star systems, none of the more than a dozen habitable planets discovered has a complex and stable ecosystem, and the ecosystem is the best. Plants such as mosses and lichens have also evolved, and this plant is the epic creature of that planet, the absolute king before the arrival of the collectors.

This is enough to show how rare a planet with a complex ecosystem is.

The gamma-ray stream was sprayed with low power, and Chu went to the earth-like planet reported by the same family.

The sub-light speed organisms are docked on the cloud platform creatures that have been built, and the rhizomes connected between the cloud platform and the planet's surface reach the surface at first.


At the beginning, it broke out of the cocoon as a gatherer, and was hatched from the ground base of the Yuntai creature, and several gatherers had been waiting there early.

Looking around at the beginning, the base is located on a grassland, and there are emerald green grass everywhere. Looking around, there is a green scene that extends to the horizon of the sky, showing a slight arc.

The breeze blows across the grass, and the green grass swaying with the wind ripples, giving people the feeling that this is not land, but more like being in an ocean.

"...Didn't it mean that the ecological circle structure of this earth-like planet is complicated? Why can't I see anything except some low-level plants?"

At the beginning of the strange question, the collectors answered.

"This location has been cleaned by us, so it is like this now. At the beginning, there were many large animals here, and there were also very aggressive predators among them."

"Take me to take a look. I need to evaluate the value of this planet to the ethnic group, so we can decide that there is no need for this planet to survive."

"Okay, come with us."

Collectors are creatures that pursue efficiency, so they don't have any superficial culture. They directly lead the beginning to a place.

After a while, the grassland came to an end, and the gatherers entered a dense forest.

Their walking speed is not considered fast, because they first need to observe the surrounding environment, that is, the ecological circle of this planet. If they are just traveling, they can reach their destination in a few minutes by virtue of the collector's own mobility.

"The vegetation is lush, and there are some aggressive plants among them, which is very rare."

While walking, Chu observed the surroundings, and occasionally extended his tentacles to pick off the fruits, leaves, and branches of some plants to eat.

But this is not greedy, it is just obtaining the genes of plants, so as to better understand the organisms in front of them.

"But why are there no animals? Didn't you say that the ecological circle of this planet is very complicated? If it's complicated, it should make a difference...Huh?"

Chu suddenly stopped, and it felt something strange in its body, something was eaten into its body along with the fruits of these plants.

The other party is an animal, and this can be confirmed at first, because plants do not have such a strong subjective initiative.

This animal is a parasitic organism, after eating part of its flesh and blood, it starts to lay eggs in its body, intending to use it as a living container.

Ordinary creatures may really have nothing to do with it, because it is inside the body, but unfortunately it has encountered a hard bone this time, and as a collector, it does not eat this at first.


After a brief operation of the organic matter in the body, the object wrapped in a mass of concentrated hydrochloric acid was spit out by Chu, together with the eggs, and the area with a radius of two decimeters was corroded by the hydrochloric acid spit out.

Collectors, an alien species, fully demonstrated their danger to this planet.

"Are you surprised? I haven't seen such a cunning animal in such a long time since the group expanded." asked the collector who led the way.

"It's really surprising, is there anything else? It's not just like that, is it?"

Interested mood swings emerge from the initial life field.

"There are many more types, this is just one of many."

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