How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 498 Alien Planet Murder Case

Chapter 498 Alien Planet Murder Case

"Let's call them 'dry people' first? After all, they are already dry corpses."

Some collectors in the channel suggested this, and after confirming that no collectors had opinions, the species name of this new civilization was officially finalized as ‘dry humans’.

Now, survey data from the dwarf planets is being fed into the channel in a steady stream, and there is an entire race to process the archaeological information.

"The clothes of these dry people show signs of damage. From the death posture and the damage to the old space suits, it can be inferred that they were fighting each other during their lifetime."

"They wear space suits that operate in a vacuum environment, which means that they are not species on that dwarf planet. There is no need for the local planet to wear space suits, and the dwarf planet has no atmosphere and has very little gravity. The surface of the earth is full of stellar radiation, and it is extremely difficult to breed life in such an environment, let alone intelligent life, this dwarf planet cannot have such capital."

"They arrived at that dwarf planet from another planet, and then erected a monument on that dwarf planet. It should be like this..."

"But why did they do it? What's the point of doing it?"

Collectors are all pragmatists, so in their view, awards, medals, and monuments in human society are all useless things.

"I don't know. It should be of special significance to their civilization. The Serin people hold activities every once in a while, and because of these activities, some things with unknown meanings will be derived."

"for example?"

"For example, the 'Talk' played by the Serenes set up a biography for the will, because it once prevented the military conflict between the two civilizations and forcibly terminated the outbreak of an interstellar war."

"Cerines are so stupid?"

"It's just information asymmetry. Different civilizations have different situations. The Serenes are a civilization that cannot develop if they know everything, so those in power will deliberately conceal some things, and those in power in the empire only know everything they think they think. , they never thought of the fact that 'talking' is the will itself, but simply think that it is a group individual that is difficult to deal with."

"It's so subtle..."

The topic went off track, but the collectors quickly realized that they turned their attention back to the survey site.

"Regardless of what these dry people did on this dwarf planet, we should now actively restore their pre-life conditions so that we can continue to understand this newly discovered civilization."

"These deaths were all caused by damage to their own spacesuits. Most of them were caused by the breakage of the airtight masks of their space helmets, resulting in the loss of internal gas. And boiling, a large amount of water is lost to form a mummy."

"This is very similar to the Serenes."

"After all, they are all carbon-based, and similarities are normal."

"But we are also carbon-based..."

"Different civilizations, different situations, if we don't have the ability to modify genes, it is inevitable that we will follow the same path as the Serenes."

This is the unanimous opinion of the collectors after discussion. The essence of science and technology is how to use the basic law of the universe. Under the same universe framework, how to develop a technology tree that jumps out of the framework of the basic law of the universe within the universe?

Without the life field and the ability to change their genes, the collectors would absolutely not be able to develop into what they are now.

"Since they are fighting each other, they can be divided into two groups, and they are hostile to each other."

"But this is very strange. Since they are hostile to each other and enemies of life and death, why didn't they use more powerful weapons to fight?"

"Neither of them expected the other to be on a dwarf planet?"

Some collectors guessed this way, and this idea quickly received responses from other collectors.

"There is such a possibility."

"But it doesn't make sense. They are intelligent life forms and not beasts. Even if they don't carry weapons, they can quickly return to the spaceship to get them. This is much less risky than directly fighting life and death. You know, this is a strange planet. They They are all outsiders, and their bodies are not adapted to this environment, let alone fighting to the death, not all creatures have such a strong ability to control their bodies like us."

"Unless there is a reason to do so, what is the reason?"

At this time, some collectors put forward their own ideas.

"Assume the environment first, and replace these dry people with living Serenes. They are hostile to each other. They have all arrived on this planet. One of them erected a monument on this planet. After the two encounter each other, they should quickly return to the spaceship. , and then drive the spaceship to destroy the enemy's spaceship that has not yet taken off."

"Both sides are not native organisms, and it is impossible to adapt to the surface environment of this dwarf planet. Over time, the hostiles will inevitably die on this dwarf planet."

At this time, some collectors objected, "If there are no weapons on the spaceship..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have weapons. The asteroid belt is full of meteorites. You don't even need meteorites. The surface stones picked up from the dwarf planets are enough. Use the combustibles inside the spacecraft to create an explosion and make the stones fly at high speed. The hostile spaceship, after the stone is accelerated by the explosion, it will achieve the same effect as a cannonball, and because there is no atmosphere, there will be no such thing as distance attenuation.”

"The hit rate will be touching."

Respondents still cannot agree with this explanation.

"As long as the angle of the stone is fixed, it should be no problem to deal with civilian spaceships parked near dwarf planets, as long as they are not warships..."

"If it's a warship, it's impossible not to be equipped with weapons."

"Then the question is, why must these dry people take high risks and make the same choice as the hostiles without any weapons?" asked a collector.

"Unless they don't have a choice, they can only do this." The collector who explained his thoughts asked the fellows in the channel, "What are your thoughts?"

"These dry people are intelligent life, there is no doubt about it, only intelligent life can develop a special way of expressing information such as language and writing, so in that case, the actions they will take can only be the most appropriate at the time action on the situation.”

"In other words, it's not that they don't want to go back to the spaceship, but they can't. If they can go back to the spaceship and destroy the enemy's spaceship, they will naturally be able to easily put the enemy to death and survive on their own side. , so it is only possible that they cannot return to the spaceship."

"If it is assumed that the spaceship does not exist, then all explanations are reasonable. These dry people have no way to leave this dwarf planet, and then encounter another group of hostiles. Knowing that they will die, they take some irrational actions on their own. actions, this situation exists.”

"Reasonable is reasonable, but since there is no spaceship, how did they get to this dwarf planet?"

"Perhaps the spacecraft was destroyed by some unknown reason, or a third party abandoned them on that dwarf planet."

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