Chapter 631

"Attention all the main fleets! Don't let the enemy escape through any gate! Be sure to defend!"

"Everyone step up! Be sure to keep these enemies here forever!"

After such a long time, finally seeing these weird 'native' fleets suffered battle damage excited Auburn, who had been suppressing his emotions due to the bad battle situation.

The significance of this battle is really too important. These indigenous fleets are not invincible myths like the Supreme. They have limits, and such limits are finally tested by them now. As the commander in chief of this battle Auburn knew that he was destined to be recorded in the annals of the state and achieve immortality.

Before Auburn could imagine that he was returning from victory, the honor enjoyed by the victorious commander of this battle, the war situation in the space battlefield has undergone new changes...

At a certain point, a pilot, fatigued from too many frequent use of the spirit jump, broke away from the army of mechas chasing the leaping creature.

Now the overall situation has been decided, at least in the opinion of the pilot, when the leaping creature suffers casualties, the myth of the invincibility of the strange indigenous fleet will be shattered. Based on this idea, the pilot no longer overdraws himself, I plan to find a meteorite as a shelter first to restore my energy.

However, it was such a decision that cost the pilot his life. A small projectile moving at a very high speed easily pierced through the mecha, and the whole machine exploded directly.

A sublight speed bullet still has the same structure as a sublight speed shell, but it is miniaturized, and its overall quality decreases, so the demand for antimatter required to accelerate to sublight speed also decreases.

Following this laggard pilot, such sublight-speed bullets appeared in every corner of the battlefield, specially targeting those pilots who channeled spiritual energy and strengthened their own weapons. The huge glowing sword was an eye-catching signal light.


A mecha held a huge luminous sword and was about to kill a leaping creature. Suddenly it was pierced by something, and the upper body was torn apart. The lower body still maintained the previous movement, motionless, and the pieces of meat and mech fragments flew everywhere. , the pilot was killed by a sublight bullet!

Even though the armor barrier provides protection, the penetration of sublight bullets is terrifying. How could it be that the composite armor whose material strength is only one-third higher than carbon steel can resist it.

The more critical point is that the source of sublight bullets does not come from leaping creatures, which makes the mecha army feel an unprecedented sense of fear. They know that apart from the enemies they are chasing, there are also enemies hiding in the dark, but these hiding They can't find the enemy in the dark, 'unknown' adds 'terror', and the seeds of fear slowly take root in the hearts of the mecha army.

In addition to sub-light speed bullets, there are also a large number of conventional bullets. They do not know when they began to flood the entire star system, flying around between meteorites. Those pilots who focused all their energy on leaping creatures, in Under the baptism of this sudden rain of bullets, many people were sieved.

Commander Auburn couldn't see the actual situation on the battlefield, but he could see the clues from the death toll. From a certain moment, the death toll of the mecha army was rapidly increasing.

"Damn! What's going on?!"

Commander-in-chief Auburn couldn't help cursing, and quickly communicated with the pilots to understand the situation.

At this time, the army of mechas was also chaotic, still chasing and killing leaping creatures, but they were no longer as fast and terrifying as before.

"Where is the enemy? What exactly is attacking us!"

"I don't know, I can't find the source of the attack! I can't sense anything in the spiritual sense!"


"What did you say! Can't find it! Can't even find it in the spiritual field?"

"I can't find it, there are only meteorites in the induction."

"Then deepen the connection with the spirit realm! Invoke more spirit realms!"

The head coach Auburn replied angrily, the victory was imminent, but such a thing happened, how could he be reconciled.

As long as the battle can be won, all the problems are only minor problems, and besides, the enemies who hide in the shadows will not hide in the shadows if they are really as powerful as the enemies they are pursuing.

"found it!"

After a period of time, the commander-in-chief received a report from his subordinates that the bullet was fired by a meteorite in the star system, and there was more than one. The number of meteorites that fired bullets like this is too many to count.

I don't know since when, the meteorites in the entire star system have become enemies of the Holy Worm State Fleet!

The dispersal of the leap-forward creature clusters was not due to being chased by the army of mechas and fleeing in all directions. This was done for a purpose. The army of mechas chasing the leap-forward creatures had never noticed that after each of their attacks, among the fragments of fangs and limbs scattered out, mixed Holding some pieces of meat the size of an adult.

The interior of these pieces of meat is mainly water and a small amount of antimatter reserves. After touching the meteorite, the piece of meat quickly camped on the meteorite and hid.

Seed the surrounding meteorites as unnoticed as possible, so that more meteorites will become combat platforms for the collectors.

This kind of seeding increases the number of parasitic meteorites geometrically. After about 20 to 30 rounds of parasitism, the meteorites in the entire star system are parasitized by the collectors. At this time, there have been no casualties among the jumping creatures .

The collectors did not act in a hurry, but continued to pretend to be hunted down, throwing out a small amount of antimatter, so that the parasitic meteorite could produce sub-light speed bullets, whether it was to snipe at the mech army.

Now it's reversed, the collectors are the one with the upper hand.

"Destroy them!"

Coach Auburn gave the order to attack without hesitation.

After knowing the true face of the enemy, Auburn secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Such enemies are not terrible, they are just some meteorites with attack capabilities, and it is impossible to face the mecha head-on.

However, what happened next made Auburn realize how naive his idea was.

Part of the mechs came out to destroy the meteorite, and this is what the collectors had expected. The meteorite exploded during the destruction process. The trace amount of antimatter inside and the chemical substance of the meteorite itself were excellent explosives. The meteorite was blown up. There are many small gravels, the largest one is the size of the knee, and the smallest one is equivalent to half of the fingernail of the index finger.

In the beginning, the mechs would explode after attacking the meteorites, but as the number of explosions increased, many meteorites began to explode spontaneously. At this time, Auburn finally realized that something was wrong, but it was too late.

High-speed moving fragments are filling the entire star system, and they are scattered randomly. To estimate the trajectory and speed of each fragment, I am afraid that a supercomputer brain is required. Obviously, those pilots do not have such a brain. Casualties are appearing, and they can't avoid them, because the entire battlefield is covered with debris, and they can't teleport to a very far place all at once. The collectors took a fancy to their flaws and made arrangements accordingly.

The entire battlefield has changed, and Auburn can see that they no longer have a chance of victory, at least not in this star system. If the mecha wants to teleport to attack the enemy, it may die from flying debris, and if Defensively resisting fragments in place will be sniped by the enemy from a distance.

Although unwilling and unwilling, but at this point, there is no other way.

At this moment, Auburn was surprisingly calm. He couldn't bury all the main force of the state on this war that was completely unfavorable to them.


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