How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 667 Bloody Data

Chapter 667 Bloody Data

On the planet, the tests of the collectors are still continuing. Although the solid-state brain has a finished product, the finished product does not mean that it can be put into practical use. It still needs to be tested, debugged, and collected data. It is not something that can be used after it has been created. Just like the Wright Brothers' airplane, even if the airplane later became the overlord of the sky, it still cannot change the fact that the first human airplane flew at a height of only 3.8 meters.

The experiment participant walked on the ground with his fangs, and now its condition is much better than at the beginning, at least it is no different from a normal collector, and it no longer trembles slightly when walking.

"This time I re-adjusted the part of the nerve docking and increased the number of nerve fibers. Is there still that strange feeling?"

Facing the inquiries of his fellow race in the field of life, the experiment participants stopped their movements, jumped up suddenly, and after landing, they made a low-lying movement of accumulating energy, and waved their fangs like clouds and flowing water, making a low and muffled dance .

After doing this, the experimental participants replied to their own kind.

"No more, it's the same as before."

"Well, good, then let's take a brain test."

Afterwards, the collectors sent a large number of messy questions to the experimental participants through the life field channel. These questions ranged from mathematics, physics, chemistry, and personal cultivation hidden by spies. The problem of the construction of the gravitational ring is also as simple as the problem that one plus one equals how many.

The main reason is the large volume. If these questions are recorded on paper, it is estimated that they can fill a space of 500 cubic meters.

"These...these...and these, you have to finish them all." The collector said.

"Too much."

The experiment participant feels embarrassed, and other siblings comfort it.

"Don't be stressed, just play normally, start the clock now."

After giving an order, the experimental participant stopped moving, and stood motionless on the ground like a sculpture. Its mind had sunk into the life field channel, and it was concentrating on solving the problems assigned to it by its fellow race.

"Okay, everything is done, what's the time?"

Participants in the experiment, who had solved all the problems, were eager to know how much time they had spent.

"One minute."

The collectors told it the test results, and at the same time arranged for the next round of tests.

"Next is the physical coordination test."

"The condition of the test is to walk to the opposite hive without injury."

According to the location coordinates marked by the same race in the life field channel, the experimental participants looked at a towering beehive in the distance, and the distance between them was about three kilometers.


The experiment participant responded and rushed out with his fangs.

Not long after the experiment participants left the place, a large number of air-breaking sounds echoed around, and a large number of shells were fired from nowhere, pouring into the area where the experiment participants were.

The experimental participants shuttled flexibly in the rain of shells. Its concept of time was different. Everything around it was slowing down, and its movements were also slowed down. Every movement was just right. Through the adjustment of movements, it even Step on some shells that haven't landed to increase your speed.

Thanks to the metal-hydrogen battery in its body, it has the conditions to complete its current superhuman behavior.

When the experiment participants managed to reach the hive, the rain of shells stopped.

After the test, the collectors collected and sorted out the information in the life field channel.

"Very good, the anticipation ability, reaction speed, and coordination have not weakened, and remain the same as before, or even better."

"After continuing to adapt for a period of time, it should be able to continue to grow."

The experiment participants waited for the compatriots in the life field channel to finish summarizing the information, and then asked.

"What's the next test?"

"Shock resistance test, you need to fall from a height of 10,000 meters without deceleration, and land hard on the ground." The same family replied.

The experiment participant was stunned for a moment before reacting.

"Huh? Didn't you say you were falling from a height of 100 meters?"

"The 100-meter test is no longer necessary. It has been determined from numerical calculations during the design that the impact of a 100-meter drop cannot damage the solid-state brain. The 10,000-meter drop is to test the ultimate endurance of the solid-state brain." The family members explained.

Under the instructions of the collectors, the experiment participants came to a large titanium spiral, the silver-white titanium alloy casing was particularly dazzling under the sunlight.

This titanium snail is very large, reaching a length of one hundred meters. It took the collectors a long time to breed such a guy.

The experimental participants stepped forward to bind the tentacles with the titanium snail, and the tentacles protruding from the titanium snail wrapped the experimental participant tightly, and the tentacles then secreted a large amount of colloid, which increased the friction with the experimental participant.

"Check the fixation with the titanium screw, don't be thrown off early."

There are peers in the channel to remind the experimental participants.

The titanium spiral lifted off under the instructions given by the collectors, together with the experimental participants who were bound together.

Through radio wave distance measurement, when the titanium screw was 10,000 meters above the ground, the tentacles of the experimental participants were released, and the experimental participants were thrown out, in the form of free fall, without slowing down.

The result was obvious. The gatherer's body was like a smashed watermelon. When it came into contact with the ground, it fell apart. There was not a single intact internal organ, and a large hole was smashed out on the ground.

The only thing left intact is a pure white sphere, which is the solid brain developed by the collectors.

Soon, collectors retrieved the remains of the experiment participants. Before the solid-state brain was completely necrotic, the collectors reconnected it with nutrient supply.

"The whole is not damaged, it still maintains a spherical structure, is it still alive?"

Just because the solid state brain is not damaged does not mean that there is no problem inside, if only the outside is intact but the inside cannot be maintained, then it is meaningless

Therefore, collectors need to confirm its internal situation.


The experimental participants responded to the inquiries of their peers through the life field channel.

"Do you feel any strangeness in your brain?"

"There was a strange feeling when I was in contact with the ground, but it is gone now."

After some confirmation, the collectors have basically confirmed that even a free fall of 10,000 meters will not break the solid-state brain.

Although there are physical factors as interference, but the scale reaches 10,000 meters in the sky, the ground buffer that the physical body can provide is really pitiful.

"Accident, I thought it would be damaged."

"It is said that you are wrong."

Before the experiment participants were tested at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the collectors were divided into two factions, one believed that the solid-state brain would be safe, and the other believed that the solid-state brain would be damaged.

However, this is not the end. After the experimental participants recovered their bodies, they received new test instructions.

"Next is the drop test from a height of 100,000 meters."

When the experimental participants fell to the ground, this test was over. This time, the experimental participants failed to survive, and even the solid-state brain was smashed to pieces. The altitude of 100,000 meters has exceeded the tolerance limit of the solid-state brain. .

"It's broken, it seems that the limit distance is between 100,000 and 10,000 meters."

"The experiment participant died, who will conduct the follow-up test?"

There was an individual asking in the channel, and voices came and went in response to it.


"Get up! I'll come first!"

"Don't listen to them, I am more capable!"

The results of the experimental death did not irritate the foragers, and they would not back down from dedicating themselves to the group.

"Basically all the data to be obtained has been obtained."

"The final damage test is still needed." Someone reminded.

As the name suggests, it is to test the extent to which the solid-state brain is destroyed before it can basically lose its ability to function normally.

If this is definitely not allowed on the earth, it is completely disregarding human life, but in the society of foragers, these are just the norm, and even the experimental participants themselves joined in to discuss how to destroy their solid-state brains.

After discussion, a unified result was obtained.

"Just use a single-molecule blade, which has a higher degree of precision."

"I agree."

"The destruction starts at the millimeter level first, and then at the centimeter level, so that it increases step by step."

"It's easy to get the most accurate data."

The collectors who only participated in the experiment died continuously, and relying on the road paved by the bones of these collectors, the collectors were able to quickly and completely obtain all the data of the solid-state brain.

"The data of the solid-state brain has been sorted out, and all these data are radiated out. The group needs to change and progress."

"Understood, start preparing for the light year communication."

The collectors in charge of communication obtained all the data information of the solid-state brain from the same race, and converted the data information into the form of code, and sent the information to the whole race with the help of the light of the stars.

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