How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 687: The Thing From Heaven

Chapter 687: The Thing From Heaven

The two armies clash, and the drums are roaring. They are creatures of the same species. Because the individuals they are loyal to are different, they regard each other as life and death enemies. The 18th floor of hell will be done without hesitation.

"Come on!"


Shouting to kill and shaking the sky, the two major armies of the Chao Army and the Mang Army fought hand-to-hand after a brief charge. The battle line stretched for nearly two kilometers. Painful wailing filled the entire battlefield, and the blood of both sides soaked the ground under their feet, as if another bright dye had been splashed on the scroll. The flying dust gradually raised due to the fighting between the two sides even caused a slight decrease in visibility.

On the battlefield, because the Chao army is more elite and knows how to cooperate in battle formations, and because of the large-scale military expansion of the Mang army, the elite has been diluted. Therefore, since the beginning of the confrontation, the Chao army has firmly controlled the dominant position on the battlefield. , the loss of the Mang Army is much greater than that of the Chao Army.

But the advantage is not directly related to victory or defeat. Although on the battlefield, the Mang army was killed by the Chao army, but in the eyes of the higher command hierarchy, the Mang army killed the Chao army. Defeat is only a matter of time.

The Mang Army does not need to rush to decide the outcome of a small battle with the Chao Army. They just need to hold back the Chao Army. As long as the time is long enough, the reinforcements from the Mang Army will arrive. We are about to face a battle situation where we are attacked from both sides.

Therefore, as long as the generals of the Chao army are not brain-dead, they will have to choose to withdraw after seeing that there is no way to tell the winner in a short time, and as long as the Chao army starts to withdraw, it means that the Mang army has won. Victory in this battle.

After seeing the anxious battle situation, the generals who would agree with this battle all dissatisfied and cast their eyes on the wise teacher, but they didn't attack due to the hindrance.

In the view of these generals of the Chao army, the failure of this battle may be directly related to the survival of the Chao army in the future. It will begin to shrink during this time. The smaller the encirclement shrinks, the more difficult it will be to break through. If the Chao army fails in this battle, it may not be as easy as when the strategy was formulated before.

"Master Zhi, is this the twist you mentioned?"

That day in the Chao army camp, General Enliao, who had been reprimanded by the wise teacher in public, taunted the silent wise teacher.


The wise teacher didn't say a word, but just stared at the simple sand table, the battle situation on the battlefield.

After a while, the general who was loyal to the Chaojun Temple stood up and pleaded with the Hall, "Your Highness! Please order the withdrawal of the troops! The Mang Army intends to hold back our army. Once the other blocking forces of the Mang Army react, we will The army will be wiped out!"

No matter how elite an elite is, facing an enemy that is several times their own size is hard to beat with two fists and four hands. The generals galloping on the battlefield know this better than anyone else, and it is also the reason why they look down on wise teachers. The teacher is just a layman, and no matter how strategic he is, it is just a theory on paper, and it will be full of loopholes after being applied to the real situation.

On the battlefield, it is not an exaggeration to describe the confrontation between the two armies as tragic. Cold weapons are not like hot weapons. Hot weapons can kill the enemy at a long distance. Weapons belong to the "gentle" kind. Cold weapons are bloody hand-to-hand combat, fully showing the bestiality and ferocity of wild animals. The word "blood flows into rivers" was born in the cold weapon war .

This kind of battle made the soldiers on both sides red-eyed. They only thought about how to put the opponent to death faster, and all their minds were concentrated on the enemy.

However, this state was broken by other changes. A voice kept ringing in the ears of the soldiers. Whether it was the Mang Army or the Chao Army, whether they were in the back of the battlefield or on the front line of fighting, the inexplicable The sound appeared so suddenly, and it was difficult to determine where the sound came from.

"what sound?"

The low-level soldiers of the Mang Army and the Chao Army stopped fighting tacitly. This should have been impossible. The chain of suspicion formed by life and death is much stronger than the chain of suspicion formed by other situations. There is no guarantee that the opponent does not want to kill you as much as you think, so once a hand-to-hand battle occurs, it will be difficult to stop unless the winner can be determined.

However, such an impossible thing was accomplished by that inexplicable voice. The change from a third party broke the state of the two and broke the chain of suspicion.

The soldiers staying on the battlefield looked around in amazement to find the source of the sound, but all failed. At the same time, the sound continued to amplify and intensify, like a sharp and piercing roar from some kind of monster.

"look up!"

When the sound increased to a certain level, someone finally identified the source of the sound. After someone shouted and pointed to the sky, everyone looked up at the sky tacitly. Multiple dazzling fireballs slowly fell towards them.

"What it is?!"

"It's a dzi bead! The dzi bead has fallen! Run for your life!"

There was chaos on the battlefield, and no one wanted to be hit by something like this.

Strange to say, many people are not afraid of life and death fights, but they are afraid of avoiding disasters. This situation has led to chaos on the battlefield. After seeing the fireball falling from the sky, another kind of chaos engulfed the entire battlefield. All soldiers ran away from the battlefield to avoid being hit by the fireball. Due to the chaos of the battlefield, it is difficult to distinguish between east, west, south, and north. Most of the soldiers didn't go out no matter how they walked all at once.

In reality, there is no pause button, and the fireball will not stop falling until the soldiers have run away before falling.

When more than a dozen fireballs came into contact with the ground from top to bottom, the exploding air wave suddenly overturned the space with a radius of tens of meters around the place where it fell, and plowed all the soil in this area, like Like being bombed.

The soldiers around there were thrown into the air by the air wave. If they were lucky, they hit the ground and broke their bones. If they were unlucky, they hit the cold weapon and died on the spot.

In the center of the crater made by the fireball was a round sphere with wisps of white smoke rising from it.

Just when many soldiers were brave enough to observe these spheres falling from the sky, a clawed limb pierced the spheres from the inside of the spheres, and the seemingly very solid spheres burst like eggshells.

The collectors who landed looked at the surroundings suspiciously, because their landing coordinates selected a relatively desolate place, far away from towns and even wild animals were rare, and there were no large vegetation at the same time, so there was no need to worry about the high temperature caused by a hard landing caused a fire.

But at the first glance of observing the surface environment, what he saw was a circle of armored creatures, which made the reporter immediately feel that they had landed at the wrong coordinates.

"Strange, how come there are so many creatures entrenched here? I remember that this place should be very desolate. Did it land in the wrong place?"

"No, it's this coordinate."

Compared with the doubts of the collectors, the onlookers were filled with fear, unprecedented fear, and the panic spread like a virus.

"Look! It's a monster—"

"A monster emerged from the dzi beads that fell from the sky—"

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