How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 700 The Body of the Twisted Object

Chapter 700 The Body of the Twisted Object

Enyong stepped into the room where the seals were kept, and looked at the internal environment. Nearly half of the Shuntianzong people also stepped into the room one after another, and the other half stayed outside to prevent emergencies.

After observing around, Enyong and others who stepped into the room found nothing, and the team gradually began to speculate "could this be a false alarm".

However, Enyong doesn't believe this kind of speculation, because he understands the mechanism of the seal alarm. The alarm is directly connected to the first core seal. If the seal is broken, it will be reported, and if it is not, it will not be reported. The alarm is dead, isn't it? Living people do not make mistakes, there is no so-called false positive.

When En Yong touched the sculpture in the middle of the room with his hand, he immediately understood why.


Accompanied by En Yong's cold snort, he directly snapped off the fingers of one arm on the sculpture.

This scene shocked the rest of the Shuntianzong. The damage to the sculpture would release the evil inside.

Just when everyone in the Shuntian Sect was subconsciously preparing to fight, they waited for a long time but did not receive the expected vicious and violent rampage, and Enyong broke off the statue's finger without triggering anything.

I saw Enyong speaking to the Shuntianzong people with faint anger.

"We were deceived! The evil quality is not here, it has escaped by bypassing the double and triple spell seals!"

Enyong didn't know how the bad quality bypassed the second and third talisman seals, but the facts in front of him told him like this - the bad quality was no longer here, and since it wasn't here, it could only be escaped up.

Thinking of the consequences of allowing evil to escape, Enyong and the rest of the Shuntian Sect broke out in cold sweat.

This is their Shuntianzong's dereliction of duty!

On the side of the collectors, they left from the ground, and the twisted things they captured were sealed in the macromolecular balls, and they were transferred to the ground three hundred kilometers away from the surface through the rhizomes as the transportation pipeline.

For twisted objects, the collectors have tried chemical killings such as strong acid and alkali, as well as high-temperature killing by flame burning, but the twisted objects can recover quickly, and they still maintain their activity even if they are separated into millions of parts. The vitality of the foragers amazes the foragers, prompting them to try to understand the warp.

But after learning about the distorted objects, they were disappointed. This thing is useless to them, and it is also useless to the ethnic group. The distorted objects are also composed of individual cells, but the genetic code of these cells is consistent with the genetic code of the planet's natives. Genes are biological It should be impossible for the blueprint of the body to become a distorted object, so it can be deduced that the existence of the distorted object is something formed under the interference of other factors.

If the warp is unknown, even if it is not a biological body, it is not enough to disappoint the collectors, but it is precisely that the warp is something that the race has long studied.

Distorted objects are things related to the spiritual realm. On the microscopic scale, inside those cells, there are strange objects that only interact with electromagnetic waves and living organisms.

"I thought it was something newly discovered, but it turned out to have been studied long ago."

"The appearance of things in the spiritual domain on this planet shows that the natives on this planet can establish contact with the spiritual domain, and the alert level needs to be raised to a higher level."

Some individual made a proposal in the life field channel, which was unanimously approved by other members of the same race.

Of course, the increase in the alert level does not mean that the twisted objects will pose a threat to the collectors. The collectors have already proved with their actions that the twisted objects are just scary-looking paper tigers for them.

The alert level was raised because of the indigenous civilizations on the planet. The spiritual domain is a very dangerous thing. If the things inside escape, it will be a devastating blow to the indigenous civilizations of this planet. For example, the spiritual realm captured by the collectors Territory creatures, and things similar to them, once destroyed the civilization of the Serene people, causing a great retrogression of civilization in the civilization of the Serene people.

It's not bad for the indigenous civilization to just produce ordinary spiritual creatures. If the spirit master is dragged in, even if the collectors are sure to win, the aftermath of the battle will wipe out the indigenous civilization on Star 2 from the planet. .

"What exactly are we capturing in the monument?"

Not all individuals know the true body of the twisted object, especially the collectors who have not been born for a long time, even if they have genetic memory, they still need a period of time to digest.

The collectors who know the detailed information don't hesitate to explain, and deliver the information related to the twisted objects into the life field channel.

"The things that attack us are called 'sacred bones' by pilgrims. There are various causes. Currently, there are two known types. One is to imprison the creatures of the spiritual realm in organic matter through magic, and the other is the spirit. Domain Contractors prayed in excruciating pain for far more than they could afford to be devoured and left behind."

"The latter type, on the near orbit, Will once led the same race to attack the space port of the Serenes, and captured a pair of mating Serenes in the wreckage. While spying on the body information of the Serene people, they peeled off the tissues and organs of the Serene people layer by layer, until only one brain is still alive."

"One of the two Serenes is a member of the Pilgrim Organization. The great pain prompted him to pray to the spirit realm for a wish that he could not pay the price after his will left. He was swallowed up and turned into a holy corpse, and the holy corpse was devoured The corpses of cosmic creatures that died in the wreckage of the star port strengthened themselves. Since what was devoured was the corpses of the same family, this holy corpse also had the ability to use the life field to deliver information, but because it did not have high intelligence, it only delivered useless noise information."

"Later, I met with the wreckage exploration team led by Yao Wan, and fought in the wreckage of the star port, and finally pushed the wreckage to the surface of Ming, and the final capture was completed by will."

The collectors told the same race that Huogu led the collectors to defeat the Empire's third fleet and the space starport. That was also the first space battle for the entire amoeba.

"What about the former one?"

After understanding the latter, individuals who still don't know enough about the holy remains began to wonder what the former holy remains looked like, so they asked the same family.

"The former method was once used by the Pilgrim Organization to fight against the empire. Generally speaking, it is to seal the creatures of the spirit realm into the organism to create the holy remains. Pulled out of the spiritual domain, sealed in an organic body to form a relic, and created a global catastrophe covering Serene."

"The empire tried its best to solve it, so that in the follow-up battle with those who greedy for endless pleasure, the empire would have no power to fight anymore just by destroying the fleet."

"These things happened a long time ago. At that time, the race hadn't mastered antimatter technology, and the empire was still a big threat to the race."

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