How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 705: The Defeatable Tide Army

Chapter 705: The Defeatable Tide Army

In the Chao army camp, all the high-level officials gathered in the tent above the hall, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly dignified.

At this moment, the Chao army is facing a serious threat. The source of the threat comes from the Mang army who has been supported by the three sects and wild roads from all sides.

After the arrival of the heavenly beasts in the battle of Xiahu, the Chao army counterattacked the Mang army, and the attack was like a broken bamboo all the way, like a god's help.

On the one hand, this is because the morale of the Chao army was stimulated by the incident of the arrival of the heavenly beast. From top to bottom, they all believed that their side was destined by fate, and their cohesion reached an unprecedented height.

On the other hand, it was because of what the wise mang army said before he left that the mang army was unwilling to confront the Chao army before the wise mang army returned, thinking that this would lead to an irreversible situation.

One strong and one weak, it turned into a scene where the Chao army pushed the Mang army horizontally.

However, in the past few days, the Chaojun army, which was already in a state of overwhelming strength, could not continue to advance, and instead had a tendency to be pushed back.

A piece of battlefield information was passed from the mouths of the generals to the Chaojun Hall.

"Your Majesty, for some reason, the Mang army is so unbelievably strong. The soldiers are all brave and not afraid of death, and their bodies are strong. They can't even leave scars when they are shot with knives and arrows. This battle is impossible to fight. The soldiers of the Mang army They have become invulnerable monsters."

"If it weren't for the limited strength of those soldiers, our army is already in a state of complete defeat."

One general was extremely anxious, but this was not the battle report that made Chaojun Palace the most anxious, and the other general followed up with the report.

"Dark Chao army, some people in the army are infected with the plague. Although they have been quarantined in time, one-third of the army is still infected and unable to fight anymore."

After the general who reported the plague sat down, another general got up and reported.

"Occasionally, we can see the flying lanterns of the Mang Army flying by in the sky. Our army has no secrets in front of the Mang Army. If the Mang Army casts fire from the sky and burns the company camp, the Mang Army will be unstoppable."

"Huh! The number of flying lanterns is small now, so the flying lanterns are used by the reckless army to monitor our army's movements. Once the number of flying lanterns increases, I dare to guarantee my life. The reckless army will definitely attack our army with fire. Drop the flames from above, and I'll do it at the command."

A general snorted coldly, venting his displeasure. After all, the enemy was hovering above their heads every day, and they couldn't do anything to each other. Bows and arrows couldn't shoot flying lanterns that high, and the arrows they shot were in danger of falling back and hurting friendly troops.

"The rumors from the Mang Army say that in order to fight against the Heavenly Beasts, the Mang Army invited strange and strange magic to help them fight. These things are probably caused by the so-called strange and strange magic."

After quietly listening to the battle report reported by his subordinates, everything in it was unimaginable before, and it would definitely lead to a rout and a great loss of military power.

The plague reduced the number of soldiers, and the enemy army was invulnerable. Flying lights overlooked the overall situation, and they almost ran out to tell the Chaojun Palace that their Chaojun army would be defeated.

Before the Mang army turned back, the defeat was so obvious that even children who were not good at planning could see it.

"...Wisdom teacher, what do you think? When can we invite the heavenly beasts to help?"

Chao Jundian's gaze shifted to the wise teacher at the side. Chao Jundian had no choice but to ask for help from the Heavenly Beast that came in the battle of Xiahu. This was their only hope.


Chaojun Zhishi was very hesitant, and Zhishi's hesitation made Chao Jundian very anxious.

"Isn't the current situation crisis enough?"

Prior to this, the Chao Army did not dare to bother the Heavenly Beast too much, because the Heavenly Beast was appointed by the Heaven, and it was a very noble existence. It would be disrespectful to let such an existence go on the battlefield—of course, this was given by the Chao Army’s wise teacher. The purpose of the statement is to prevent the Chao army from inviting any celestial beasts. Since the descending celestial beasts came, everyone in the army believes that he is a god-man with the ability to communicate with the sky. rescuers.

This directly puts Chaojun Zhishi in a very embarrassing situation. Once the people of Chaojun know that the heavenly beast has nothing to do with him, what the consequences will be, I can't even imagine. The most trustworthy hall did not dare to reveal a word.

Fortunately, after leaving the household, the Mang army intentionally avoided the battle, which directly led to the Chao army's military power sweeping across the wilderness. The whole army, if at all, attributed the root cause of these victories to "God helps the battle", and no one would To think about whether there is such a half-money relationship between Chaojun Zhishi and Tianshou.

I thought the journey would go smoothly, but knowing that the Mang army was defeated, the Chao army had no choice but to ask the wise master to 'call' out the heavenly beast in the current situation.

"I can't say it's not dangerous enough, it's just..."

Chaojun Zhishi hesitated to speak, and wanted to decline, but the situation did not allow him to do so, while the Chaojun Palace was very anxious.

"Just what?" Chao Jundian asked anxiously.

"Perhaps the crisis we see is not considered by the beasts?" Chao Jun Zhishi asked tentatively.

"We have to try it, if the beasts overestimate us, then we will be in big trouble." A general said.

Until Chaojun Zhishi asked tentatively, the generals of Chaojun and the palace still didn't notice that something was wrong with their Zhishi. It was all because the arrival of the heavenly beast in the battle of Xiahu was too shocking and impacted their three views too much. So much so that they subtly deified the wise teacher.

They didn't realize it themselves.

Riding a tiger is hard to get off, and the situation is forcing, the Chaojun Zhishi finally reluctantly agrees to come down.

"All right."

At this moment, the collectors who built the secret matrix underground completed the construction of the simple matrix. Due to the urgent need to obtain indigenous information, many aspects were rushed to complete, and then began to run without even testing, which led to a A series of problems arise.

"Operation begins..."

"There is a problem with the energy supply of Block 8! Connect a new circuit immediately!"

"Block 43 lacks nutrients!"

"New organic pipeline done! It took three minutes!"

Although there are a lot of problems, the collectors are experienced, and they have done a lot of messy things. Wherever there are problems, they will not go there. After all the problems are filled, there will be no problems.

Matrix began to try to decipher the text information collected by the collectors. The amount of information was huge, which reduced the difficulty of deciphering a lot.

"Expand the language model and decipher!"

"Import sequence of operations..."

"Joining the algorithm...

"Try to compare..."


"Try to compare..."



"Try to compare..."

"Complete, export the language sequence, benchmark the template..."

The translated text is transplanted to the template, and the template will form a language family after collecting enough text information.

With an integrated language system, collectors do not need to translate word for word, but can freely combine languages ​​of different races according to their own wishes.

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