How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 716 New Text

Chapter 716 New Text

"Nothing, sorry..."

Behind the isolation gate, there is a very open place. Through the feedback information of ultrasonic waves and electromagnetic waves, the two collectors knew the general environment inside in a short time.

Behind the gate is an airtight environment, so the gas is guaranteed not to leak out. This airtight environment is not specially built, but is composed of two gates that seal the main road.

This confined environment is very empty, except for some metal fragments, the collectors did not find anything through scanning.

"Wait, there is a text message here."

Using infrared spectroscopy, one of the two foragers discovered inscriptions carved on a metal wall.

[...In the end, we still suffer the consequences of our own fate, the inevitable fate is inevitable, and all efforts are in vain after all... I have never believed in fate, but now I have to believe it. The long-standing question still hasn't been answered, and there will be no chance to know in the future-if we had never been in contact with the spiritual realm, would the result be better than it is now? or...]

"Not finished?"

"It's uncomfortable, just finish writing if you want to, the same is true for the previous text messages..."

The recorded text was incomplete, it seemed that the writer was interrupted before the recording was finished, which made the two collectors who browsed the information feel uncomfortable for a while.

There is a reason why the author's information has not been recorded, and the collector checked its surroundings.

"There were no signs of a struggle, and no corpses."

"What is this indicating?"

"It is stated that the writer left voluntarily for some reason, based on his own will."

The collector guessed the possibility with a high probability, and the other possibility is that someone attacked the writer who was burning the information and erased the traces.

However, the latter may be superfluous. The crisis faced by Bodu civilization is to the extent of destroying civilization. There is no need to erase the traces when the attacker attacks the writer, unless the attacker can predict the future and know the collector in advance. They will visit here.

This is obviously impossible, so they tend to the former, the author has some reason, and based on his own will, he no longer burns it.

"There are still these two gates. There are no signs of damage to the gates, and there are no other secret passages. The author left before the two gates were lowered."

Some nonsense, but this is the condition of the analysis, so it must be listed.

"Is it because I saw the gate was lowered, so I left in a hurry in order not to be sealed inside?" One of the individuals replied rhetorically.

The gate is very thick. If the author of the Bodu civilization did not carry the tools to break the gate, when the gate was lowered, he would undoubtedly be trapped in it to death.

But after the collectors thought about it carefully, they felt that some places were not very reasonable.

"Then why did the author choose this place to leave a message? Can't you finish writing with peace of mind in another place?"

It can be seen from the text message that the author is very desperate and powerless. If there is still room for turning around, he will not leave such a message. There are only two situations on the wall, one is time urgency, Find a random place to record, the other is to know that the destruction of civilization is inevitable and cannot be changed, so write down your last words by burning them on the wall.

But the problem is that no matter what the possibility is, it doesn't seem to be a problem to choose a place that will not be disturbed to write. Even if it is the former possibility, the writer can go outside the gate and continue writing.

"The other places are dilapidated. If they are burned in other places, it is very likely that they will not be preserved for us to see now... Huh? The author clearly knows that this place can survive the crisis of destroying civilization?"

After thinking about it, the collector can only think that the author himself clearly knows that the closed space formed by the gate can allow the text information inside to survive the crisis of the extinction of civilization, so he deliberately left it in the closed area of ​​the gate. Word.

But based on this guess, the collector thought of another question.

"It's a bit strange. Since it is possible to survive the crisis of destroying civilization here, why not transform it into a refuge? Or follow the structure here to create a refuge so that the fire of civilization can continue."

"It does feel a little strange. In terms of industrial capabilities, it is possible to create a star ring. It should be no problem to create a similar shelter in a short time."

In terms of industrial capabilities, the Bodu civilization is the second most technologically advanced civilization among the alien civilizations known to the collectors. Although a considerable part of it uses the technology developed in the spiritual realm, it can create objects around the stars. The industrial capacity of the star ring itself has surpassed all alien civilizations that the current collectors have seen, except for the Hui civilization.

Thinking in another way, the collectors are able to create this kind of shelter in an emergency, and there is more than one. There is no reason why the Perdue civilization can't build it.

"Or the author can stay here. Although there is nothing here, it must be more protective than other places, and it will be able to live longer when a crisis strikes."

"But the writer didn't do that, why?"

"……have no idea."

The desire to survive, this instinct derived from the root of living things, is not an easy task to overcome. For a life that is about to die, even if it lives for a second longer, it is still alive.

The doubts in my heart cannot be answered because there is too little information.

However, fortunately, it is not without gains. Now the collectors can at least be 100% sure that the destruction of Bodu civilization is directly related to the spiritual realm.


The exploration of the ring ruins is coming to an end, and the collectors bring the explored information back to the cluster network for analysis, and build a physical model of the ring ruins.

From the physical model, the collectors discovered something that surprised them—the stellar ring of the Perdue civilization was probably still intact when the Perdue civilization perished.

All the damage of the ring ruins is due to its own reasons, not the structural damage caused by external factors.

"The damage simulation here, here shows that the damage is due to the explosion of the nuclear reactor."

"There are also these places. From the analysis of the wreckage, this place was originally an ammunition depot. The loss of control of the reactor led to the explosion..."

"Due to the out of control of the reactor, the ring stellar accelerator can no longer maintain the electric field, and the sublight-speed particles inside broke through the ring wall, so a big hole appeared in the ring ruins."

What would happen if the stellar rings lost power? If there is no energy to maintain the internal electric field, and the internal sub-light-speed moving particles are lost, the strong gravitational force can no longer be formed, and the strong structure formed by the gravity and sub-light-speed particle inertia will collapse.

"...The reason for all the destruction of the ring ruins is actually caused by no one maintaining it?"

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