How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 727 Biological Weapons

Chapter 727 Biological Weapons

The Xs air and space troops who blocked the swarms were all destroyed without accident. The reality is not a beautiful hero biography, and the Xs air and space troops will not suddenly increase their combat power because of their determination and courage to die. Kill all enemies attacked.

After annihilating the Aerospace Troops of the X people, the collectors no longer cared about the outside world, but devoted their energy to the research of the Zerg combat units.

In fact, if you want to study the design of the large-scale flying creature that looks like a ray, you don't need the collector to dissect it, which is a very backward way to obtain information.

Collectors with genetic language only need to spread out the gene chain of a certain individual cell of the organism, and directly read the information of the gene chain to know everything about the current organism from the inside to the outside.

"Interesting and unique organism design..."

After reading the gene, the collector residing inside the organism showed unexpected emotions, because such an organism design is very rare, and it is very new to it.

"The overall area is about 50,000 square meters, and the total mass is 500,000 tons..."

"Although the body is flat and has a pair of flapping membrane wings, which conforms to the fluid flight appearance of creatures relying on air resistance, the mass of the organism itself is too heavy, and the area of ​​the membrane wings is too small. In fact, only the membrane wings on both sides It is impossible to fly, but after observation, it can be preliminarily determined that the lift is provided by other reasons, and the significance of the existence of the membrane wings is to allow the organism to perform a certain degree of flexibility with the help of air resistance."

Considering the weight of the organism, even if the area of ​​the membrane wing is enlarged ten times, the lift force of flapping the membrane wing may not be enough to support a creature of half a million tons to fly at high altitude.

Moreover, the membrane wings magnified by more than ten times continue to flap for a long time, and the energy required will be very large, which is far beyond the chemical energy inside the organism to maintain.

Therefore, the function of the membrane wings on both sides of the organism is not to provide lift to the organism, but to perform maneuvering and redirection when flying in the air like fish fins.

"Its bone structure is also very interesting. The hollow bone at the tip of the tail contains a solid mineral-like substance floating in the low-density bone marrow fluid, and the bone marrow fluid is also dotted with grid-shaped nerve fibers. When the mineral substance inside the bone is displaced due to movement and direction change, the bone marrow fluid and nerve fibers will immediately feed back to the organism so that it can maintain balance and also play a role in guiding the direction. An alternative version of Gyro."

"The protruding bone spikes at the front of the flanks are a biological electromagnetic system that can release and receive radio and electromagnetic pulses. It can be used not only as a radio communication organ, but also as a biological radar by releasing and receiving electromagnetic pulses."

"There are eight reproductive nests on the body, and the ionizing radiation of the radiation is used to artificially promote the malformation and canceration of the young embryos, so as to reproduce a large number of short-lived individuals for combat."

"However, this method of manufacturing combat individuals has a disadvantage. In order to prevent the organisms from being killed by the radiation they carry, heavy nuclear elements are required for encapsulation, and it will be very thick, but this hinders short-lived individuals from being bred and formed. Therefore, only a very thin and simple organic film is designed at the opening of the reproductive nest. However, although this method solves the problem of short-lived individuals leaving the reproductive nest, another problem arises, the ionization After the radiation touches the organic film, the wavelength will be converted into a visible light band, becoming a very eye-catching luminous body, which makes it impossible for the organism to carry out surprise attacks at night, and the enemy can easily follow the light of the reproductive nest to lock its position."

"The brain has a neural nucleus, which seems to be the terminal for the commander's instructions, but it is unclear what the medium for transmitting the instructions is, at least it can be determined that it is not a radio."

After analyzing the physiological structure of the host organism, the collectors turned to analyze the short-lived individuals bred by the organism.

"Then there are short-lived individuals, which usually exist in the form of embryonic spores to save space. During the battle, they will be cancerous due to the ionizing radiation of the mother, and will quickly grow into short-lived individuals that can fight. As a combat method, the main attack method is its own polymer biological sharp teeth and claws, which have considerable cutting capabilities."

"However, this short-lived individual has many disadvantages. For example, it does not have long-range attack capabilities, so its air combat ability is zero. The short-lived individual does not have the ability to fly like the mother body. It can only glide and move at high altitude through its membrane wings. Falling to the ground to participate in ground combat, because it is a cancerous mutant, its lifespan is short, only about two and a half days."

If the living organisms that the collectors live in now are guns, then the short-lived individuals bred by the living organisms are ammunition, and the entire living organisms are specialized group combat weapons for collective fighting.

However, although the design concept of such a biological combat weapon is very novel, in the eyes of collectors, it is just that. The advantages are obvious, and the disadvantages are also obvious.

"It's just that this level of lethality is not enough to pose a threat to the ethnic group, and the fangs and claws are not threatening..." The collector made a conclusion, but quickly vetoed the conclusion "No, it is not too early to draw a conclusion, The Zerg also has many types of combat units, and it needs to be confirmed one by one before we can determine the threat of the Zerg to the group."

Collectors are thinking about how to communicate with other members of the same species hidden in the swarm without attracting the Zerg's attention. This is very difficult, because the collectors do not know the level of control of these combat organisms by the Zerg. There is no guarantee that the Zerg will not notice something.

Radio, body language, code communication of the number of times the membrane wings are flapped, the light of the reproductive nest flashing...every idea was rejected after it appeared in the collector's mind. After thinking about it, the collector has no good solution.

Just when the collector was distressed because he wanted to avoid the attention of the Zerg, the neural nucleus inside the brain of the organism released a series of messages.

[Start, attack, target X people. 】

[The swarm devours everything. 】

The neural nucleus releases instructions, and the biological brain gives feedback to the body after receiving the instructions. These neural currents reach various parts of the body through the neural network controlled by the collector, and then change direction and displacement at high altitude.

The entire swarm air force began to move in a certain direction.

The gatherer has no intention of intervening with the organism, because that would expose the organism's parasitic domination, and it would also be lucky enough to see the Xers who are fighting against the Zerg.

Regarding the X people, there has always been a question in the hearts of the collectors.

An air and space force of the Xs was wiped out in the battle against the Zerg not long ago, not because they looked down on the Xs, the Xs air and space force did kill many flying creatures of the Zerg, but if At that level, it is impossible for the X people to continue to the present.

"Ninety percent of the planet is occupied by the Zerg. With such a huge number, why can the Xers persist for so many years? There are a large number of Zerg combat units, and the unified dispatching ability is very strong. Logically speaking, a collective A charge can easily destroy the position where the X people are currently stationed."

Except for this flying army of insect swarms with the host organisms of the collected ones, the army of insect swarms in other places are also moving towards the same destination.

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