How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 729: The City of the Xenians

Chapter 729: The City of the Xenians

Walking about five kilometers toward the center of the protective cover, you will find the city of the X people. Just like the cities that the collectors have seen, the city planning of the X people is also divided into three or six grades, with low houses at the very edge. The law and order here is very bad, and the environment is very poor. Robbery and theft often occur in the alleys between houses. The collectors passing by happened to encounter two small forces of X people fighting in the alleys. .

It’s really absurd to say that the Xs army on the edge of the shield is fighting with alien races, and the Xs inside the shield are also fighting with their own kind. It’s not good to use that energy to deal with enemies of civilization ?

If you want to say where the law and order is the best on the edge of the city, it is the main passage leading to the interior of the city. The closer to the main passage, the better the security, because the main passage is guarded by troops. There will be, but there will be no robberies, and there will be no shootouts.

Separating the edge from the interior of the Xen city is a towering city wall, constructed of ceramic composite material, on which can be seen some forts.

The collectors who came here almost thought that they were dazzled. They knew the role of the city wall. Even if there was no siege battle for the amoeba, and even ground warfare had become history, the observation of other alien civilizations could still make them Learned the concept of 'city wall', just like the protective cover, the design of the city wall is to defend against external enemy attacks.

However, things like city walls are impossible to defend against all types of Zerg units. The city walls of units flying in the sky cannot stop them, and combat units on the ground can also bypass the city walls by moving through the ground.

In other words, no matter how thick and strong the city wall is, when it is put into battle, it can only be a large decoration, making the battlefield look a little bit more epic, and it is useless other than that .

During the period of fighting another civilization, being forced into a desperate situation, and spending huge resources to build such a useless wall, the collectors immediately felt that the high-level brains of the X people were corroded by sulfuric acid.

Although there are many tall forts on the city wall, the defenders on them are very lax. When the collectors passed by, they saw many Xs soldiers on guard dozing sleepily.

After climbing over the city wall of the X people, the environment suddenly changed. Tall buildings stood tall, the streets became tidy, and the streets were decorated with low vegetation, and there was no scene of sewage flowing across. It is an illusion of two worlds.

Although there are also thefts, but very few, whether it is the theft method or the amount, it is far from being compared with the theft on the edge of the wall. There is no such thing as robbery. Once it happens, it will be a big event that can affect an area. There are X people who specialize in law and order to deal with it.

The market is bustling with people in various costumes and larvae walking on the streets. There is no tension in the war at all. You must know that there are Zerg units attacking them outside the protective shield.

"These Xers didn't panic at all because of the Zerg attack outside the shield. On the other hand, they understood that similar Zerg attacks had happened many times, and they were used to it."

Collectors deduced this phenomenon, because the Zergs had attacked many times, and the Xers had become numb and even used to it, so they no longer felt afraid of the Zergs' attacks.

This is a very reasonable deduction. Long before the collectors received the distress signal from the X people, the X people were fighting against the Zerg, and after the collectors received the signal and arrived at the current star system, it also passed For more than twenty-two years, such a long time span, if the protective shield can always exist stably to protect the X people, the X people will undoubtedly eliminate the fear of the Zerg outside the protective shield. After all, it is impossible for those Zerg units to cross Shields hurt them.

"Assuming that the shield is a certain position, then the shield generator must be in the very center."

The gatherer who was thinking like this, headed towards the city center of the X people.

The X people have only one city, and the lights of this city can be directly observed with the naked eye from low-Earth orbit. It took a lot of time for the collectors to travel to the center of the city.

Several times the collector thought about flying directly there, but out of safety considerations, he dismissed the idea, anyway, it was not in a hurry.

The closer to the center of the city, the taller the buildings, but the number of people decreased. Those slightly crowded streets became wider, and the number of patrolling soldier squads increased significantly.

Gatherers who climbed to the top of a tall building could see the building in the middle of the city. It was the tallest building in the entire X people city, ten times higher than the surrounding tall buildings, like a grassland. The bushes that grow, the surrounding buildings are weeds, and the building in the middle is that bush.

Moving forward, the collectors once again encountered a city wall, which was higher than the previous one, and the garrison soldiers were not as loose as before.

From weapons to actions, the collectors can deduce that these Xs soldiers are at least the backbone of the Xs army, even if they are not elite.

"It's really heavily guarded, no worse than the guards on the edge of the protective cover. It seems that I guessed right. This is related to the protective cover itself..."

If not, the collectors couldn't think of any reason to guard so strictly, except for these guard soldiers, there are many kinds of ray scanners everywhere, and the high-energy rays in them are harmful to the Xs.

But this is not a problem for the collector, as long as it is careful enough, it is confident that it will not be discovered by the X people.

On the other side of the city wall that was blocked by the collectors, the water transport vehicle that the collectors are familiar with is parked there. Hank, who escaped from the outside of the protective cover, is reporting to his chief and completing the transportation by the way. Handover of water vehicles.

"Hank, thanks to the sea water you brought back, otherwise we might be in danger this time."

The officer looked at the water transport vehicle and praised Hank. The sea water is directly related to the entire X people. Strictly speaking, Hank saved all the existing X people.

"You're being serious," Hank replied.

"Not at all. If the hydrogen gas from electrolysis of seawater hadn't become the reaction fuel of nuclear fusion, the artifact that lost the power generated by the nuclear fusion reactor would no longer be able to protect us."

"...It's just a pity for Thomson and the others, alas, there are too many heroes in this era."

Thinking of the air and space troops that Hank and the others evacuated to cover Hank, the chief sighed.

"Commander, we can no longer hesitate anymore. Those bugs are evolving, and they will one day adapt to the barrier, just like they adapt to our camouflage color." Hank said.

The officer known as the commander fell silent for a moment, then nodded.

"...I will consider reporting to the higher authorities."

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