How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 838 Thirty-two Battlefields

Chapter 838 Thirty-two Battlefields

Therefore, the attacked territory of the Povre hegemony could not defeat the gatherer clusters attacking them at all. At best, they could only hold them back and wait for the main force to arrive.

However, this is the problem. There are only so many main forces of the hegemony of Bovre. Should they be distributed to thirty-two battlefields?

The combat power of many garrisons could not wait until the last moment for the arrival of the main force of their Bovre hegemon.

Faced with such a situation, of course the decision-makers of the Povre hegemony can't sit still, then they really have no way out!

So they decided to take the bottom line, give up the defense of the territory, and gather all their combat power to build a final line of defense.

"Order from the main star! Give up the territory! Fully shrink!"

The garrison commander gave orders to his subordinates who were still engaged.

The subordinates were in an uproar, and some of them asked in surprise, "What?! What about the people who have not been evacuated from other planets?"

"I can only give up." The garrison commander replied helplessly.

Such an answer is obviously impossible for the soldiers to accept that there are hundreds of millions of people living on a planet, not to mention that among these people are their families.

"Do you know what you're talking about?! My family is also inside. Do you think I will give up my family for the order of the main star? I tell you, it's impossible!"

The answer was extremely firm. Xia Ke Shang was a rare thing among the highly hierarchical Povre hegemony. Once this happened, it meant that the soldiers were at risk of mutiny.

The garrison commander asked angrily, "It won't help if you stay here. There are too many amoebas. They attack all the territories in one go. If they don't fully shrink their forces, it means that the hegemony of Povre will become History! Our race will become history! Do you understand the seriousness of it!"

"Which is more important, your family or your race? Tell me!"

The garrison commander's question made the soldiers stunned, and they didn't know how to answer.

Reason tells them that they should agree with their boss's words, but their sensibility cannot accept it. Asking them to voluntarily give up protecting their families is equivalent to killing their own family members?

"Do you also think the same?" The garrison commander continued to ask.

"You can't defend the amoeba's attack at all. If you stay, you will die. It is an inevitable failure! If you choose to evacuate, we, Povre, will have the ability to stabilize the front line and buy more time to seek a counterattack. Although this choice cannot save your family, at least it can avenge your family!"

"As long as you are not stupid, you should know what choice you should make!"

In the end, most people chose the garrison commander, and only a few people still stubbornly chose to stay and dedicate their lives to the task of protecting the people and fighting against the collectors.

"Charge! Defend the homeland!"

With a cry, these warriors fought desperately with the collectors without fear of death.

However, in the real battlefield, heroes do not exist. They are very brave. That’s right. They are unwilling to give up protecting their families and compatriots behind them even though they know they will fail. However, being brave does not enhance combat effectiveness.

No one interfered with the effectiveness of the Ripple Megastructure. When the space-time ripples covered the entire star system, all means of attack by these heroic warriors were declared ineffective.

"I can't use the spirit domain?!"

"Me too!"

"It's the spiritual domain seal of the amoeba clan!"


The soldiers who were engaged in the battle suddenly lost their weapons, and the result is self-evident...

After one battle after another, the advancement of the strategy was much easier than the collectors had expected at the beginning. A considerable part of this was due to the contraction of the defense of the Bovor hegemon.

But the collectors didn't know this, thinking that their strategic deployment had a miraculous effect, just hitting the weakness of the hegemony of Beaufort.

"It's too easy. Sure enough, as long as there are enough ripples to exert their effects, these aliens who are extremely dependent on the spiritual realm will be vulnerable."

"When we win this battle, which aspect of information is better for us to dig out from the minds of the captured prisoners?"

Some individuals have started to think about it before the war is over, which is pride in the eyes of other collectors. Although consecutive victories are indeed worthy of pride for collectors, pride is not advisable after all.

Some collectors reminded, "Don't be in a hurry to cheer for the victory. Our opponent is not simple, and there should be a backup."

"So what if there are backhands? The backhands must be related to the spiritual realm. If they can't use the spiritual realm, they won't be able to make the backhands take effect. They must be defeated." The individual replied nonchalantly.

In the eyes of many collectors, this is the case. With the giant structure of ripples, those aliens who rely extremely on the spiritual realm to form their combat effectiveness will be vulnerable.

On the main planet, the capital of the Bofur hegemon, a resolution is being voted on.

Although more than half of the territory of the Povre Hegemony has not been captured by the collectors at this time, the attitude of the collectors has already made the Povre Hegemony have to think about the decision of breaking the boat.

The leader shouted at the meeting, "We have to put all our eggs in one basket! There is not so much time for us to consider the consequences! The threat of the invasion of the amoeba is imminent, and our decision will determine whether the entire race still has a future!"

"Activate the 'Sacrifice of the Dead' to resist the attack of the amoeba, and then start voting."

After the leader's proclamation, a high-ranking member of the Beaufort Hegemon began to vote.

All because this matter is of great importance, even in the extremely centralized Bovre Hegemony, the leader alone has no right to make a decision, and the entire Bovre Hegemony's decision-making layer is required.





"Unanimously approved, the 'Sacrifice of the Dead' will be carried out!" The leader announced the result.

During the battle, those fighters who lost their combat effectiveness due to the influence of the Ripple giant structure somehow regained their combat effectiveness, and the scale of spiritual power that can be called is even larger.

"I, I feel power, endless power!"

"Counterattack! This is the rear using secret techniques to provide us with boosts! Seize this opportunity!"

For a while, the collectors' offensive was forcibly contained. Without the use of the giant structure of ripples to seal the spiritual domain, the collectors could not get much benefit on the frontal battlefield.

Of course, there is no big disadvantage, and even maintains a numerical advantage, but it cannot continue to advance the front like before.

On the other hand, the people on many colonized planets of the hegemony of Bofur are undergoing certain changes, and their bodies are gradually becoming transparent.

"What's going on?! Why am I disappearing! No, someone will save me, help..."

"Who will save my child, woo woo woo..."

"My legs, my legs..."

"I haven't lived enough. I don't want to die like this."

Countless people were wailing at a loss, while an old man who knew the truth sat beside the tombstone, looking up at the sky.

"Ahem, cough, it's actually a sacrificial offering from the dead... Is the enemy really so terrifying?"

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