How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 843 The subject changed hands

Chapter 843: Subject Changes Hands

"Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious, I just live in your body."

Seemingly sensing the host's despair, the collector offered comfort.

"Please, is it okay to leave my body?" the parasitized Bofur begged the gatherer.

"You cooperate with us, and after the matter is over, I will leave your body."

"Cooperation? What do you amoebas want me to do?"

The new host who was parasitized became alert, he did not immediately agree, but asked back.

The collectors didn't intend to shy away from it, and explained directly.

"Help us find more hosts."

When the new host was about to refuse, the collector continued to supplement.

"Don't be afraid, we just simply live in their bodies. Other than that, we won't do anything, let alone use you as a seedbed for breeding."

"Why should I trust you?"

Subjectively, the new host is willing to trust the collector, because in this way he can survive.

Not everyone can sacrifice and contribute for the righteousness of the race. Among the Bovor hegemons, more people are still mostly selfish.

"I'll show you something."

The collector transmits the influence of the stellar material collection to the retina of the new host, allowing him to truly 'see' the collection of the stellar material.

At the same time, the collector explained

"This is the way we obtain material. We directly mine the material that absorbs the main-sequence star. The mass of all of you into a ball is not enough for one ten-thousandth of this large-scale mining..."

"So you probably don't understand. Let me put it another way. All of you together are far from enough for a small amount of the materials we need to multiply individuals. It is a waste of time to use you as a seedbed for reproduction."

However, even if this is the case, the other party cannot be completely convinced, after all, images can be edited.

The new host asked unceremoniously, "Then why are you parasitic in my body like this now? Do you think I will be easily deceived by you?"

"The parasite on you is purely for the purpose of defeating your current ruling regime. When this ruling regime is destroyed and replaced, I will leave. Your body is not special, and there is nothing very valuable about it."

The new host fell into silence, as if he was thinking about how to make a decision. The problems that the host who was executed had faced were now before him, a former bystander.

"How? Have you figured it out? As long as you are willing to cooperate with us, the current war can be ended with minimal casualties." The gatherer asked.

It is meaningful for people to live, since choosing to support their own race will lead to death, it is better to choose to live for themselves - the new host decided so, anyway, if the amoeba did not deceive him, he would choose to live for himself It is not regarded as betraying one's own race, and there will be no psychological burden at all.

"Okay! I will cooperate with you!"

"Pleasant cooperation."

There was more than one new host who was parasitized, and they all made the same choice. After seeing the horror of the execution, apart from chilling and self-interest, they would never choose to sacrifice for the race.

These parasitic new hosts were commanded by the collectors to secretly drop virus bodies into the water, food and other places of the major cities on the main star of the capital.

At this time, the disadvantages of mastering the superluminal technology are revealed, and the parasitic host can run around the world's cities in a short time.

When the Bofur hegemons were unprepared, let more Bofur people be parasitized by the collectors.

In just two days, the number of people parasitized exceeded three-quarters of the world's total population.

All of a sudden, the ruling regime of the Pouvre hegemony became a minority in the entire civilization. Could it be that such a large number of parasites were all executed?

Obviously not, if the frontline fighters know that their family members were killed in the rear when they were fighting on the front line, it is certain that they will defect.

But it can't be left alone, because these parasitized people want their regime to fall.

On the one hand, they hope that the collectors parasitic in their bodies can get out as soon as possible. Even if the collectors promise not to hurt them, they are very dissatisfied with being used as a bargaining chip.

On the other hand, the previous ruling class couldn't wait to show the "ugly" side of the amoeba, and the public execution of killing chickens to make an example to monkeys, it is very cool to be a bystander and watch the fun alone, but it is extremely terrifying to be on the scene, for the parasitized , the current ruling regime is like a knife on their necks, and they don't know when they will cut off their heads.

Based on this, subjectively, the parasitized people tend to be on the collector side. After all, the amoeba only borrows their bodies for a period of time, and the ruling regime directly wants their lives.

As a result, the ruling class of the Beaufort hegemony was at an extremely contradictory point, not knowing what to do.

But time will not wait for them. The remaining Bouvier people who are not parasitized at the bottom take the initiative to move closer to the parasitized. The collective has centripetal force. When the majority suddenly becomes a minority in society one day, they They will take the initiative to change themselves to cater to the majority.

The distraught ruling regime launched the decision of 'parasitic treatment'. Simply put, it is to treat the parasitized person and get rid of the collector in the body.

However, because he was so anxious about the current situation, he rushed to launch treatment, which became a reminder for the ruling regime.

The treatment method still relies on the spiritual domain, allowing the spiritual domain to remove the collectors from the body of the parasite.

But things are not that simple.

The collectors replace part of the original cranial nerves of the Bofur people's brains. The part of the cranial nerves they use as their own is now directly removed by the spiritual realm. drop a part.

What are the consequences? Everyone has become a fool and a vegetable.

Such a method is frightening. The people don't know whether the treatment happened by accident or intentionally by the ruling regime. In short, they are very afraid, which intensifies their distrust of the current regime.

The final result is self-evident. The ruling class of the Pouvre hegemon lost the ruling foundation of the people at the bottom in just a few days and became lonely.

As a rebellion broke out from within, the warriors who fought the foragers on the front lines turned to the embrace of the new regime.

Yes, the war ended just like that, without the collectors even needing to capture the headquarters on the main star of the enemy's capital, the Povre hegemony just became history, and reorganized into another regime that was fairly friendly to the collectors.

According to the agreement, the collectors relieved the parasitism of the low-level people. On the day when all the parasitism was relieved, the Bouvier people who survived the catastrophe happily held a grand celebration to celebrate that the parasitic amoeba could finally get out. up.


"We should leave as soon as possible. If we stay in this star system, we will be hit by a catastrophe."

"Wait a minute, the individuals who went to the main planet of the capital of Povre to search for information said that they had already found information about the mass destruction." The cluster leader replied.

While the two were talking, another new individual accelerated into the communication.

"New discovery! We have found the location of the energy source of great destruction!"

"The general direction strategy of the ethnic group is wrong! The strategy needs to be readjusted!"

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