How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 888 100,000-year deadline

Chapter 888 100,000-year deadline

"Since it's unavoidable, can we give some time for the amoeba to find a suitable 'body' to replace us? We are willing to pay enough for the time." Hogu asked.

Huogu's proposal, the master of the spiritual domain agreed.

[Yes, but not for too long. 】

"How long is the specific time limit?"

Hearing a sentence with a metaphor of interpretation power, Huogu asked vigilantly.

[According to the standards of your earthlings, one hundred thousand years. 】


One hundred thousand years is a long time for people on earth. If converted into the history of China, it is equivalent to an expansion of twenty times. This is a long time long enough to make human beings drunk.

But for amoebas who are looking for a suitable replacement 'body', 100,000 years is really too short. Even if it is a planet with a sound ecological circle, it will take a long time to breed a civilization from scratch. Hundreds of thousands of years are short.

That is to say, the master of the spiritual domain only allows amoebas to search for them, but not to cultivate them in situ.

This may be because of the civilization experiment that Fai carried out...

Huo Gu was guessing in his mind, he wasn't sure if his analysis was correct, but the analysis still had to be done.

It asked Ming to convey their situation and the purpose of the spirit realm to the amoeba as a whole, all of which were done with the permission of the master of the spirit realm.

【Okay, Hogu, I've already told them. 】

"I hope they can figure out their situation and how the amoeba should go in the future."

[They never let you down, do they? So relax. 】

The moment the communication ended, the environment around Huogu and the others changed, as if they were covered with a water curtain, and the light and shadow were distorting, disappearing from this world where water and sky meet the boundless wilderness.

The huge figure of the master of the spiritual realm is also constantly blurring until it completely disappears.

Two celestial-sized chairs are left alone, quietly, quietly, facing each other for eternity.


The information released by Ming, through Lingyu as a channel, completed the coverage broadcast of the river system in a few years, and all successors without exception received Lingyu's purpose against the amoeba, as well as the hogu Failed negotiations with the Lord.

The strength of the enemy and the powerlessness of the group make the successors feel humiliated. If the group is strong enough to make Lingyu feel powerless, why is their supreme will forced to negotiate with the enemy?

So in the final analysis, it is because of their incompetence!

The Supreme Will trusts them so much, and even gives them the supreme authority of the race, but they are incompetent, but they have no way to help the Supreme Will!

This is a great irony for the successor!

The wrath of the successors is burning!

"There is nothing to be afraid of. Our next enemy is the Lingyu, just defeat them!"

"That's right, Lingyu has always been hostile to the ethnic group and is a potential enemy, but now it has clearly jumped to the opposite side of the ethnic group!"

The thinking of the main battle occupies the main body of the successor group. Since stepping out of the star system, which alien race dared to provoke such an amoeba and survived? No!

All the scum of the seventh level in the gate world is gone except for the revealers!

However, when the angry successors were thinking about the group's strategy for the spiritual domain, they noticed a problem, which cooled the anger of many successors.

"But how do we defeat Lingyu, a creation that was designed with 'Almighty God' as a template?"

"The template is just a template, and it is not really omnipotent. Hui's destruction proves the failure of the design of the spiritual domain. As long as the group reaches that height, even the spiritual domain is nothing but the scum that was ravaged by us."

There is a successor who is full of disdain. Such disdain is based on confidence in the ethnic group. This successor believes that the ethnic group will inevitably surpass Hui civilization and become an existence that the spiritual realm looks up to.

No successor will doubt whether the future of the ethnic group can surpass Hui civilization.

But here comes the problem again. The spiritual domain has given a specific time limit. The remaining time of the ethnic group is not much, only 100,000 years. Can they surpass the Hui civilization and the spiritual domain within 100,000 years?

"There is only 100,000 years, can we reach it?" Someone asked this question.

Immediately afterwards, another successor who thought about strategy asked his own question.

"Even if we want to defeat Lingyu, how should we start?"

As for the understanding of the spiritual domain, other than knowing that the other party is the crystallization of Hui civilization technology, a god-like creation made with the "Almighty God" as a template, and some of its own laws and history of the spiritual domain, the successors know nothing.

Especially the structure, the ghost knows what principle the situation in Lingyu is based on, anyway, no successor can understand it.

If you don't understand the structure, how can you attack the weak points? The successors currently don't even know how to harm Lingyu.

Enter the spirit realm and drop black hole bombs everywhere?

Forget it, that kind of attack can't even destroy the Lingzun, so how can it destroy the Lingyu? It can be destroyed long ago.

Thinking about it carefully, with the continuation of the ethnic group as the starting point, the answer given by the Lord of the Spiritual Realm seems to be the most feasible way out during the negotiations between Huogu and the Lord.

Therefore, a successor suggested, "Or, it would be more practical to find a suitable replacement 'body' for the ethnic group?"

"Uh... which side to choose?"

One side is the main battle, and the other side is to find a suitable "body" for the ethnic group. Many successors feel that the two sides have similar principles, and they don't know which side to agree with for a while.

Thinking broke their rigid decision-making thinking.

"Choice? What is there to choose? The two choices are not absolute opposites. Why not have them all? Proliferate individuals if the number is not enough! There is no time-space distortion that hinders the ethnic group. We can go to other river systems, where there are large areas. Material resources!"

The successors came to this belatedly.

"Si, you're right, stupid idiots choose one, we both!"

Next, the successors disassembled the stars that traveled across the galaxy, and the previously constructed supergiant-mass organisms were built in batches.

This kind of supergiant star-mass creature is the creature with the highest degree of space-time distortion among all the creatures of the group, because they have the gravitational ring with the largest mass, and also have the negative matter storage ring with the largest carrying capacity.

Successors don't want to spend a lot of time running from river to river.

Si didn't participate in it, but stayed alone in a certain place, browsing the gravitational wave information given by Ming over and over again, thinking quietly.

"What's wrong?"

The successor who came to deliver information to Si asked Si, and it did not understand Si's behavior very well.

"I always feel that the information Ming gave us is not so simple, I have to study it carefully, maybe there will be some new discoveries..."

"Ah, by the way, has the permanent body been found? Is the solid-state brain still intact?"

Withdrawing God's thoughts from his thoughts, he hurriedly asked.

Some successors were sent out by Si to collect the solid-state brains in the remains of all the foragers, especially the perpetual ones. The current group needs an individual with strong enough leadership.

If the ethnic group wants to face head-to-head with Lingyu in the future, a cohesive center must exist, and perpetuity is very suitable.

"Found it, the solid-state brain is still intact."

"Go to revive it. At this time, the ethnic group needs it very much, and other ancient collectors are also resurrected. The current successor has not existed for a long time, and some things are still not good."

Think about assigning tasks to successors.


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