Chapter 91 Private

"Another large settlement has been wiped out..."

"It seems to be a settlement in Luo'an, heh, I thought it would last longer, what a waste."

"They don't seem to intend to stop. At the current speed, they should be able to advance to us soon."

"In this way, isn't it more beneficial to us?"

On the surface, the leaders of the most powerful forager settlements gathered in one place. These settlements attacked other settlements when they first thawed, seized the ice-melting area, and expanded their power.

The expansion of strength means the rise of the overall strength, and then continues to expand, like a snowball, becoming bigger and bigger, becoming a behemoth.

Each of these settlements, except for large settlements of the same level, can unilaterally attack small settlements around the world. Even if the equipment is still a stone dagger, the huge gap in size makes them completely incomparable .

On Earth, due to the backwardness of information transmission, many powerful empires could no longer continue to expand after expanding to a certain territory, and turned to internal friction.

The unscrupulously expanding large settlements are not worried about this kind of thing. Although the life field channel also has a relatively serious delay, compared with the ancient communication system on the earth that took ten and a half months to know the border news, it can already be regarded as a is very efficient.

If it weren't for several large settlements to contain each other, there probably wouldn't be any small settlements.

The leaders of the settlements were talking and laughing, and they didn't seem to care too much about the successive destruction of small settlements, but this was not the case for all of them.


"We are here to discuss countermeasures, are you so inconsiderate?"

"Our enemy is perpetual! Do you know perpetual? Don't you realize the seriousness of the problem now?"

The almost frantic leader of the settlement questioned in the channel. It is the organizer of this gathering. It is aware of the imminent death that cannot be avoided, so it organizes this gathering and wants to gather all its strength. , to find a way to survive, but now it seems...

"Don't be so excited, boil, take it easy, lest you spoil the good atmosphere."

"That Eternal Continuity is nothing more than an outdated leader who has been arguing all day to save the Supreme Will. What happened? Has it been rescued?"

"That's right, Bo, we know that your settlement will be the first to clash with those guys, but if you mess up like this, it's too ugly, right?"

"Don't panic, Yongxuan's outdated leader doesn't know what fighting is at all, and their brutal fighting methods, even if they rush to your gathering place, I'm afraid it will be extremely exhausting."

"Boil, otherwise, our Mocha settlement will reinforce your 100 million labor force, what do you think?"

"The number of individuals on my side is relatively tight, so I will temporarily allocate five million labors to you, and by the way, there is enough food to support 100 million individuals."

"As for weapons, I can give you some reinforcements. The stone dagger is 200 million, how about it? Is it generous enough?"

All the major settlements expressed their opinions one after another, but Fei didn't show any joy at this time.

"What's the matter, Bo? Do you think the reinforcement supplies are not enough?"

"As the organizer, I called you here this time because I hope to talk about the joint attack."

As soon as Bo's words came out, the attitudes of the settlement leaders who had been calm just now began to become ambiguous, talking about him from left to right.

"Actually, our settlement also has difficulties..."

"Many things in the settlement still need manpower, and they are too busy..."

"You also understand that we are right behind your settlement. If they suddenly detour, our settlement will be in a very dangerous situation."

"It's not that you don't want to help, but it takes time to organize and mobilize, doesn't it?"

Even though they said so, through the channel, Bo could feel the 'lie' they blatantly displayed.

"I... I see."

It is a lie to say that Huo Da is not, Bo is very clear, these guys want it to die quickly, so that it can annex its big settlement, not only one less opponent, but also increase the power of its own settlement, even if its settlement cannot stop it Continuing the offensive, it will definitely bring heavy losses to Yongshang, and the abacus is clanging.

The so-called reinforcements are actually almost nothing. Labor cannot be used as an effective combat force at all. For the environment that has been thawed, it can be said that there is no shortage of food at all, and the stone dagger is still a little help.

The gathering of these traitors on the surface ended in this kind of intrigue, and the so-called joint operation fell through.

Soon, it's time for Eternal to battle the best of these traitors.

Bo's side has long been prepared, and hundreds of millions of collectors lined up to build a huge wall with no end in sight.

These are the collectors who attacked other small settlements during this period of Yongxuan. Boiling here seized the time to reproduce asexually, in order to gain a certain advantage in numbers in this battle with Yongxuan.

And against these hundreds of millions of people, there are only a few dozen supply teams, and the total number does not even exceed a thousand.

"Permanent, isn't this amount too..."

The collectors in a supply team couldn't help showing embarrassment.

"What? Are you scared?"

"No, it's not that I'm afraid, it's just that we know that we will lose and pay back...the order of magnitude gap between us is too big, and you know that we can't delay too much time."

The collector explained to Perpetual.

"Don't worry, I understand what you're talking about. I've prepared a 'surprise' for these betrayers early in the morning."


The supply team, which was still under pressure from hundreds of millions of enemies, showed curiosity. They couldn't imagine anything that could deal with these hundreds of millions of enemies.

Perpetual release of information, all the supply teams only felt a strong current gushing out, knocking them upside down and stirring up a sea of ​​sand and mud.

When the sand and mud settled, the object revealed its real body, the cone in the genetic memory, the outer shell of the titanium alloy structure, it was a titanium snail.

"Today, you just need to pack up the follow-up corpses."

After giving orders to the supply team, under their somewhat confused gazes, Yong Xu turned to talk to the titanium snails.

"This time, I will leave the battlefield to you. Let those traitors know what the fate of betraying their will is."

"give it to me."

A simple reply, followed by another strong current, the high speed in the water brought about by the reaction of sodium and water, makes the titanium snail unstoppable like a sharp sword.

One to hundreds of millions.

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