How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 913 I am here to survive!

Chapter 913 I am here to survive!

act fast...

Above a desert, a sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun continued to blow.

A traveler walked forward in a sandstorm with great difficulty, staggering and staggering.

In the whistling dust, the concerto made vague whispers.

Or maybe it wasn't a whisper, but the roar of some monster.

came here……

The further the traveler moved forward, the more violent the storm felt, and the weirder sound became more and more obvious.

Until the traveler could no longer fight against the violent sandstorm with his own physical strength and had to stop, the traveler looked up and saw the shadow of a city looming in the sandstorm.

As if feeling the eyes of the traveler, the wind and sand became more and more violent, cutting the traveler's skin with bloodstains like a knife.

The roaring sound became more and more obvious as the wind and sand became more and more obvious, something invisible was approaching, and the traveler kept retreating in fear, as if wanting to escape.

Here is your destiny...your future...destined to be so...

Now… act.!



Scott woke up from the nightmare. He looked around haggardly, and after confirming that he was in his own bedroom, not some unnamed desert, he finally calmed down.

"Ha ha……"

The panic made his skin turn pale, and it was not until he calmed down for a long time that his skin returned to its normal blue-purple color.

Scott is a detective. During a client's mission, he came into contact with something that shouldn't be touched. Since then, he has been haunted by nightmares, and they are all the same dream.

A piece of barren sand, with sandstorms blowing all over the sky, a city, and whispers coming from nowhere...

"It can't go on like this."

Scott went to wash his face, looked at himself haggard in the mirror, and made up his mind to make a break with his nightmare.

He picked up the picture frame, and in the picture frame was his child.


Mumbling to himself for a while, Scott put the photo frame on a weird pattern on the table.

This is a pattern that Scott has accidentally known in several dangerous situations. Although he does not know the principle of this pattern, this pattern is not protective, but it can make those hiding things feel disgusted. keep away.

Scott didn't think there was a soul before, but now, he felt that doing so would keep his child's soul away from those things in the dark.

Saying goodbye to his child in front of the photo frame, Scott took all the things he should bring and left resolutely. He was going to find the source of the nightmare and eradicate it.

Make or die.


Across the stars, a huge cluster of successors arrived at the destination river system.

They did not rush into the river system, but stayed outside the river system, constantly collecting observed information, and enriching and expanding the star map.

"Here, and here, are very empty, very suitable as a place to open a wormhole."

The successors have marked many empty areas from the star map. There are no planets, no stars, and no extreme celestial bodies and nebulae in these places, which are quite close to the absolute vacuum environment.

In such a region where the mass body is extremely thin, it is most suitable for successors to arrange wormholes.

The wormhole will collapse due to gravity. Although the successors can rely on negative mass to resist the collapse caused by gravity, in any case, the fewer factors that are affected by the wormhole, the better, especially this kind of crossing river system. of wormholes.

"The distance is relatively far, and the information is delayed. It needs to be calculated again to determine the current spatial coordinates of these places."

Someone reminded that the scale of the river system is very large, and the spectral information can only be obtained from the delayed information of a long time ago, and some calculations are needed to calculate the real position of these coordinates at the current time point.

The cluster leader agrees, and it issues instructions.

"Priority is to send super-light-speed creatures to investigate again. The wormholes pulled by creatures are limited, and unknown variables cannot affect the safety of wormholes."

Variables naturally refer to the native civilization of the river system, monsters in the spiritual domain, and other factors that can affect the development of wormholes by the ethnic group, and the successors are very clear about this.


A group of faster-than-light creatures were assigned to set off and head straight for various open areas in the river system.


After many twists and turns and several years of time, Scott finally set foot on the desert that has always existed in his nightmares.

During this period of time, he has experienced a lot, he has been chased and killed by monsters, he has been cursed by cultists, and he has faced incomprehensible things...

Through the intelligence fragments from various channels, Scott finally learned the truth of the world.

Gods exist, and they ruled the world and enslaved everything in that ancient era.

They are the ancient rulers who have long been forgotten in the past years.

Scott also found out that his nightmare came from one of the ancient gods, the wind and sand snake "Sihe" of the Yellow Sand Sect. According to the Yellow Sand Sect, he is the chosen son of the gods, destined to was sacrificed.

Most of the cultists who attacked him came from the Huangsha Sect.

Scott, who now knows everything, is going to go to the wind and sand capital 'Jamola' where the evil god Sige sleeps, to end with this evil god.

During this period of time, nightmares became more and more frequent, and even walking on the road would lead to nightmares. Scott was not so much planning to make a break with the evil god, but rather wanted to drag the evil spirit to die.

The desert where Sihe lives does not exist above ground, but underground is the legendary underground world.

Stepping into this strange yet familiar underground desert, Scott was about to head towards Yemenla, but he didn't expect to be suddenly attacked from behind.

When Scott woke up from the drowsiness, he found that he had been stripped naked and tied to a wooden frame, in the center of a strange formation on the floor of the wooden frame.

"Son of God, you are awake."

A masked cultist steps forward.

Scott on the wooden frame looked terrible. The Yellow Sand Sect should have been destroyed by his coalition government a long time ago, but now it appeared here and attacked him.

"All of this is a trap, is it arranged by you?"

"That's right, this desert of gods, without the guidance of the God's Chosen, we mortals can't reach it, everything is for you to bring us here."

The masked cultist responded.

"My nightmare is also your fault?"

"No, God chose you."

The cultist shook his head, holding a strange dagger in his hand, and stabbed at Scott, his blood spread to the upper and lower formations, and the circle of cultists surrounding the formation began to whisper and pray .

Accompanied by the prayer, there was also a restless wind and sand.

During the whistling, an invisible thing is gathering, and that is the forgotten ancient god of the wind and sand snake 'Sihe'!

"Great Sihe! Come down!"

"The stars have arrived at the correct position! Let the reincarnation of this world restart again!"

"Sandstorm! Sandstorm! Give me salvation!"

The Wind and Sand Snake was condensing, but it carried an incomparable anger.

"Advent? Salvation? Reincarnation?"

"Stupid mortal! All I do is to survive!"

The Wind and Sand Snake, which fully showed its figure, twisted its huge body, preparing to tear open the passage leading to the spiritual realm.

But the moment the passage was torn open again, it collapsed suddenly.

"No—! It's too late! Everything is too late!"

The Wind and Sand Snake neighed in despair.

For the safety of the wormhole, so as to prevent the creatures in the spiritual domain from running out to cause trouble, the successors arranged a giant structure of ripples in this area...

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