How to become a full-time hunter

Chapter 25 Machi's First Appearance

"What? Player Lu Man lifted up the stone slab with his bare hands! Player Li Nongduo is in crisis, and his whip can't defend against this move!"

Li Yanduo was indeed surprised, but just surprised.

This move does not constitute fatal damage to him, and he can quickly control the wheelchair to change direction.

[Explosive propulsion]!


As the wheelchair advanced at high speed, Li Nianduo barely managed to avoid the blow.

"Huh? Where is his kid?"

Lu Man disappeared? !

No, Lu Mann was hiding behind the stone slab.

When the stone slab is about to hit the ground, strike hard!


The huge stone slab cracked into fragments, shooting towards Li Nongduo like bullets.

Because Li Yanduo was pushing too fast, his body lost balance and he stopped waving his whip.

So, he couldn't stop these fragments!

Li Yanduo gritted his teeth and prepared to activate the "explosive propulsion" again!


Just listen to the sound of wheels, but the wheelchair doesn't move at all!

Li Yanduo panicked and tried again.


Still only the sound of wheels could be heard, but no movement was seen.

‘Damn it! The car broke down at a critical moment? ’

Li Yanduo thought to himself.

In fact, it was not the case. It was Lu Man who controlled the wheelchair.

It was not a profound method. Lu Man just used his thoughts to raise the wheel a little so that it did not touch the ground.

Lu Mann was following behind the gravel, and Li Yanduo even saw his raised fist.

"Stop! I give up! I give up!"

Although Lu Man stopped his fist, the rapidly flying gravel would not stop.

“Bang bang bang”

Li Nongduo and his wheelchair were knocked to the ground by rubble. The man was vomiting blood and dying. The car had been smashed and could no longer be used.

In the end, many players were carried off the field.

"Let us congratulate Lu Man. He created a miracle again today! He declared with a wave of three consecutive victories that he is not afraid of anyone on the 200th floor! He is no longer a rookie player!"

Lu Mann walked into the post-match tunnel, ready to tell Yun Gu the good news.

“Good job~”

There was a voice in the darkness, and a figure stepped out of the shadows.


"Well, I didn't expect you to do it so quickly. Are you anxious to fight me?" Hisoka showed a smirk.

"I'm fighting them for my own sake, and it has nothing to do with you." Lu Man said warily.

"Anyway, you have fulfilled our agreement brilliantly. As a reward, how about fighting tomorrow?"

Lu Man sighed, "I don't think I made some kind of agreement with you."

"Oh, don't say that, I've always been optimistic about you since the hunter test~"

"Let's go and submit the application." Lu Man didn't answer and walked out first.

"Uh-huh~ I've already finished filling it out. You can go alone." Hisoka said standing there.

After a while, another figure emerged from the shadows.

"Is this your new toy?" It was a female voice. "It doesn't seem like much."

"Did you call me here just because of him?"

"Machi, long time no see." Hisoka smiled.

A short but graceful girl walked out of the shadows, her fluffy hair tied back into a ponytail, and her loose clothes could not hide her petite but curvy figure.

Madge rolled her eyes, which did not affect her delicate and stunning appearance at all.

"Don't come, I'm here for business."

The girl put away the thread in her hand, and then began to retie her thick hair.

Hisoka glanced at the corner in the shadow and asked curiously: "What are you hiding there for?"

"I just want to see who can make you spend a lot of money to invite me here."

Hisoka looked at the direction Lu Man was leaving and said with an intoxicated expression, "Of course it's a delicious fruit~"

"Marge, we haven't seen each other for such a long time, why don't we have dinner together?"

Seeing no movement around him, Hisoka turned around and found that the girl had disappeared.

"Tsk, what a pity." Hisoka murmured in a low voice.


"Master Yungu, I won today!"

Yun Gu's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Yes, I knew that was the case."

"When I came back, I met Hisoka. I made an appointment with him to fight tomorrow."

"What! Bang. 'Ah, I'm sorry, Zhixi, I didn't mean it!' Lu Man, wait a minute."

Listening to the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Lu Man felt very warm and couldn't help but smile.

"Ding ding ding..."

After a while, Lu Mann's phone rang.

"Lu Man, quit the fight, you are no match for him! I tell you now, you are qualified! I recognize you!"

"Actually, I recognized you from the day you reached the 200th floor!"

"You graduated! Now, there is no need to prove anything to me."

Listening to Yun Gu's anxious voice on the other end of the phone, Lu Mann was very moved, and then rejected him: "I'm sorry, Master."

"Actually, I'm not trying to be brave. I really want to fight Hisoka once. During the hunter test, I fought him once, but you also know that I didn't know how to read at that time."

"At that time, Hisoka had a playful attitude and did not take it seriously. I can't always compete with those who are weaker than me. I hope to fight against a strong person once and recognize my own gap."

"Besides, Hisoka won't kill anyone, at least not this time."

Lu Man talked so much in one breath.

"Are you sure? He won't kill you?" Apparently Yun Gu only cared about the last sentence.

"Master, the flowers grown in the greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain. Sooner or later I will have to face the strong."

Yun Gu on the other end seemed to be hesitant, and finally said: "Okay, I will take Zhixi to watch the battle tomorrow. The battle is coming, so we need to relax tonight and stay in good condition, you know?"

"I understand, Master."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Man felt calm and didn't feel nervous about tomorrow's game.

There are some things he didn't say to Yun Gu. He couldn't just retreat if he wanted to. The initiative in this battle was in Hisoka's hands.

From reaching the 200th floor to winning three games in a row, it was Hisoka's request.

From the beginning of this game, Lu Mann had no choice!

Lu Man didn't want Yun Gu to worry, so she didn't tell him these things.


"Today's match is particularly eye-catching! Because both sides are extremely popular players! One side is the Death Magician - Hisoka! The other side is the undefeated Lu Man!"

"So far, Hisoka's record is seven wins and three losses! Of course, these three losses are not because Hisoka lost in the game, but because he missed the game time! In a sense, he also has a record of victory!"

"Lu Man's current record is six victories and no defeats!"

"The top contest between two undefeated players is about to begin!"

"Are you nervous?" Hisoka, with one hand on his hip, suddenly asked Lu Man.

Lu Man shook his head and nodded.

Miraculously, Hisoka understood.

"Haha~ I understand, my body is a little scared, but it should be more of excitement, right?"


"The game begins!"

"Come on, Lu Man, let me enjoy the competition! Don't pretend, you should enjoy this feeling too!"

After Hisoka said that, he disappeared instantly.

‘It’s too fast! My body's reaction still can't keep up! ’

Lu Man only felt a flash before his eyes, and there was no trace of Hisoka in his field of vision.

‘It should be in the back, or on top. ’

Lu Man made a quick judgment.


Yun Gu in the audience was shocked!

‘Jian! It’s actually Jian! ’

"Strong", one of the advanced application skills of Nian, is more difficult to control than Ning and Yin. It takes a lot of practice for those with abilities to master the balance.


Lu Man was shaken for a moment, but he seemed to be fine. He was able to withstand Hisoka's attack.

"Oh? It's interesting."

Hisoka was a little surprised, waved his hand slightly, and said with a smile: "You have indeed made great progress, which surprises me."

Lu Man said nothing. After resisting the attack, he immediately canceled the "hard" state.

It's not that Lu Man doesn't want to maintain it, "being firm" requires a lot of effort, and Lu Man simply can't maintain it for too long now!

"I'm relieved if you can learn this. Next, it's just the beginning!" Hisoka said excitedly.

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