Cheng Xu did not arrive the next day as Xu Baichuan was happy.

Most of the communities he lived in were young people between the ages of 20 and 30. They were very different from the villas where he and Tang Jin lived. In the morning, he got up and left Block B where he lived. Thousands of dogs rushed, and hundreds of cats meowed together.

Especially when I first went out, there was a man in his early twenties who was holding a small golden retriever. From the time he saw Xu Baichuan, the golden retriever felt like he had beaten chicken blood. He kept hurrying his sister-in-law in the arms of the owner. The man used to grab the small golden retriever with one hand, and the other was locking the door. Without catching it, the Golden Retriever came off and ran towards Xu Baichuan.

"Salsa!" The man called immediately.

Jin Maoxi, named Sasha, was so tired that she didn't look back. She rushed to the foot of Xu Baichuan, and struck his legs with his thick claws. She tried to climb up his legs, but failed several times, humming around him.

The man locked the door and hurried over, pulled Sarah over, put on a pet rope, smiled at Xu Baichuan with a smile on his face: "This silly dog ​​likes to look handsome."

Xu Baichuan didn't care much. The two walked to the elevator door together. The man's name was Luo Junyu. Twenty-three years ago, he just graduated from college and is now working as a webcaster.

Luo Junyu is quite talkative, there is no city, and he revealed himself after a while. For example, he got up so early today to try a few rounds of salsa and then go to a newly opened online red shop to try.

Salsa kept pounced on Xu Baichuan, and Luo Junyu said implicitly, "Brother, would you mind ..."

Xu Baichuan took the rope cover in an upright manner, and Sasha walked vigorously and suddenly, walking past cats and dogs, just like a dog in the queen.

The two walked around the carousel of the community for a few laps. The refreshing morning was washed away by the heat. Xu Baichuan was slightly sweaty. After scheduling a meal with Luo Junyu, he went upstairs and took a shower. After simply making breakfast, I checked the e-mails while eating. Two of the four resumes I posted yesterday returned e-mails. One was a local gaming club and the other was a well-known online game company.

Xu Baichuan considered one or two, and first responded to the e-sports club email.

The other party quickly called and finalized the interview at nine o'clock.

Xu Baichuan left the campus and immediately entered the workplace. He is still a well-known large company. He has never experienced competition for employment and walked into the conference room slightly nervously. Fortunately, he has seen a lot of big scenes, and he talked quickly, talking about his game experience as many treasures. Interviewing his HR twenty-six, is a personality personality. When Xu Baichuan mentioned that he is particularly good at a certain moba game, he aroused his desire to win or lose. He said that he would discuss with Xu Baichuan in the future.

As soon as the word "after" came out, Xu Baichuan knew it.

After the interview, HR sent him out the door, symbolically let him go home and wait for the notice. As soon as he turned around, he had already discussed with the younger sister around the circle where to place the new handsome boy in order to have a visual effect. maximize. Xu Baichuan couldn't help crying or laughing. It turned out that he had been in a world for too long, and didn't know that the outside world had turned upside down.

Maybe the past seven years were just his unilateral indulgence. The abyss did not touch him much. Instead, he cried and shouted to jump down, and scolded while jumping. Great abyss.

Walking to the side of the road, the mobile phone received a message tones. Turn on the phone and find out that the club's admission notice has arrived. Xu Baichuan marked the short message as a star, and when I returned to the main interface, I found out that I did not know when there were more missed calls. It is very likely that the phone was muted during the interview just before it was not received.

No notes, it is a strange number.

This card was set up in H City after the landing. He hasn't had time to establish his own network. At this time, the person who can make his phone call does not think about it, and directly pulls the number to black.

I was interviewed for the first time in my life, and I was able to pass in such a relaxed and pleasant state. No matter how good, I can imagine how fresh my life will be in the future.

Today ’s tasks have been completed, and there are no young and old men in the family to wait for him. Xu Baichuan pondered that he was initially moving to the new world. How should he celebrate? He found a high-scoring shop nearby to solve himself. Lunch.

After strolling around for a while, I went home. It happened that I met Luo Junyu again at the gate of the community. Luo Junyu just got out of the taxi, holding a glass of iced coffee in his hand. When he saw Xu Baichuan, he quickly waved.

Xu Baichuan stopped to wait for him, and Luo Junyu caught up.

Xu Baichuan asked: "How about the online red shop?"

When Luo Junyu heard this, he suddenly turned into a bitter face: "Don't mention it, it's just terrible-terrible!"

When Luo Junyu opened the box, there was nothing about Xu Baichuan. Just listening to Luo Junyu's experience of trying to poison the fans for the first time was shocking.

too bitter. How did this child live so big?

From the entrance of the community to the elevator, and then to the corridor, Luo Junyu chattered and habitually put his hand on Xu Baichuan's shoulder: "I do n’t hear your accent like a native, tell me what you want to eat , I have tried more poison than you have eaten, and there are no stores in the entire city that I do n’t know. Sasa just likes you. I ’ll take you and Sasa next time— "

Xu Baichuan said in his heart: Stop, please stop talking. Give Sa Sa one last look of decent, that's a male dog! !! !!

With the steps of the two, the voice-activated lights in the corridor turned on one by one, and Luo Junyu's words suddenly turned and said, "Is that your friend?"

Xu Baichuan was listening to Luo Junyu seriously, and when he heard the words, he looked up. Tang Jin, who was leaning against the wall, folded his long legs and stood upright. His gloomy gaze turned back and forth between the two, and fell on Luo Junyu's hands. .

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