"Xu Baichuan, I really don't like you, but I love you."

Xu Baichuan's eyes widened momentarily, and he froze.

This is completely different from what he expected.

Tang Jin didn't give him more reaction time, and said, "I didn't finish the last words-I really liked Song Yuyu, and came out for him, but he chose to leave at that time, and has been with me since then The person is you. "

Bad memories came to mind again, and Xu Baichuan recovered from his brief sorrow, and his white face was a little reddish. Not shy, but angry. He said: "Tang Jin, if you just want to return to the original state, I can cooperate with you. I don't need to ask you to make up these lies, I will not be cheated!"

Tang Jin didn't expect Xu Baichuan's rebounding emotion to be so strong, and he finally got entangled in the words that came out of a mess, and somehow asked, "When did I make up a lie?"

If it is normal, Xu Baichuan probably doesn't want to be troublesome, what Tang Jin said is what it is, as long as there is less argument. But this time it was hard to bear-he wanted Tang Jin's true love, not to leave a word he uttered casually. It would be too insulting if Tang Jin throws out what he is thinking of in order to increase his stack.

"Three months ago, you personally said that you like Song Yanyu, I don't know you are such a fickle person."

Tang Jin can be described as thriller, he said suddenly: "Three months ago? When did I say I like him?"

Xu Baichuan didn't expect to talk about this point, Tang Jin had to pretend to be stupid, simply opened up his scars and spread out, "You spend the day of Song Yuyu's birthday, and you say that what you hate me the most is that it's tangled. "

Tang Jin finally recalled that day:

——My friend and you, Song Yanyu, who do you prefer?

-Is this what you want to ask? Do you know what I hate you the most?



Tang Jin's complexion changed in a few moments, and finally he got the clue. He wanted to say and stopped: "What I wanted to say at the time ... was actually knowingly."


"I thought ... you know I like you, and you deliberately asked ..."

Xu Baichuan frowned, looking into the truth of Tang Jin's words: "Why do you think I would know?"

This question was asked by Tang Jin, and he also wanted to know why he used to be convinced that Xu Baichuan knew his feelings, or ... if there was no such thing, would he have been like this forever.

Tang Jin stiffened his head and said, "It's my complacency. You are so kind to me, so good that I know all my habits and hobbies. We are very acquainted. Sometimes I can know what I'm thinking without speaking, so I take it for granted that you know it. "

"I'm so stupid, I never know what you want."


Xu Baichuan listened to these words quietly, watching Tang Jin's difficult but trying to convince him, and never expected that they would pass the wrong way in seven years.

Even if he knew Tang Jin again, he did not dare to have Tang Jin like his own mind. In order not to let his hopes fail, let's pretend that Tang Jin will not like him at the beginning.

Tang Jin never said he liked him, and he never said what he wanted. It is really hard to tell whether Tang Jin hid too deeply or he could ignore it too much.

Just like a joke.

Xu Baichuan really felt ridiculous, oh, they have always been in love.

Those who have substantive pain and torture are actually immersed in their own worlds. One is proud and does not speak, the other is inferior.

In these seven years, he kept reminding himself: you are a mean man, so you deserve to bear all of this, and you are not qualified to feel sad, shame, and pain ... It is the self-aversion born of Tang ’s near love that supports him, He didn't want to collapse, and cheekily faced all kinds of ridiculous irony.

Now Tang Jin told him that all of this was nothing but his own.

They have always been in love.

If that's the case, he just wants to ask Tang Jin: "What are my seven years?"

Tang Jin was speechless.

"If you really like me, can I also have the right to pain, sadness and accountability?" Xu Baichuan wanted to say smoothly, but his voice began to tremble.

"'What do you think?' You really think too much, don't you think that as long as you say you love me, I'm going to cry and be grateful to Dade?" Xu Baichuan didn't have hysteria, but tears burst into tears: "You single Based on my own imagination, I think I am invincible, no matter how cold you treat me, I am willing to be ashamed? "

If Tang Jin does not like it, he still has hope. If Tang Jin likes him one day, how beautiful the world should be. However, after going around, he learned that this world that was about to be overwhelmed by self-disgust, injustice, sarcasm, and all kinds of ridicule was the world where Tang Jin loved him.

It turned out he was only seeking shame.

It's ridiculous.

Tang Jin realized that he was doing something wrong, and he wiped his tears for help. At this moment, the door of the ward suddenly rang. The nurse outside was pushing the car in, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Xu Baichuan, I was wrong, I beg you, give me a chance, I really ..." Tang Jin also choked.

The nurse outside the door knocked tentatively, and Xu Baichuan raised his hand and wiped his face, and said, "Tang Jin, we are still apart, think about each other."

He turned to open the door, put the nurse in, was about to go out, and was suddenly embraced by Tang Jin. Tang Jin had no regard for how many people were present, leaving behind: "Don't go, I beg you, I know I'm wrong, you Let me do whatever I want ... "

He said half, and suddenly he was infarcted. The stomach that had not fully recovered was throbbing because of tension. He bent down uncontrollably, like a whip drawn directly on his stomach. A wave of pain followed a wave, washing Tang Jin's brain. The person in front of him was a bit vague. He clung to Xu Baichuan's clothes over and over again, which he could never reach.

Xu Baichuan was shocked by the sudden change, and quickly helped the nurse to lift Tang Jinyu to the bed.

Tang nearly grabbed Xu Baichuan's hand in a panic and repeated over and over again: "Don't go. I beg you, don't go."

The person in front of me no longer looked like it was in memory, Xu Baichuan forced his hands free, took a step back, and said silently, "Goodbye." Then took a step back, and finally turned out of the ward.

That night, Tang Jin ’s mother rushed from City B to City H and notified Xu Baichuan to see her at the hospital. After Xu Baichuan refused, he booked a ticket to City S and then sat on the sofa until the morning. The shock went out countless times, and he no longer wanted to see it.

The next morning, when he came out of the community with a suitcase, the door of a business car parked at the door suddenly opened. A dignified woman got out of the car and stood in front of the car. The lower jaw was slightly lifted, and all of them were like ants. When they saw Xu Baichuan, Xun Zun said noblely, "Xiao Xu."

The famous Yin Sulan came to visit in person. This was something Xu Baichuan couldn't even imagine before, but now he didn't want to look at her again. He dragged the suitcase and nodded toward Yin Sulan, intending to bypass them.

Yin Sulan was obviously wrong for his so cold appearance. As he walked around, his heels made a crisp sound on the oily road in the winter, her voice was already slightly angry: "You know why I came to you. "

Xu Baichuan stopped, looked up, and looked at this exquisitely-dressed woman, but she also had two eyes and a mouth without three heads and six arms. How could she feel that she was superior to others from the bottom of her heart? He no longer pondered the wording as he had done before, fearing to make her unhappy, but instead said directly: "Then you know my answer."

Yin Sulan does not believe that this person who depends on his son will let go anyway, only when he is holding Joe, for Tang Jin, warned: "Do you know Tang Jin because you have aggravated the disease? If you go back now, I can't blame it before, otherwise don't blame me for being polite. "

Again. A little disobedient to her will face endless juggling.

Xu Baichuan laughed: "Really? Then you shouldn't be kind to me. You came by accident. I'm in a hurry and won't accompany you any more."

Tang Jin is an adult. He always knows that he loves his body. Even if he doesn't love him, there is a group of people crying and begging him to love him. There is no shortage of Xu Baichuan.

Moreover, he was really tired.

Xu Baichuan just stated the facts. Yin Sulan felt that she had been greatly humiliated and touched her bottom line, hurting her face. She stood ugly for a while, and saw Xu Baichuan didn't panic and apologized. Leaning to one side, the driver quickly pulled the door open.

Yin Sulan sat in the car, pressed the window, didn't even look at Xu Baichuan, and said coldly: "Our Tang family door, you're out, don't ever want to come in again."

Xu Baichuan said: "That's really ... wondering."

When I was waiting for the flight, the phone rang a few times. Xu Baichuan never answered. Then several text messages jumped out. He took a look and looked at it. The sender was Tang Jin:

[My mom went to see you, didn't she? 】

[Don't listen to her, she can't represent me. 】

[I didn't want to beat you up, I'm fine, you don't have to worry. 】

[I know it was I doing wrong, I can change everything, and I will keep you, as long as you give me a chance, I can do everything. 】

[Can you answer the phone? 】

[Please answer the phone. 】

[Xu Baichuan, don't you go? 】

Xu Baichuan thought about it and sent him a text message: [If I figured it out, I will come back, if not, let's do it. Rest assured, good luck. 】

This is the second time for Tang Jin to leave his familiar place. The plane arrived in S city before leaving the airport. A teenage boy was holding a big sign with the words "Xu Baichuan" and he left In the past, I bent over and asked, "Is your name Xu Yuanshan?"

The little boy looked back at the middle-aged man standing behind him, and Xu Baichuan also looked up and called out, "Dad."

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